
5000 Words
Episode 3 Arizona Next day I got up from my bed and head towards the bathroom to release the liquid in my bladder I was done and I washed my hands after flushing the pee before exititing the bathroom and then the room I head downstairs and saw mom and dad in the living room. I had plan on avoiding them till lunch but I guess it's not going to happen as they're in the sitting room and I have to pass through the sitting room before getting to the kitchen Curse my luck "Good morning Mom, good morning Dad" I greeted as I walked past them trying to head to the kitchen but mom's voice stopped me "There's no need for you to make breakfast Arizona,you can go get dressed for school and don't forget about lunch" she said not even sparing me a side glance Not like I want them to look at how pathetic I am anyways And about lunch,it just made me remember that I'm getting married in few days time I went back To my room and got dressed for school I have no mirror in my room for me to check how I look everyday And what's even there to check? Absolutely nothing.....I wouldn't even want to see my ugly face myself I left the house and started my journey to school on foot like I do everyday just that the difference between today and other days is that I'm very early today as I didn't make breakfast nor did I wait to have breakfast I still have some money left from my salary so I'll get something In the school cafeteria I got to school in less than 20 minutes and I head towards my class the school was a little bit scanty since most of the students haven't gotten here Before I could get to class,I saw Jackson In the hallway smirking creepily at me No,this is not good.... Not him please... I already have enough problem on my hand and seeing him now won't help me solve a thing but only worsen it He started taking predatory step towards me and I turn around to run away from his sight only for him to grip my hand and started pulling me with him The students in the hallway were staring at me with nothing but satisfaction Satisfied that I'll be getting bullied once again since they haven't been able to do that for 3 weeks now, Curtsey to the D³ He pulled me towards the empty class he pulled me to the other time "We meet again Arizona....I guess I've given you enough space"he said biting my earlobe a little making me cringe is disgust This guy is a psycho and needs to be taken to a psychiatrist Why didn't I realize this earlier before dating him huh.... I guess my love for him blinded me from seeing the type of a psycho he is "Let me go Jackson please just let me go" I said moving my head from his face I pray someone should come inside and save me from him Anyone at all.... Right now I don't mind if it's the D³ "You remember my promise the last time right?" That imma going to bend you over a table and F your nerdy brain out" he said smirking at me "Just let me go please I beg you..... Don't touch me please"I plead desperately but he wasn't listening to my plea His eyes were glistening with nothing but lust as he caged me between a table holding my both hands with one hand then held my head in place with his other hand them started nibbling on my neck He's going to r*pe me!! He's going to rape me!!!!! I won't be able to face the trauma of being R*ped I'm going to d*e..... I can't let him have his way with me so I started trashing my body in his hold but he wouldn't even budge so I had no other option than to do what came to my mind I hit him in the place where the sun doesn't shine I fudging knee him on his crotch and he let go off me immediately holding his D*** in pain I use that opportunity to try running away but he got hold of me immediately and threw me to the floor I guess I didn't hit him that hard for him to recover that quick " How dare you b***h! How dare you raise your dirty knee to hit me" he yelled in anger and I flinched I started shifting backward on my butt as he was approaching me dangerously Dear God please save me from this guy, I promise to do anything you want me to do..... Just please save me from this monster He got to me and held my neck so tight that I was gasping for hair "You had better cooperate with me b***h else I won't hesitate to k**l you" he said dangerously and I swallowed a sob that was threatening to come out "W...hy ar..e you this me Jack? Just why? I did nothing wrong to you so please let me go.... Please" I cried begging him but he wasn't listening to me He was so engrossed in trying to tear my dress which he did successfully and my worn our black bra came to view He stared at my average boobs for a while before ripping my bra off God no.... No please... Is this how I'm Going to Get r***d? Did I commit any sin in my past life for me to experience all these suffering? I tried fighting him off but he gave me two dirty slap on my cheek before releasing a heavy blow on my stomach making me cry in pain I lost all the strength to fight with him so I left him to do whatever be wanna do with me I'm definitely going to visit the nearest bridge and jump off the bridge... thankfully I can't swim so dying would be very easy I already gave up hope of anyone coming to save me.... I resign myself to my cruel fate The door of the empty class flew open and the next thing I felt was Jackson being pulled from me and thrown to the wall I cover the torn part of my dress and I couldn't look at my saviour as I was too ashamed to raise my head.... I am a crying mess right now "How dare you lay your filthy hands on a woman!" I heard a growl coming from my saviour and the next thing that follow was the sound of punch Jackson kept yelling in pains as my saviour kept beating him to pulp I felt my body leaving the ground and I tried to wiggle away from the grip thinking he was about to touch me in a bad way "Stay calm beauty will you?" I raised my head a bit to stare at his face and saw that It's one of the D³ Drake Smith!!!! I thought they were ignoring me I thought they hate me now? No no I'm not being ungrateful I'm just shocked and at the same time glad He walked out of the class with me in his arms and went to heaven knows where ______________________________________ Drake I got to school with my brothers and was feeling pressed so I left them and head towards the restroom I was done doing my business and I left the restroom and started heading to class when I heard a faint sound of slap If it was a normal human, they wouldn't have been able to hear it but being a warewolf make our sense of smell and hearing sharp I wanted to ignore the sound because it's non of my business but my wolf kept disturbing me to go check so I had no other option than to head towards the direction of the noise I could perceive this sweet Vanilla smell coming from the hallway where the sound came from I know this scent very well,it's the scent of our mate!!! I traced the scent and it led me to a door and I could hear our mate pleading for someone to let her go I pushed the door open with force and all I could see was red... my brain was screaming k**l him k**l him I saw a guy hovering on top our mate and with the shape of her torn shirt and weak frame,I could tell what was going on already I marched to them and lift the guy from her before throwing him to the wall "How dare you lay your filthy hands on a woman!"I yelled and gave him a punch with sent him crashing into the seats breaking them in the process I went to him and started giving him light punch Yes light punch.....using my warewolf strength will make me k**l him and I don't want to kill him as we were told not to hurt any human It took me a lot to stop my wolf from taking in charge and ripping his head off I made sure to disfigure his face and rupture 3 of his ribs I also made sure I break the hands he used in hurting mate and he was just busy screaming in pain like the weak human he is I left him after I was satisfied with my art work on him before moving to mate who was crying so hard while holding her torn shirt The sight of mate being like this make me wanna go back and end the fu**** existence but mate needs me right now I pick her up in a bridal style and she started trashing trying to get away from my hold She has this scared look on her face and I felt something twitch inside me "Stay calm beauty will you?" I said trying to calm her... she stopped moving and raised her head to stare at me I head out of the class with her in my hands thankfully the hallway was empty and there was no student around I walked to the garage and opened the car door then drop her inside then mind link my brothers to meet here They came and the chauffeur drove us out of the school We got to our Mansion and I picked mate who was already sleeping and head to the guest room then dropping her on the bed I jogged down the stairs and met my brothers who were already waiting for me for an explanation "What happened to her? Why did you bring her here and why is she looking like a mess" Dylan asked raising his brows at me "A D*** tried raping her"I informed them "What?" "TF!" They both yelled and I quickly told them to bring their voice down to avoid waking her up "Who is the mf?" Dylan asked "I don't know him..... Don't recognize him"I replied shrugging my shoulder "I hope he's 6ft down the earth already?" Dorain asked Dylan and I both stare at him as if he has grown horns He never cared about her so why the sudden question if her culprit is 6ft down the earth "What?why the stare?"He asked rolling his eyes at us "Dude you never cared about mate why care if the guy who tried harming her is alive or not"I asked still staring at him " No matter how much I try to ignore the fact that she's our mate,I just can't help it.... Weak or nah she's still our mate"he said " And I talked to Dad last night about me not being interested in this quest and he said it's a must we all participate in it.... Else we're not only going to loose the throne but also be demoted to an Omega" " What!!! Is dad being serious right now? He's going to Disown his own blood because of a human!" Dylan whisper yelled so as not to wake Mate up "So I guess we have to accept her now....we have no choice than to"I said sighing " We should give this a shot and see how it goes"Dorain said and then picked the TV remote switching the TV on 'yeah we should' I said in my head before closing my eyes in deep thought * * * * * * Arizona woke up with a thump in her head and her head was aching bad. Her sight was blury and she used her hand to search for her glass which she found laying beside her..... she wore it and can now see clearly She look around her environment and saw that she was in an unfamiliar room. The room is big and well furnished and she could feel herself laying on something extremely soft 'where am I?' she thought to herself lifting her body from the bed and started leaving the room She was confused, not knowing where she's going to but she just kept moving her feet to wherever it takes her to She could see how beautiful the house is and she's guessing the owner must be very rich She saw a staircase leading downstairs and she took it walking slowly as her head is still pounding She got downstairs and saw 6 orbs staring at her like she's an interesting movie It's no other than the D³ ' why is the D³ here?... Why are they here?? How did I even get here!! ' she screamed in her head "Oh wow my shirt looks sexy on you" Drake's voice said jotting her out of her thought He wore her the shirt earliet when she was moving uncomfortably on the bed courtesy to the baggy dress she was putting on He wouldn't deny the fact that she's got a fine a** shape.... Yes he saw her body when he was undressing her ' How cruel for her to use those baggy dress to hide those curves ' he had thought to himself while staring at her wide hip and tiny waist She stare down at herself and saw that she's putting on a big top which stopped at her thigh She quickly used her hand to cover herself..... 'why am I in his shirt? What happened to me!' she thought and the event of earlier flashed into her head How she was walking and got pulled into a class by Jackson How he tried raping her How he tore her shirt and how her saviour came to her rescue Thinking about it now she remember seeing her saviour and it was Drake But why is she here? Whose house is this? "What am.i doing here" she finally found her voice and asked . " Well Drake brought you here when you slept off since we don't know where you stay"Dylan replied taking a bite from the apple In his hand "How long have I been sleeping?" She asked " You were out for 6hours and it's 13 minutes past 3pm now" and then it clicked her brain....she was supposed to be home by now for lunch with her soon to be 'husband' "Oh s**t" she cursed "Where's my dress? Where did you keep my dress" she asked already panicking " Calm down okay stop panicking not like we're going to eat you" Drake said walking closer to her but she shifted back making him furrow his brow " Please my dress,I need to go home ASAP" she said frantically still panicking...... Her adopted parents are going to k**l her She's fudging late "Your dress is upstairs..... the room you came out from and I disposed your top as it was already torn" he replied her and she ran back to the room and saw her dress on the couch inside the room She picked her baggy trouser and quickly wore it before picking her backpack and took her phone which she saw on the dressing table She unlocked her phone and saw 20 missed calls and 7 text messages from both her parents She knew she's d**d already they're going to k**l her that's a known fact. She ran back downstairs and was about reaching for the door when Drake's voice stopped her "I'll drop you off" he said picking the key to his power bike "No you don't have to worry,I've stressed you enough and wouldn't want to stress you more" she replied " You don't even know where you are beautiful so tell me how you intend on finding your way"he said stepping outside and she cursed herself True she doesn't know where she is and wouldn't be able to find her way back herself plus getting a ride from him doesn't sound like a bad idea after all it'll make her journey quick She ran after him from behind and they got to a garage where different type of power bikes are parked She was mesmerized by the sight of the beautiful power bikes and wish she can just own one herself But heck.... That's a future impossible tense plus she doesn't even know how to drive one He drove out a green sparkling bike and gave her an helmet which she gladly took before hopping behind him putting on the helmet "Hold my waist very tight if you don't wanna fall beautiful" She held his wait tight as he said and his body felt tensed..... Feeling her soft arms wrapped around him was doing things to him She gave him the direction to her house and he input it on the google map before starting the bike and drove out of the compound hitting the road At first she was scared as she's never rode on a bike before but she got used to it and started laughing as the breeze hit her skin She was feeling so alive and happy at the moment that she forgot the problem waiting for her at home He got to their estate and she told him to stop the bike few houses away from hers She got down from the bike and he felt disappointed when he couldn't feel her soft arms around him again "Thanks for the ride Drake... Thanks for everything...for saving me,taking care of me and also bring me home"she said and hand him the helmet "It's nothing beautiful,it's my duty to protect and take care of you" he said and smiled at her making her blush "Alright I've got to go...bye Drake" she said before running away to her apartment Drake watched her as she got to a house and entered the compound before speeding off Arizona got home and saw a strange car package in their compound and she guessed it must be the so called husband She went inside and saw her parents in the living room chatting with an elderly man She eye searched for any young man but couldn't find one..... 'maybe he didn't come ' "Good afternoon mom,good afternoon dad" she greeted her parents and tried walking away from their sight when her dad called her back "Didn't you see our guest?" He asked "I'm sorry dad....good afternoon sir" greets the old man who smiled out his ugly teeth at her "Good afternoon are you" he asked making Arizona cringe from the Angel "Fine thanks" she said and tried walking away when her dad told her to sit ' not again ' she thought to herself before sitting down on a single couch "Why are you just coming back from school now? I told you we were having a guest"her dad seethed " Something came up in school that's why I'm late"she lied..... She probably can't announce to them that she almost got raped... They might not even believe her so why the stress "Remember what we discussed last night Arizona?" Her dad asked and she nodded How can she forget how her family planned on selling her off to a total stranger for a stupid deal "Good.... Meet Mr Parker,your husband" he dropped the bombshell pointing at the old man " What!!!" She couldn't help the scream as she wasn't expecting her so called husband to be an old man How do they expect her to get married to a man who is old enough to be her grandfather???? No wonder they didn't give Susan to the man because they don't want their daughter to be tied to a wrinkled grandfather Can this people stop showing her how despicable they can be Everytime? What is this??? First was turning her to the family slave Second was making her pay her tuition fees herself since they can no longer waste their money on a liability Third was informing her about some stupid marriage and now this? Throwing her off to an old Grandpa? ' I've had enough,this is the height of it ' she said to herself "Why did you scream young lady? You better pull yourself together... You'll be getting married to him tonight.... Your dress is already inside your room" her mom said giving her one of her best fake smile Okay now they've just broken her last straw of patience "Mom,dad.... I'm not getting married today!I'm not getting married! to anybody! And definitely not to a man who's old enough to be my grandfather!!!" She screamed and stood up from the couch " And you Mr Parker, you're so shameless for trying to get married to an underage girl who's old enough to be your granddaughter"she spat at him before running out of the house The nerve of those people to think they can force her into an arranged early marriage to an old man She kept running till she was sure to be very far away from home She stopped at a park and went inside.....she could see parents playing with their children and the kids won't stop laughing and giggling It made her remember when she was still a kid Yes her parents always bring them to the park but she was always left alone to play all by herself Instead of playing with her, her dad will play with Susan and Anny... make them ride on a rollercoaster and merry goes round while her mom would be busy smiling at her family while rubbing her little baby bump (she was pregnant of Andrew) Anytime she try telling her dad she wanna ride on a rollercoaster or merry goes round, he'll sweet talk her away She gave a long sigh and closed her eyes as a tear rolled down her cheek ______________________________________ Arizona got home and was glad that her family have all retired to bed She quickly scrambled to her room shutting the door and fell on her bed She'll be 18 tomorrow and legal, she'll be able to move out of the house after saving her salary for 3 months.... 'I really can't wait to turn 18' she thought to herself and then remembered something Her parents gave her a box saying they saw it beside her when they saw her in the woods They tried opening it to see what was inside but the box wouldn't budge She hasn't opened the box since the gave it to her She stood up and pulled the box from under her bed It was looking so old and dusty She open it and the first thing she saw was a beautiful black skull shaped necklace.... She feel drawn to the necklace immediately....she saw a paper inside the box and took it reading the content It says wear the necklace on your 18th birthday and make sure you never remove it....ever She guessed it must be her parents that dropped the note inside Maybe with the necklace she'll be able to find her real family just maybe She dropped the necklace and the paper inside the box before dropping it beside her and off she went to dream Land Next day Arizona woke up at about 4am in the morning and was feeling so strange.....she felt full,she felt so heavy.....her head was pounding..... She was hearing voices different type of voice and she didn't know where the voices were coming from Her ears could pick even the slightest of sound made from an aunt and it's killing her She felt like she's going to d*e "Please make it stop please" she cried closing her ears tight as the pain was k**ling her She heard a voice whisper in her ears to put on the necklace and she did so without even thinking twice Immediately the necklace came in contact with her skin,she felt light, weak and drowsy.....she couldn't fight the drowsiness as she slept off _____________________________________ 7am Arizona woke up feeling much better, forgetting about the thing that happened to her earlier She did her morning business and head to the kitchen to make breakfast for the family but before she could get to the kitchen a hand pulled her hair and dragged her to the sitting room She was pushed to the floor and saw her whole family giving her a dangerous look Her dad's eyes was blazing with fury while her mom was shooting her poisonous arrows with her eyes Yeah she know she's d**d She knew they weren't going to let her go for the stunt she pulled yesterday She was ready...... Ready for any punishment "You little wh**e" her dad cursed lifting her from the floor with her hair "Do you know what the stupid stunt you pulled yesterday has cost me!?" He yelled at her face She just stood there groaning in pains from the way her dad was gripping her hair "I lost a billion dollar contract because of you!" " Your stupidity cost me billions of naira!" He screamed 'Seriously? How is it my fault?' she thought to herself He has other daughters that he can easily get married to the man so why is he putting the blames on her "B..but.. dad,you still have Susan, she'll gladly help you secure the contract as she's your daughter,she wouldn't mind getting married to a grandpa just to help her dad"She managed to say but she regrets it immediately as her dad gave her the soundest slap she's ever received in her life She felt her head spin and tears voluntarily started streaming out of her eyes Her dad let go of her before before removing his belt and started giving her the beating of her life After beating her to his satisfaction,he ordered his wife to throw her out of the house "I don't ever want to see your useless self in my house again"he said and her mom started using her hair to drag her out of the house Right now she was a crying mess.....she's got bruises all over her body and her head ache so bad A part of her glass got broken when her dad was trashing her and she could barely see with just one part "Go and never return" her mom said and spit on her face before slamming the door behind her God! She felt like dying....she felt like giving up already..... This is too much of a pain She can't bear the pain anymore She needs to end the pains forever,she needs to stop feeling these pains forever And with that thought in mind,she raise her weak and battered body from the floor and left the house She's going to end all her suffering.....she's going to end everything now She left the estate and was walking on the road not caring about the look people were throwing her way Not caring about anything The only thing in her mind was ending her life and she was gonna do it She started walking towards the busy road and people kept shouting at her to leave the road but the only thing she could hear was the belt hitting her skin A car was speeding towards her and before the driver could step on his break the car already hit her sending her flying on the air and her body hit the floor with a loud thud The driver seeing what he had done quickly drove off in fear running away Everyone was gathered around her body with her blood surrounding her "Someone please call an ambulance" a middle age woman screamed from the crowd Some women were crying at the sight of Arizona's body on the floor The ambulance came and took her away from the scene _____________________________________ The D³ where in their Mansion getting ready for school Dorain skipped down the stairs and walked to the sitting room..he took the remote and switch on the TV just to pass time while waiting for his brothers to get dressed Immediately the TV came on,he saw a news about an accident that happened few minutes ago He was about changing the station when he saw the face of the accident victim Tho the face looks so battered he could still recognize it "What the F!!" He heard a loud scream from behind him...he turned seeing his brothers there Their mate was there on the floor..... Lying in the pool of her own blood Their mate!!! Their mate!!! Without wasting a second they all ran out of the house rushing to the garage as they hop into a black SUV with Drake as the driver He drove out of the Mansion crazily and head for the hospital that she was being taken to..... They saw the name of the hospital on the ambulance They didn't even obey the traffic as the only thing on their mind was their mate They could hear the cops trailing behind them as they kept telling them to stop their car but they could careless about them right now the only thing on their head was their mate nothing else
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