Natalie's Tale

1436 Words
Natalie wanted to break free from his grasp, but had no strength left to do so. She looked at the man, her vision blurring as she asked, “What do you want?” “Of course I want to f… Ahem.” When the man saw that she was losing consciousness, he held her suggestively. “I’ll take you somewhere Fun.” Natalie could practically feel the lust radiating from the man, but with how weak she was, she was no match for him. She tried looking around for help, but everyone either simply too busy with their own or ignored her desperate looks. A moment later, she could vaguely see someone walking in her direction. Without even thinking, she mustered all her strength and shoved both the men away, crashing into the figure who was coming toward her. “Save me!” She grabbed the man’s clothes tightly, his clean scent enveloping her. “Please, save me.” Theodore Moore squinted at the woman who had jumped at him, his narrow eyes gleaming. Natalie grabbed his clothes and kept leaning into him. Her luscious lips were right in front of him, a strong smell of alcohol still lingering on them. Her face was an unnatural scarlet. “Sir…” Zachary was standing behind him, looking at the woman in disbelief. He could not believe that this random woman had the guts to approach Theodore Moore, but he was even more surprised when the latter didn’t even react to her. Theodore looked at the men before him and said coldly. “Scram.” “Wh-Who are you? Do you know who I am? She’s with me! She’s my woman” One of the men said brazenly. Theodore smiled faintly. “You touched her, eh? Which hand did you use?” “Th-This was our fault, Mr. Moore. W-We didn’t touch that woman, really.” When the other guy recognized the man in front of them and saw Theodore’s expression darkening, he only had one thought: we are doomed. “Zachary.” Theodore looked at Zachary as he scooped Natalie up in his arms. “Teach them a lesson. I want them to know that Prosperous Club doesn’t welcome people who do not know their place.” Theodore held Natalie in a bridal style while Zachary accepted his orders with a polite “Yes”. He then turned around and smiled at the men. “Which hand did you use to touch that lady just now?” The men looked at each other in silence, too scared to speak. Zachary snorted, “I’ll assume it’s both hands then. Mr. Moore has asked me to cut off the hand that touched the lady, just so we can keep it as a souvenir.” The men fell on their knees with a thump and started pleading, with their faces pale. “Have mercy, Mr. Moore! You can’t do this! My dad i-is the CEO of Chang Lin Group!” Theodore held Natalie securely in his arms as he strode away mercilessly. Natalie felt as if there were countless ants biting her, sucking her blood. She tried her best not to make any sounds, while dizziness swept through her mind. “It’s hot.” She slurred Theodore looked down at her and realized her reaction was more than that of a drunk person. He started to feel concerned for her, and quickly brought her into the elevator. Through the grogginess, Natalie could make out the man’s profile. When she realized that being close to the man was cooling her down, she leaned closer to him, burying her head into his strong chest. Theodore’s gaze darkened at her action. The elevator doors opened at that moment and he immediately stepped out. There was an exclusive room for Theodore on the top floor of Prosperous Club. He opened the door and carried Natalie inside, who was clutching onto Theodore Moore like a koala hugging a eucalyptus tree. It wasn’t aesthetically pleasing, but it alleviated some of her unease. It took some effort on his part, but Theodore managed to pull the woman off him and toss her into the bathroom. After taking a deep breath, he called Zachary. “Bring up some ice.” After Theodore hung up, he saw Natalie climbing out of the bathtub, so he pushed her down again and filled the tub with cold water. “Don’t move!” His voice was cold. Upon noticing how the water made her clothes cling to her curvy figure, he began to have certain thoughts which tempted him. Zachary came with two buckets of ice soon after and knocked on the door. “The ice is here, sir.” “Hold on,” Theodore Moore stopped him from entering the room. “Put the buckets outside. And you may leave now,” he instructed. Zachary was surprised by his boss’ behaviour today, as it was unusual. Even so, he kept his confusion to himself instead of voicing it out. After he was sure Zachary had left, Theodore Moore opened the door and afterwards entered the bathroom with the buckets. Natalie was shivering in the cold water, but she still appeared to be in a daze. Theodore frowned at the sight, his expression dark. Natalie felt as if she was dying. Her insides were scorching, but everything around her felt cold. It felt as if the world had collapsed around her, and everything didn’t make sense. She squirmed from the uncomfortable sensation, but someone was holding her down. Suddenly, a voice told her, “Bear with it. It’ll be over soon.” Theodore was now well aware that she was drugged with an aphrodisiac and focused on cooling her desires. Natalie felt like a puddle of water when she woke up the next morning– weak and listless. She stared at the white ceiling as she regained her focus. Everything that happened last night started coming back to her. Suddenly, all the color drained from her face. She pulled her blanket off and saw that she was wearing pajamas, and feeling unwell. Why am I feeling so sore though? “Finally decided to wake up, did you?” Someone asked coldly. Natalie quickly turned her attention to the door. The man standing there radiated elegance and beauty. His clothes were splendid, his appearance noble. Most importantly, he had a face so beautiful that most women would be jealous of. Natalie frowned. She didn’t know this man, and when she thought about what she had encountered the previous night, she had to ask. “Who are you?” She winced when she heard her own voice; it sounded grating, as if someone was scratching a blackboard with razor-sharp nails. She also noticed she was parched as she spoke. Theodore arched an eyebrow, but he didn’t answer her question. Instead, he went to pour a glass of water and handed it to Natalie. ‘clean and slender.’ That was what Natalie had thought of Theodore’s hand at first glance. She paused for a moment before taking the glass and downing the water in one gulp. Her actions were so fast and uncontrolled that it almost seemed rude. After she was quenched, the woman looked at Theodore with her guard up. “Were you the one who saved me?” Theodore didn’t say anything, but his look was already enough for her to know, so she sighed. “Thank you for last night, mister, but…” She looked down at the clothes she was wearing. Theodore Moore looked at her delicate face, but what came to his mind was her curvy figure he saw last night. He felt something stir in him. “Don’t worry, Ms. Smith. Nothing happened last night.” Theodore didn’t answer her question straight up, but his reply gave her the answer she needed, while evading any awkward moments that might have happened. Natalie wanted to say something, but she had no idea what she should say, so the woman ended up pretending nothing had happened. However, she realized something was off. “How do you know my surname is Smith?” “Is that something to be surprised about? Your face is plastered all over the news today, didn’t you know that?” He sounded indifferent as he told her this information. He extended his left arm and touched a button on his right sleeve calmly. Natalie paled. “Wh-What did you say?” “Your tale has a lot of versions. Which one are you interested in?” “Who are you? And what do you mean?”
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