Black and blue

5000 Words
Next day Arizona I woke up to the ray of sunlight shining directly on my face Ugh just when I was enjoying my sleep "Oh princess you're awake... I'm so sorry for disturbing you, didn't want to disturb your sleep... Guess I wasn't quite enough"Luna Teresa sorry I mean Mother blabbed as she adjusted the curtains Calling her mom feels so strange I mean yeah I called my adopted mother mom but yeah she is human but now this woman right here is a wolf so yeah.... That's why it feels strange "It's fine mom good morning" I greeted as I got down from the bed while rubbing my eyes gently "Morning daughter how was your night?" She asked and placed a soft kiss on my forehead "My night was great, never slept this well in years"I said truthfully " Oh well that's good to hear" "Alright now go take your bath and come down for breakfast then after breakfast we can go for shoppingggggg"she shrieked like a teenager making me laugh " Alright mom" I said still laughing as I went to do my morning business _____________________________________ "Hey there Meriposa" a voice said making me jump in fear I turn around to see the intruder only to see Dylan grinning at me This I*diot "What in the world are you doing here you pervert!"I screeched using my hand to cover my chest "Seriously Meriposa,that's not how to say hello to your future husband and you should drop your hands from your chest there's nothing out in the view"he said making me glare at him " Why didn't you knock,what if I was naked" I said angrily " Well you aren't" he said smiling sexily and I almost drooled.... Almost, I didn't actually drool or maybe I did a little "Why are you here anyways" I asked dropping my hands from my clothed chest.... yeah I was already dressed "Mom said I should come call you for breakfast" He said " Alright then I'm ready let's go" I said brushing my hands through my hair and then adjusting my dress "After you Ms" he said acting like the perfect gentle man he isn't I scoffed and waltz past him and he followed We were almost at the dining room when this Id*iot felt holding my hand was fun I threw him a glare and tried removing my hands from his but he held it tight till we got to where the others were waiting Mom threw a wink at me as she saw our joined hands or rather our forced hands while the 2 out of the 3 girls there were glaring at me....the other people on the table Smiled at me and we exchanged greetings. Well Drake and Dorain were engrossed in their phone Dylan pulled out a chair for me and I threw him a glare but he only chuckled taking a seat beside me The Alpha came and took his seat at where the head of the family always sit The maids started dishing out the food and poured wine for everyone Who would have thought I'll ever dine and wine in riches Everyone started eating in total silence before the Alpha decided to break the silence "Yeah Arizona,your mother told me you girls will be going out for shopping.... I want you to have all the fun you can have okay?"he said smiling at me " Thanks sir,I will"I said bowing a little to him "And you should start calling me father've started calling your mom mother,you should call me father too we're already family" he said making me stare at him I was awed.... He wants me to start calling him father? Like the King of this pack wants me to call him Dad..... I feel... I dunno "Urm okay Si... I mean okay Daddy" I stuttered smiling nervously " Now I love the sound of Daddy.... Come give Daddy a hug" he said opening him arms I stared around nervously.... Drake, Dylan,Cat and the Beta, Delta, Gamma Couples were smiling at me while the other 2 Bi****s were k*****g me with their glares.... Dorain was just there staring blankly I think he's a sadist.....Mr frank face I looked at mom who gave me a bright smile nodding at me And I look at The Alpha whose arms were still open "Baby girl my arm is beginning to hurt" Dad said and I stood up quickly going to give him a hug He embraced tightly stroking my hair that was resting on his chest He was sitting down and I was standing but still I could only get to his chest No don't get me wrong,I'm not short....I mean I'm 5'5ft tall that's a normal height for girls right? I guess he's just too tall We disengaged from the hug and he pulled out something from his pocket and gave it to me "Doctor Adams wanted to give this to you for your scars but you fainted before he could" he said chuckling Making me blush in embarrassment "Thanks Dad" I thanked him before going to take my sit and continue my meal "Honey,here is my credit card for the shopping with Arizona"Dad said handling mom a black card "Awwn you're such a darling" mom cooed pulling dad's cheek The love between this too was glaring.... I wish I could get a husband that's going to love me till old age too We were done eating and I left the dining with Mom and we both head towards her room to get her purse A knock sounded on the door and Mom muttered a come in The door flew open and in came 3 women "Teresa,we were wondering if we could go shopping with you guys yunno mothers and daughters shopping" The Beta's wife Sasha said as they came inside " Hmmmm I'll think about it" mom said while applying a mascara on her eye lids (Sorry I have no idea about makeups so I don't really know if a mascara is applied on the eye lids or eye brow sorry you can as well correct me in the comment section...we learn everyday) "Come on Teresa...please" Lady Ruth the Gamma's wife begged but mom said nothing just applied her makeup "Just say yes already Teresa mmm please, remember you've always wanted us all to go for girly shopping with our daughters and now that you have a daughter why not let us do it now pretty please with cherry on top"Lady Tina the Delta's wife plead blinking her eyes at mom who was staring at them with a blank expression on her face "Fine fine fine you win okay you let's start going so we can beat the traffic"mom said making them squeal I swear these women act like teenagers including mom...gosh We left the room and head towards the garage to meet Kate,Cat and Sandie waiting for us We took two cars and left the pack house driving to God knows where I was sitting behind the white Bugatti mom was driving with Kate beside me while her mom was sitting on the passengers seat The Gamma and Delta wives rode another car with their daughters We got to a biggg shopping mall with the tag Helene's secret just like Victoria secret in the human world We stepped inside with everyone bowing at mom as we walked past them The eight of us walked to the clothes section and Mom started picking every beautiful dress her eyes laid on that's after checking if they're my size of course It even got to a point that I started feeling pity for the poor shop attendants that were pushing the trolleys The other women were at the other clothes section with their children After picking almost all the dresses in the store,we went to the shoe section where beautiful shoes where In display My eyes watered at the beautiful shoes that were out in display Mom told me to go pick my choice and I couldn't be anymore grateful I was able to pick 10 pairs of shoes 3 heels,4 slip on,2 sneakers and 1 flip flop Mom added 3 sneakers and 2 heels making everything 15 and then we went to the bags section and I was able to pick 5 hand bags and 2 purses but as usual mom added 3 purses to it making them 10 We are sure gonna empty dad's credit card with the rate at which we're shopping extravagantly The 4 women left to pay for the things we all bought leaving me with Kate,Cat and Sandy The girls were chatting about something I don't give two Fs about while I just stood there staring at nothing in particular The mothers came and we hopped into our cars that's after mom had called some messengers to come get what we bought We stopped at a phone shop and Mom got me Huwei P50.....I was thrilled!!! Me??? Huwei P50??? Yes the phone is not that popular but it's 10 times better than iPhone 14 Don't be surprised that I know what phone is better or what being a nerd doesn't mean I have zero Idea about phones,the brands and how good they are Mom also registered a new sim card for me as I had lost my sim along with my phone We went to a beauty parlor to get manicure and pedicure treatment and also style our hairs I told the hairstylist to braid my hair in a simple braid but mom told her to wash it with every chemical in the Parlor and also to add some gel that'll make it sparkle before before braiding it into a beautiful cornrow.....she told them to get rid of my glass and fix a blue Eye lens for me instead After the stylist were done with my hair, Mom and the other women were gushing at how pretty I look and I won't deny the fact that for the first time in my life I looked pretty As usual I was receiving glares from the other 2 girls while Cat and I haven't exchanged words since morning We left the parlor after getting our girly treatment We drove out to a ice cream parlor and we ordered for our choice of flavour I ordered for Vanilla flavour,my favorite "Alright girls so far so good I am so tired... I hope you Enjoyed yourself Ari? "Mom asked and I nod my head in a yes and her face beamed with smiles " You know what ladies" mom said addressing the other women "Why don't we leave our daughters to get to know each other.... Yunno the triplet and your kids are friends, I want Arizona to be friends with your kids too... I wouldn't want her to be always bored in the pack"mom said and my eyes widened Seriously??? No mom, I don't wanna know anything about these girls at all ... It's clear they don't like me and I don't like them either "That's a great idea Luna.... Let's take another table and leave them to have some chat"Lady Tina said and with that they all stood up leaving me with these B***hes No one said word, we were just busy staring at each other or rather glaring at each other We went on and on with our glaring contest till Cat broke the glares with a scoff "Seriously girls, are we just gonna sit down and glare at each other? Our parents left us so we can get to know Arizona and not glare at ourselves"Cat said and then huffed in annoyance " Get to know her? I'm sorry I ain't interested"Kate said staring at me hatefully " well,I ain't interested in knowing b***hes too"I said giving her the same hateful stare she was passing at me " You see what she's saying to Kate Cat? And you want us to get along? Sorry to burst your bubbles, I don't like her" Sandy said with an eye roll... " FYI, I don't like you too.... You can go F yourselves for all I care" I said glaring at them " Stop it girls, you guys are giving me headache" Cat said massaging her temple and then continue " The Luna, Lady Tina, Lady Sasha and Lady Ruth are best of friends right from when they were in their youth and it's only normal for we their daughter to get along as well just like them" " Well we get along with the triplet don't we?" Sandy asked " Yeah we do but they are guys and we are girls...The Luna wants us to be friends with her daughter too" " Sorry Cat, but I ain't interested in being friends with them"I said eyeing both of them before calling Mom to inform her that we were done Seriously, I don't know where this boldness is coming from.... I mean yes I'm not that weak but I'm not strong either I think being in this pack has given me some guts and I must confess that I like it I wouldn't allow anyone step on me the way my adopted family, Helene, Jackson and my ex school mates did I'm going to stand up for myself here.... Human or not I'm not going to allow anyone step on me... Again We left the ice cream parlor and drove home.... This time it was Lady Sasha who took the wheels while Mom sat at the passengers seat It was already past 6pm when We got to the pack house and we all head inside..... Everyone went to their various room to get ready for dinner while Mom and I went towards mine "Thanks for today mom, I really appreciate everything you've done for me today.... The shopping, the phone, the ice cream and every other thing.... I am really really grateful for everything you've done for me mom"I thanked her as we got to my room " I know it's too early and sudden but I want to say I love you so much Mom, I really do"I said tearily as my voice shook Mom pulled me in a motherly hug and pat my back as I cried on her shoulder "It's okay dear stop crying... If you don't I'll cry too" mom said as she cleaned my tears after we broke from the hug "You're now my daughter Ari.... I've been waiting to see you for years now and I promised to spoil you rotten whenever any of my sons bring you home.... Like I said you are the daughter I never had and I thank the moon goddess for pairing you with my sons"she said smiling at me and I gave her a Curt nod " I need to go freshen up before dinner okay? And I'll call some servant to come help you put these in your closet"mom said pointing at the shopping bags I didn't notice were there before.... I mentally counted them and they were f****y 21 shopping bags... I think mom wants me start a clothing business because these are just too much "No mom it's fine I'll unpack them myself after dinner" I said "Alright then I'll go freshen up and you should do same too" she said then walk out of the room I stripped from my clothes and walked to the bathroom....naked I was done showering after 10 min then I walked out with the Towel wrapped around my chest.... I put on one of the dresses we bought and then I left the room finding my way to the dinning room Everyone was sited already...guess I'm late somehow I greet everyone and took a seat as the maids started dishing out the foods as usual Author Immediately Arizona walked through the door, it was as if the Triplet's air got caught in their lungs.. Like a lightning they were strucked by her beauty She looked different She look new She look beautiful And wait what? She's without her glass? How come she can see? The Arizona they are seeing right now looks so gorgeous with her new look unlike the Nerdy plain Jane who's always on baggy clothes and a usual ponytail Till Arizona took her seat,their eyes never for once left her All this while Arizona was oblivious of their stares They started eating but the triplet could barely take a bite from their food.....they were lost staring at her.... including the Almighty Dorain couldn't help but drool...for the first time since he has laid his eyes on her,he felt she was beautiful Dylan have always known that behind that baggy dress and nerdy eye glass,there was a pretty girl And Drake have always know that behind that Baggy dress and nervous girl,there was a sexy figure eight girl with k***er hips Alpha Manson noticed his sons were not eating and asked "What's wrong boys,why aren't you eating?" He asked drawing the attention of everyone except for the triplet...they were so lost to even hear him He traced their eyes to see they were staring at Arizona who wasn't aware of the stares He chuckled making Luna Teresa raise her brows at him in a questioning gaze "They are so Lost staring at their mate" he mind linked her and she muttered an ohhhhh "Arizona" Alpha Manson called "Yes father" she stopped eating to listen to what he has to say "Did you have fun today?" He asked and she nodded "Yes dad I did have fun and we bought a whole lotta things.... I'm sorry for exhausting the money in your credit card"she said bowing a little " Silly girl who told you the money got exhausted? The money inside that credit card can feed a nation...I was even quarrelling your mom why she didn't get more things for you because I expected you guys to spend more than what you did"he said making her stare at him Wow!!! Seriously??? I seriously don't regret coming here one bit....I never thought my life would take a huge good turn This people are treating me like a princess, something I've never experienced my whole life They are even better than we the humans... She ran from her seat to give the Alpha a hug making Luna Teresa chuckle and as usual the glares followed with the Triplet trailing her every move with their eyes "Drake, I have something to tell you" Sandy who was sitting beside Drake said tapping him a little so he can come out from his day dreaming Drake didn't even notice someone was tapping him till Sandy pinched his arm snapping him from his day dreaming "What!" He yelled a little pulling the attention of everyone to himself including his brothers who finally looked away from Arizona "What's going on there Sandy?"Lady Ruth asked her daughter " Nothing mom, there was a deadly ant walking on his arms I tried telling him about it but he didn't budge so I had to kill the ant And I mistakenly pinched him"She lied " Oh thanks,sorry I didn't notice you were calling me.....I was lost" he said saying the last part in his head "You're welcome Drake" she replied " Arizona after dinner you should meet me in my office..." Alpha Manson said and Arizona nod her head ______________________________________ They were done with Dinner and everyone retired to their room except the Alpha and his family....they all went to Alpha Manson's office and Luna Teresa shut the door behind her after stepping in " Have your sit" he said and they all sat down.....she was wondering what he wanted to talk about "First of all,do you think?" He asked making her confuse and Luna Teresa had to break it down for her to understand "What he meant is that don't you think about anything? I mean anything at your family? Your life in the human word.... anything worth thinking"she explained " Oh of course I think....I mean who wouldn't every normal being have one thought of the other so yeah I do think"she said making them wonder why they couldn't read her mind That's strange they thought "Why did you ask?" She asked them "Oh nothing dear, just wondering if you miss your family and you might be thinking a lot about them"Luna Teresa lied " Now back to why I called you here....I want to ask if you'd like to start training...I mean like martial art,karate and all that but in a different way so you can use it to defend yourself in case of necessity" he said and Arizona thought for a while Training isn't that bad...but will she be able to bear all the beatings that comes with it? And she really need to learn how to fight in case anyone in the pack tries bullying her she'd be able to retaliate "Urm that's fine by me" She replied smiling "That's good to hear will start your training with the boys tomorrow morning that's after breakfast"Luna Teresa chirped in " No mother we can't train her....we and the Beta are going for patrol after breakfast...our men sighted a rogue in our territory this morning" Dorain said and the rest of his brothers nodded "Alright then, Kate will be your trainer" Alpha Manson said making Arizona cry in her head Why is fate always bringing that b***h her way and now she's going to be her trainer??? "I should probably go buy my coffin" she thought in her head she sure knows that Kate is not going to spare her.....she hates her and she might k**l her with the pretence of training There was nothing she could do,she can only accept her as her trainer "Alright dad" she agreed "Good now y'all can go to your room" he said dismissing them They left the room and immediately they got far from the office,the triplet cornered her Drake was standing by her left,Dorain by her left and Dylan was standing in front of her so there was no way she could escape She rose her brows at them wondering why they got her cornered like she's some thief "What's all this? Can you guys just let me go already? I'm tired and I need to unpack my stuff and go to bed" She said folding her hands under her boobs making it raise up a bit giving Dylan who was standing in front of her the luxury of staring at her milky spotless boobs from the little opening in the front His eyes got stuck at her boobs for few seconds before coming back to his senses "Bold now aren't we?" He asked with his green orbs staring at her directly in the eyes "Is that why you three are obstructing my way?" She asked instead making them Chuckle " Fierce I like that"Drake said earning a glare from her " We would have love to spend more time with you right now but we've got to go settle something ASAP so we'll see you tomorrow Meriposa"Dylan said pecking her cheeks and she cleaned it as soon as his face left her cheeks "I must confess you are a very beautiful lady" Drake said also giving her a peck on her forehead and like Dylan she cleaned it "And I also must confess that you my dear looks like a troll" Dorain said flicking her nose She was boiling with rage inside dare these Potatoes "How da..." She was saying when she got interrupted by a voice "I hope I'm not disrupting anything?" Cat asks as she stood beside Dylan " Not really,we are leaving already" he said to her and left with Dorain after saying good night to Arizona " Good night beautiful" Drake said before running after his brothers Arizona cursed them in her mind for the stunts they pulled "Urm hi Arizona" Cat said drawing her attention "Oh hey Cat.... you're still up? She asked as they started making their way to Arizona's room "Not really... Luna Teresa said I should come join you unpack your stuff"she said and Arizona gave her a simple nod They walked in silence till they got to Arizona's room They took a shopping bag each before folding the clothes inside neatly and then Arranged them in the closet "I'm sorry for the way Kate and Sandy treated you today.... They are not always like that but trust me one day they'll come around" She said breaking the thick silence " It's fine Cat,you shouldn't apologize on their behalf plus I hold no grudge against them" she said dropping the folded clothes in her hand inside the wardrobe "That's good to hear then and one more thing" she said picking another bag to unpack the things inside "And what's that?" "I'd like to be your friend if you don't mind...I like you and I'd love it if you become my friend"She said holding her hands hopefully Arizona thought for a while.... friends? The last friend she had betrayed her so why would she want to have another friend and then get betrayed at the end But at the same time the people here are nice, they've been nothing but nice to her and Cat has been good to her,she never threw her glares nor stare hatefully at her And also she might be bored to d***h in this pack if she has no one to talk to so why not just be friends with Cat....she doesn't look like a betrayal "Alright then fine.... friends" Arizona said and Cat squeaked like a child hugging Arizona making Arizona laugh at her silly reaction "Thank you so much Ari....Thank you thank you... you won't regret being friends with me I promise"she said happily and hugged Arizona again " Okay okay that's enough,we need to finish this fast coz my bed is calling my name right now"she joked making Cat laugh.. " Alright then let's get to work"Cat replied and they return back to unpacking folding and stuffing it inside the wardrobe.... They were done after an hour and Cat bade good night to Arizona before leaving for her room Arizona fell heavily on her bed and today's event started replaying in her head She was glad the triplets brought her here else she'd have still been in her adopted parents house working as their maid Yes she was scared when she first came here but the hospitality they showed her here made her feel a sense of belonging Like she belonged here,this is her home With different thoughts running in her head,she slept off clutching tight to her necklace _____________________________________ Arizona I stood up from the bed as my alarm woke me up....I head towards the bathroom to pee and then brush my teeth before taking my bath I stepped out of the bathroom with a towel wrapped around me Immediately I let go off the Towel to apply the cream Doctor Adam gave me on my scars the door flew open and my eyes widened as I saw Dylan walk in shutting the door behind him What the heck!!! I was too dazed to pick the towel from the ground .. Dylan was just standing there accessing me from my head to my toes I finally got myself and picked the towel wrapping it around myself "WTH are you doing here Dylan??!!!Can't you fudging knock?!!" I shouted at him " Sorry i was just too excited to see you that I forgot to knock plus why didn't you lock the door yourself...what if it was someone else"he said walking closer to me but my dangerous glare made him halt "Don't you dare come close to me else I'll gladly break your head" I threatened and he threw his hand up in surrender "Anyways,I just came to check up on you but I saw something more interesting instead..... see ya at breakfast Meriposa"he said and then winked at me before leaving...i was still fuming in anger.... this guys have got no shame I made mental note to always lock my room door before leaving for the bathroom I quickly got dressed and left for the dining..... I was avoiding looking at Dylan even for a second After dinner I was showed to the training ground which was empty.... I couldn't find Kate there and wondered where she was "Hello b***h seems the heaven want you d** in my hand so bad that was why they made me your trainer"Kate said walking in with her usual glares "Well if it isn't the lousy trainer" I mocked "How dare you b****h.... I'm your trainer and you will have to respect me"she said making me laugh Respect my a** "I don't have your time Kate just do what you're here for" I said rolling my eyes at her " Alright then position" she said giving me evil one at that We started the training and as expected she beat me black blue till I was too weak to raise a muscle She didn't train me,she beat me with the pretence of training me "That's just a little bit of what is yet to come if you don't go back to wherever the heck you came from"she said giving me one last kick in my stomach before catwalking away F*** I can't feel any part of my body anymore My body feels so sore I was able to get back on my feet after so many difficulties I limped to my room with the pack warriors and servants that were scattered around staring at my pitiful frame Some were giggling while others were muttering serves her right Well I guess not everyone here is nice like I had thought I got to my room and immediately went to the bathroom...I sat inside the bathtub and allowed the water sooth my aching skin... I'll surly get back at her for this it's a promise
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