First day of school: Part five

2060 Words
NO ONE POV Kendra rushed into the clinic with Adira in her arms. " Help! Somebody, " she screamed into the small room hurrying towards one of the small cot beds in the clinic. She gently laid Adira on the bed staring at her with worried blue eyes wondering why the girl won't open her eyes. Her friends stood aside watching her worry over the human with a look of confusion. They couldn't understand why she cared so much. That is so out of character for Kendra. " What happened? " A feminine voice asked from behind them. Kendra and her friends turned around to see the school nurse standing behind them. She was a short blonde beautiful woman. She was a werewolf from the Grey Moon pack, an omega. All her friends looked to Kendra to answer cause they were clueless as to what happened to the human. Kendra opened her mouth to answer but a groan from Adira cut her off. Everyone in the room turned as one to look at Adira as she gradually regained consciousness. Adira opened her eyes to find herself in a strange room and immediately fear gripped her until she felt a hand on hers. Kendra noticed the panic look in the green eyes as soon as it opened and held the girl's hand to assure her. " Hey don't be scared you are in the school clinic, " she said in a calm tone. Adira gulped when her eyes met that of the Lamborghini goddess. She became nervous again when those electric blue eyes held hers. W...hat happened? She stammered, her voice trembling slightly as her face infused with blood making it burn. She looked away unable to continue holding her gaze. " I should be asking you that, one minute you are trying to say something to me, and the next thing you are on the floor, out cold. " The redness on Adira face deepened as she flushed in embarrassment recalling what happened. " I don't know, " Adira lied staring at the wall. She can't believe she passes out because she had been too nervous to speak to the girl. " Let me take a look at her, " the nurse said drawing Adira attention to her. That is when Adira realized she wasn't alone with the goddess, there were others. A tall guy, two females who look to be her age, and the older female who just spoke. Adira swallowed when the nurse made her way to her. " Don't be scared, she is the school nurse, " Kendra said again holding the girl's hand. Adira looked at where their hands were joined, her skin burned where the long slender fingers lay on hers. Her eyes moved from their hands to the gorgeous blue eyes and she swallowed when her heart skipped in her chest and began to race in her chest. She quickly looked away to the nurse but didn't withdraw her hand neither did the goddess. It felt good having her hold her. Comforting. " I am Nurse Bradford, I am going to check you, " the nurse said in a kind voice. Adira nodded her head giving her permission. The nurse checked her pulse measured her blood pressure, checked her sugar level, and listened to her heart. " I think she is alright, she just fainted, " the nurse said straightening up from Adira. " That is a relief to hear, " Kendra said with a smile at the girl. " All the same, she should rest for a few hours here, " the nurse suggested. " Good idea and I will stay here with her, " Kendra jumped in before Adira could say anything. " You don't have to do that, " Adira said in a small tone. " I know but I want to, " Kendra said with a shrug of her slim shoulders. " Well, we will be going, " Cody said drawing Kendra and Adira attention to her friends. " Is ok guys, I will catch up with you guys," Kendra said dismissing her friends. The three of them nodded their head gave Adira one more look before walking out of the door. While they walked down the hallway Allyssa brought up their friends' strange behavior this morning and the way she was with the human. " Don't you guys think is kind of strange the way Kendra is acting around that human? " She asked. Cody shrugged his shoulders, he was shocked by his best friend's action too but Kendra can be unpredictable with her action. " I think she was just being kind, " Olivia commented. " Since when, " Allyssa responded with a scoff. She wasn't trying to imply that their best friend wasn't a good person but Kendra has never shown an interest in any human before, though she treats them with courtesy but always at a distance. So is very odd to see her come to the rescue of one. The human female wasn't the only human that the Red Moon Pack has ever bullied, so what makes this human different, she wondered in her mind. " I think we should just drop it. Like Olivia said she was just being kind, " Cody said, his tone indicating that the topic should be dropped. The girls nodded, though Allyssa has this feeling that there was more to it. " See you guys at lunch, " Olivia said diverting towards her class while the other two continued together. They have the same first period. " You know I don't mind if you leave, " Adira tried again to convince Kendra to leave. " I am not leaving you alone here, so stop trying to get me to leave, " Kendra said pulling up her leg on the bed and relaxing back on the chair beside the bed. She brought out her phone to check out her chats. Adira stared at the girl sitting beside her. She was really stunning, she thought taking in her features. Her face was well sculpted like those models on those fashion magazines. " You are staring, " Kendra said when she felt the girl's gaze on her. Adira blushed profusely at being caught ogling the girl. " Sorry, " she apologized in a shy tone. " Don't be, I know I am hot, " Kendra teased in a light cocky tone looking up to smile at the girl. " And modest too, " Adira teased back with a slight smile of her own. " Modesty is for suckers, " Kendra fired back, her smile widening. Adira shook her head at the girl. She has never met anyone like her before. In her old school, the gorgeous girls tend to be mean and cruel seeing that she was always at the butt of their cruelty she tends to keep her distance, but the girl sitting beside her wasn't giving off that mean vibe. Kendra felt the girl staring again but ignored it and concentrated on her chats. Her phone pinged. A chat from Hayden. She smiled and clicked on the text. Hayden: " Where are you? " Kendra: " Missing me, smiling emoji. " She waited with held breath for his response. She and Hayden have always had this subtle flirting routine even though it has never gotten past the flirting with each other stage. Hayden: " You know it, I need my smart gorgeous girl beside me. " Kendra's smile grew wider than an ocean. She had Hayden share classes because the classes they take are advanced classes. They were the most brilliant in their grade and are ties with their GP. The senior year is going to determine who graduates as the Valedictorian. Adira looked up to see the beautiful smile on the girl's face as her fingers clicked with the speed of light on her phone. She wondered who she was chatting with. A boyfriend. Definitely. A girl as stunning as her can't be single. Adira frowned when the thought of the girl having a boyfriend caused her to feel pain in her chest. Does she have a crush? She asked herself and answered herself. Adira doesn't be silly, you just met the girl, and she is a girl. Girls don't have a crush on other girls and you don't even know her name. " What is your name? " Adira asked when her thoughts made her realize that she didn't know the girl's name. " Kendra, " Kendra answered looking up from her phone. " What is yours? " " Adira. " " That is a beautiful name, " Kendra muttered giving Adira a small smile. " Thanks, " Adira replied in a shy tone before rising from the bed. " Where are you going? " Kendra asked moving to Adira side to help her. Adira waved her away. " I am fine. I want to use the bathroom and then we can leave, I think I have rested enough. " " I think that the nurse should be the one to make that call. I will go get her while you use the bathroom, " Kendra said leaving in search of the nurse. Adira wasn't giving a chance to argue before Kendra was out of the room. She sighed amd turned in the direction of the bathroom. When she returned Kendra was waiting with the nurse. " So what is the verdict? " She joked looking at the nurse. " If you can to the bathroom on your own I think you are fit to leave, " the nurse said to the human. Adira turned to give Kendra a happy look, thrilled that she can leave. " Don't you think she should rest a little bit more seeing the way she slumped on the hallway with no course, " Kendra said in a joking tone. Adira glared at her for trying to keep her when she wanted to leave making Kendra chuckled aloud. Adira smiled at how free and beautiful Kendra's laughter sounded and how her face glowed when she is laughing. The nurse looked at the woman and saw the way she was looking at the young Black Moon pack alpha, the human seems to be crushing hard, and then turned to see that the young alpha was smiling brightly at the human with a look in her eyes. Interesting, she thought coughing to break the spell the two seem to be in. Kendra quickly lost her smile and turned to the nurse with a serious look on her face. "Thanks, Kayla, " she said using her first name. "Not a problem, Alpha, "Kayla responded tilting her head away in respect. Kendra nodded and looked at Adira asking with her eyes if she was ready to leave. Adira found it odd the way the nurse addressed Kendra but dismissed as some honorific title they use at this part of the town. Adira murmured her thanks to the nurse and followed Kendra out the door. The bell for the next period rang as Kendra and Adira made their way along the hallway. " What is your next class? " Kendra asked. " English, " Adira murmured. "You? " " Biology. " Kendra saw the look of disgust flash across Adira face. " What? Don't like Biology? " Kendra asked with a teasing smile. " Is my worse subject, " Adira answered with a fake shudder. " Maybe I will make you fall in love with it cause biology is my favorite subject after maths. " " Maybe, " Adira said turning to look at Kendra, before turning to look forward. " I thought biology is the other way? " Adira asked pointing behind her. Kendra nodded. " Yeah, it is but I am walking you to your class. " Adira nodded and they continued in silence. When they got to Adira class, Kendra turned to face her. " We are here my Lady, " She said with a bow. " Thanks, " Adira said blushing at Kendra's gentleman gesture. Kendra chuckled when she saw the red tint on Adira face. " You look when you blush, " she teased before turning to walk away. Adira stood at the door staring as the girl walked away and only turned to enter her class when she couldn't see her shadow.
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