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Episode 2 Episode 2 Arizona "Thank you" I said to the boys after they took me away from Helene and the bullies "It's nothing Meriposa, you're our woman and it's our duty to protect you at all cost" Dylan said patting my head a little What does he mean by their woman? Are you sure this guy is not going bunkers and needs to be treated? "Your woman? I'm not your woman... I'm nobody's woman" I said and shifted away from him a little "You're our woman Meriposa our woman and we are here to take you with us"Dylan said again Making me scared Take me where? Are they going to kidnap me and sell me to slave traders? OMG I'm not going to fulfill my dreams of becoming an accountant! "Yes beautiful you're our mate" Drake added Are these guys okay at all? I said I'm nobody's woman and here they are still spilling garbage "Don't worry Meriposa you will understand when the time comes for now enjoy yourself"Dylan said and stood straight " Alright then let's head to class" Drake said and we all left the empty class We got to class and everyone wouldn't stop staring at us or let me be specific glaring at me and gawking at the D³ We took our sit as Mrs Williams stepped inside to start teaching ______________________________________ Finally it was time for closing and I pick my backpack and scurry out of the class I already made mind to get a part time job I need to search for a part time job so I'll be able to pay my tuition fee since my parents said they won't be able to pay my fees again I saw a notice at a coffee shop, they are looking for a waitress. I walked into the shop and it was filled with customers The interior of the coffee shop has this homely feels that'll make you feel at home once you set your feet inside A waiter approached me and smile gently at me "What do you wanna order Ms?" He asked and I quickly nod my head in a no "I saw the sign outside for the post of a waitress and I'm here to apply"I said to the waiter and he curve his mouth in a Oh shape " Please come with me, I'll take you to my boss" he said and I followed him to a passage and he led me till we got to a door at the extreme of the passage and knocked "Come in" a voice said from inside and he turn the knob before stepping inside and I went with him "Ma'am she's is here for the post of a waitress" he said and the woman who look in her late Forties raise her head up and stare at me "Please sit down"she said ushering me to a sit opposite her and the waiter who led me here left the office "And you are?" She asked "Arizona Banks ma'am" "How old?" She asked again " I'm 17+ma'am" " Why do you need this job? " " Well ma'am I need it to pay for my tuition fees" "No parents?" I contemplated on telling her if I have a parent or not so I just told her what came to my mind "No ma'am I don't have parents, my parents d*ied 2 years ago so I've been living alone and fending for myself" I lied smoothly Well it's partially the truth I mean I've got no parents which is a fact "Alright then you're hired" she said and I beamed happily "Really ma? I'm so grateful ma'am thank you so much ma" I said happily Finally I'll be able to pay my tuition fees and finish my highschool and hopefully go for college "Be sure to be here by 3pm everyday since you'll be working as a part timer" " And also you can resume today if you want" she said and I nodded and she took the office phone and call someone inside.... It was the same guy who led me here "Take her to the changing room and give her a uniform, she's starting today and also brief her on how things are done here" she said to the guy who nodded a bit and then usher me out before taking me to the locker room and Gave me a T-shirt with me name Steamy coffee printed at the back I put on the T-shirt and got to to work There were other waiters around but they couldn't introduce themselves since everyone is busy and I also got busy with them . It was already 5:50 and the shop was void of customers so we started arranging everything and I went to change the sign from open to close. I went to the locker room and met everyone there,they were changing from their uniforms and aprons "Okay so now guys why don't we introduce ourselves to our new colleague"the guy who took me to the boss office said as he stood beside me "Hello beautiful my name is Michael but you can call me Mich and you're?" He asked " Hello everyone I'm Arizona" i said bowing a little " I'm Amy"a girl with blonde said smiling at me "Im Richard" " Joanne" " Sosa" " It's nice meeting you all" I said smiling at them which they returned I took my backpack and bade them goodbye before journeying home I seriously do not know what awaits me at home as I'm late and I did not make lunch and it's almost time time for dinner I got home in 10 minutes since the coffee shop isn't that far from the house I got Inside and met the whole family in the sitting room they were staring at me like I stole their favorite treasure "Where are you coming from young lady?" Mom asked as she glared at me dangerously.....I know she's holding herself from beating the hell outta me "I... I'm...I'm coming from work mom" I said stuttering a bit " Work?" This time it was dad "Yes Dad from work I now work as a part timer at a coffee shop so I can be able to pay for my tuition fee"I said while staring at the floor, I can't look at them in tbe eyes else I'll mop the house with my bare hands The room fell into an uncomfortable silence with Mom throwing d*ath glares at me,dad staring at me blankly,Susan busy scrutinizing me from head to toe while Andrew and Anna were busy solving word puzzle The silence was making me feel like I should just enter the ground "Curfew 6pm,make sure you're back by 6pm sharp or you're sleeping outside"dad said breaking the erring silence and I was at least glad that he has no problem with me working "How can you just let her off the hook like that Sam! She left our kids hungry just to go look for some pathetic job!!!" Mom screamed finally loosing her cool "Calm down Maybelline, I'm not letting her off the hook but I just can't force her to stop working at least she'll be able to pay for her tuition fees herself" " And about our kids,I'm going to employ a part time chef that'll be making them lunch at least it's better to pay for a chef than to spend the money on her education"dad said and I felt a sting in my heart Those darn hurtful words again "Go make dinner" dad said and I ran to drop my school bag before heading to the kitchen without freshing up nor did I change my dress I walk to the kitchen and started making dinner * * * * * Morning came and I did my chores as fast as possible before leaving for school I got to the school gate and I was scared to go inside What if the students attack me again just because the D³ saved me from their claws yesterday Those guys are just putting me into more troubles....I need to warn them to stay away from me A car horn behind me and I turned to see it's the D³'s car "Get in Nerd" Drake said as he whine down "No thanks I'm good" I said before running into the school compound.... They've already cause more than enough harm to me and I wouldn't want to get into more troubles. As usual the students started Throwing dirty glares at me and bumped into me several times. The D³'s car drove into the school and the student started their daily bread..... Screaming! The arrival of the D³ took their attention away and I quickly scurry to class and bend my head on the desk The D³ stepped into the class followed by other students and everyone settled down. ______________________________________ It was time for lunch break and I took my backpack and left for the cafeteria. I sat alone as usual in the cafeteria and brought out my lunch before digging in I heard another hoots and screams and I knew at once that it's the D³ 'please don't let them sit with me today please please please' I prayed inwardly because ever since they came to this school 2 days ago, they've been sitting with me The screams got louder and I turn to see the D³ sitting with Helene!!!! Why??? Just why will they sit with her! I know I prayed they shouldn't sit with me but sitting with her is a no no no They can sit with anybody but definitely not that b***h. She'll be feeling on top of the world right now Drake was whispering something in her ears and she was blushing like a c*w? She fed Mr Frank Angel from her lunch and he took it smiling at her sexily Wait what!!! Mr Frank Angel smiled???? And that because of Helene? I couldn't bear seeing them being all lovey dovey with Helene so I picked my backpack and left the cafeteria Am I jealous? No Am I hurt? No Am I sad? Big fat no I guess that's the biggest lie I've ever told in my life I'm hurt,sad and even jealous but there was nothing I could do... I myself ignored them when they told me to join them in their car Same me ignored Dylan when he was trying to make a conversation with me in class Same me prayed that they shouldn't sit with me in the cafeteria So why am I feeling all these emotions? I caused it myself As I was lost in my thought,I didn't notice the figure standing ahead of me and the figure pulled me into an empty class The force with which the person pulled me made my glass fell from my eyes God not do I see the person now? "Hello Ari" the voice I wasn't expecting!! One of my biggest bullies The betrayal! Frea.king Jackson!!! "Jackson?" I called his name in fear I can't see without my glasses so I wouldn't know when he's about hitting me I could feel his hands on my waist and I could nothing but disgust The hands that I once feel safe in now feels like a thousand thorn is being pierced into my skin "I missed you Arizona,I missed you so fudging much" he said pulling me to himself I wiggled and tried pulling myself away from his grip but he held me so tight and I gave up Fighting and let him hold me "Jackson please let me go....i don't want Helene to come meet us in this position....she's going to get the wrong idea"I begged "you don't have to worry about her meeting us in this position....she's so busy with those 3 guys and wouldn't even remember you a I exist" " But Jackson please I need to get my glass and go back to class....just let me go Jack please"I plead with him " Just for today Arizona,just for today I'll let you go....the next time I see you I'mma bend your a** on a table and f*** your nerdy brain out"he whispered into my ears Making me cringe in disgust He let go of me and helped me pick my glass before walking out out of the class I stood there for 5 minutes to steady my breath before leaving the class I'm sure Jackson got Into an accident which affected his brain that was why he was absent for 3 days Because those sh*ts he's spilling out from his mouth is definitely cr*zy I mean he was the same guy who said I don't deserve love and now he's saying he misses me Ptfff miss my a** I got into the class just when the bell was rung for classes and I took my sit The D³ came into the class and sat down totally ignoring me..... At least I know Mr Frank Angel doesn't acknowledge me but what about Drake and Dylan Most especially Dylan He's always finding ways to talk to me but now? He's ignoring me???? Did I do anything wrong for the three of them to act like I don't exist? "Hello nerd get your b*tt of that seat now" Helene's annoying voice rang into my ears " but this is my seat... If I leave where else should I sit?" " You can have my sit I don't mind" she said giving me glares that said 'stand up or you won't like the outcome ' I felt like drawing the map of the world on her face right now but I held myself I'm no match for her I stood up from my sit and dragged my feet to her sit and her seatmate was busy glaring daggers at me Don't glare at me b***h, I don't want to sit with you either but that Devil have already decide I took my seat and she shift away from me as if I was some plague that should be avoided Anyways it's not my business as I'm used to it. _____________________________________ Steamy coffee I got to the Cafe and as usual it was bubbling with customers I went to the locker room and changed into my uniform before going out and I stayed at the counter "Good afternoon Amy" I greeted Amy as she waltz to the counter "Morning Riri.... 3 cappuccino and 1 black coffee please" seriously? Riri now? " On it" I said making the cappuccino and black coffee then hand it over to her.... She placed it on a tray and left to drop the orders ______________________________________ I got home around 6:15pm then. I quickly went to My room, dropped my backpack and went to the kitchen to prepare dinner ______________________________________ I slumped on my bed tiredly and wanted to do some reading but my bones were too. Weak. To even move a muscle I didn't know when I slept off but the sound that woke me up was that of Anny "Get your lazy self off that bed Arizona... We're late for breakfast!" Anny called tapping me roughly so I can wake up I checked the time and it was past 8 I guess I overslept from tiredness "I'll be down in a jiffy"I told the 12 years old Anny who huffed and stormed out of my room I quickly got up then washed my face before going to the Kitchen * * * * * Today is Saturday and I have to be at the coffee shop by 9 I got dressed and left the house hurriedly....I got to the coffee shop and met only Micheal, Richard and Sosa "Morning Micheal, morning Richard,morning Sosa" I greet as I got into the locker room " Morning Arizona" "Morning Ari" " Morning beautiful" "Is Joanne and Amy not here yet?" I asked them as I can't find them here yet "Nope.... those 2 are a terrible late comers" Sosa said as we made our way out from the locker room I went to my duty post while Micheal, Richard And Sosa went to take orders from customers The coffee shop is fairly full this morning so Micheal,Richard and Sosa were able to manage the orders Joanne and Amy came, cat walking inside like they aren't late "Good morning Riri" Amy greeted "Good morning Arizona" that was from Joanne "Good morning to you two" ______________________________________ It was 12pm and the Cafe had a fair number of customers so we were able to rest for a while The bell signifying that a customer is here rang and I was told to go take the orders since they were all tired I took the jotter and got to table 25 where the customers that just got in where sitting "Your orders please" I said adjusting my glass ready to scribble down their order "Oh look who we have here" I heard Drake's voice and I raised my head to see 3guys on mask and I don't need a soothsayer to kmow that it's the D³ "Your orders...sirs" I said dragging on the sirs What are they doing here? Why come to this place of all places "3 black coffees and a plate of cookies" Dylan said staring at my soul while Mr Frank face was just there engrossed with his phone The guy is too boring for my licking hmph I got to the counter and took their orders before placing it in front of them and walk back to the counter. ______________________________________ The D³ Let's meet the D³ Dylan Smith Drake Smith Dorain Smith Dylan Smith being the first triplet is a hot Greek god with green orbs he inherited from his mom...he's the wisest of the brothers and the most talkative Drake Smith is the second triplet with brown orbs like his father's....he's a sexy Greek god and the most caring of his brothers... Dorain Smith the last triplet is the quite but most powerful among his brothers.... he's Hot, sexy and handsome at the same time The three fallen angels who came to earth in form of a warewolf. The D³ are the future Alpha triplet of the crimson blood pack which is being ruled by their father Alpha Mason Smith and their mother Luna Teresa Smith Before the triplets were born,there was a prophecy that the Luna is going to give birth to Triplet and the fate of who's going to become the future Alpha of crimson blood pack is on a human girl who's going to become their mate but she's going to pick one of the triplets and whosoever she chooses will become her mate and Alpha of the crimson blood pack and together they'll conquer the wicked witch of the forest who has been a treat to all warewolf. The 3 boys were trained to become an Alpha and they were aware of the fact that the fate of who will become the next Alpha is in the hands of a human girl This doesn't sit well with the Triplet as they see no reason why the moon goddess will pair the 3 of them with a weak human The pack needs a strong Luna like their mother not a weak human that'll become the weakness off the Alpha and the pack They are all done with high school and college and are now in charge of their family business in LA When they clocked 19,the Alpha/their father sent them to the human world to go win their mate's heart and bring her to the pack They all set for the quest to go get their human mate and they were able to sniff her to Diamond High In other to be close to their mate,they have to become students of Diamond High which means they have to go back to high school They bought the student form and got admitted They took the next step which was being close to their mate tho they still haven't seen her face but they can smell her They got to the class which they knew their mate was in and her scent was everywhere in the classroom tho missed with other people's scent but hers was more intriguing When they were told to take their seat,they traced the smell till it brought them to A nerd with big nerdy glass and baggy worn out dress They were shocked! As if Being mated to weak human isn't enough she had to be a nerd!!! Is the moon goddess playing games with them right now? How could she do this to them They took their seat and started mind Linking each other "What in the name of P***y did the moon goddess pair us with?" Yelled Dorain as he was boiling with rage "I'm as shocked as you' a fudging boring nerd!??" That was Dylan "Guys guys please be calm....we just have to accept her as she is....and who knows if there's something more to her than a boring nerd" Drake tried reasoning with his brothers " She's too plain for my liking.... I Don't like her" " Sandy,Kate and Cat are 100 times better than her.....why didn't the moon goddess pair us with one of them" Dylan said growling a little so the students wouldn't hear Sandy,Kate and Cat are their best friend from diaper,they are the children of the Beta,Delta and Gemma of the crimson blood pack "Let's just take everything as it is guys and remember she has to pick just one of us and the rest of use get to mate with whosoever we want"Drake reasoned " Yeah you're right...the sooner she falls for one of us the sooner we get out of here....easy peasy..... because I'm already getting suffocated in this classroom"Dylan agreed "She better don't choose me else I'll make her life a living hell" Dorain vowed and cut his mind link They all thought the boring nerd was going to fall for their charm immediately but they never knew she already created a barricade in her heart after being betrayed by her first love Tho they saw her drooling when she saw them but that was it Their mate is being difficult... They tried being close to her but she was proving hard to get They were getting frustrated by her nervous and awkward self. She kept bowing her head and fidgeting with her fingers.... staring at them nervously and making a total mess of herself in their presence Was this the kind of person the moon goddess want them to rule with? How is she going to help them fight the evil witch when she's looking like a scared cat? They thought maybe making her their tour guard would make her feel at ease with them but no she kept stuttering and what not When they got to school the next day and saw the students bullying their mate....they all felt something move in them They were seeing red but had to control themselves.....nobody has the right to bully their mate except them And seeing her looking so pitiful on the floor made them want to cuddle her tiny frame in their arms and whisper sweet nothings in her ears .... Dylan who was holding himself from ripping off their heads from their neck passed a Stern warning to the students while Dorain went to pick her up and Drake took her schoolbag. It's been 3 weeks already.....3 weeks trying to make their Mate fall for them but she was proving difficult. They have tried every means to make her fall for them and even went as far as using her bully to make her jealous but their Tiny little mate was being too difficult D³'s Mansion The 3 boys were seated in Drake's room talking about their mate.... "At this point I'm getting frustrated and I wish I can just quit this and stop running after a plain nerd"Drake whined as he laid on his bed "I know right but we can't quit,it's a must the three of us Participate in this"Dylan replied him checking out his face with Drake's dressing mirror "Dorain you're not saying anything" Drake said whining again. You'd think that he's the last triplet with his childish behavior sometimes Dorain who was so engrossed with his phone raised his eye brow and gave his brothers a bored look "Talk about what exactly? My time is too precious to talk about some nerd"he said rolling his eyes " That nerd is our mate Dorain and if we don't make her fall for us or find a way of bringing her with us back to the pack then father will not allow us return to the pack" " We can always kidnap her Dylan" Dorain said nonchalantly "Well we're Alpha born not kidnappers" Drake replied him rolling his eyes " Whatever bro I'm off to the pool " Dorain said walking out of the room ______________________________________ Arizona It's been 3 weeks since I started working,3 weeks since the D³ came to our school and 3 weeks since I was free from bullies but not from death glares.... 3 weeks since the D³ started ignoring me and I could careless as I have better things to do 3 weeks since I last bump into Jackson in a quite place......not like he's always in school,he rarely comes to school and if he's in school he'd barely attend classes I was able to ask for half payment of my salary from my boss since I haven't worked up to 1 month yet and she was kind enough to give me the full payment and I was able to pay for my school fees..... Currently I'm inside my room reading for my final exam which is in 3 days......can't believe I'll be graduating from my high school next week.....then prom will be in 2 weeks time.....and about prom No one have asked me to be their date for prom yet......not like anyone would want to be my date I even doubt if I'll attend "Arizona dear,your dad and I needs to talk to you meet us downstairs in 2 minutes" I heard mom's voice said sweetly Wait,did she just call me Dear? Dear? Is the world coming to an end? The last time mom spoke so sweetly to me was 8 years ago.... I hurriedly stood up from my bed before adjusting my nightwear and exit the room "Sit down" dad commanded and I sat down on the Sofa They were both staring at me with a smile on their face Wait what??!!! A smile? Wow this is getting creepier than I thought "Urm dad, mom" I called "Yes let me go straight to the there's this important deal I need to crack with this big company and its going to take our business to the next level of success" dad said pausing for a while to stare at my facial expression Okay why is he telling me this? Wasn't he supposed to pass this information to his daughter instead? Why share it with me And then he continued after studying my neutral face "But in other to sign the deal, they ask for something in return"dad stopped and Mom Continued " He asked your dad to get one of our daughters married to him" Okay they have 2 daughters, Susan 19 and Anny 12 I wonder who they're going to give to the man They definitely can't get Anny married to him as she's still a kid then that leave us with Susan Susan is in her second year in college so getting married now wouldn't be that bad..... After all the guy would be a handsome young billionaire But now my question is....why isn't mom and dad calling Susan to inform her about this......why tell me????? "You must be wondering why we called you instead of Susan right? " Dad asked and I nodded " Well it's because we want you to get married to him" dad spilled making me choke on nothing What!!!!!!!! Get me married at this age? I'm just 17 and will be 18 in 2days They want me to get married now????? Are they that desperate to get rid of me? They should have just kicked me out instead of bringing out this marriage trash "But dad,I'm just 17 how do you expect me to get married at this age???" " You'll be 18 soon Arizona and then you'll be legal" " But I'm not even your daughter!! You always remind me of the fact that you guys picked me up from the woods when you went on a family vacation!!! If there's anyone who should get married here then it should be Susan or even Anny because they are your daughters and the man wants one your daughters!!"I said with my voice rising " You don't shout at me young lady and your decision is not needed....we just called you to inform you about it"dad said flaring up " And you should be happy we're doing you a favor of getting married to a wealthy owe us your life for saving you and taking care of you so whatever decision we make is what you will follow understood?" Yes I appreciate them for taking care of me all these years even tho I've been nothing but a slave to them But still making me get married to a total stranger just to sign a stupid deal is just crazy " He's coming over for lunch tomorrow so you have to take a day off from your work tomorrow.... leave" mom said and I dragged my feet to my room as my body was too weak to move on its own how can they be so wicked to push me into an early just how could they!! I got into my room but couldn't read anymore as my brain was numb
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