Chapter 3- Captured

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Valley of Life After what felt like eons, Gunter opened his eyes and stood up. His body felt lighter and he felt healthier than he ever did. Looking around he saw a lush forest and a huge tree in front of him. A small stream ran just meters in front of him, looking quite beautiful. "Where is this" Gunter muttered as he looked around. "World of thorns Mortal" A deep voice spoke as the man he had seen before appeared. Gunter shivered and he fell to his knees. The pressure he felt from the man was even stronger than last time. "You have been sent into the world of thorns as my Herlad. You have one sole mission" The man said and waved his hand. As he did so a fruit appeared, floating in the air. It was a reddish brown color with a lot of holes in it, something Gunter had never seen. "This is the Agave Abraxas, a mythical specie of fruit that grows in places of high magic concentration. It is so rare that the last known sighting of one happened a thousand years ago in this world" The man said and paused for a moment begore continuing "Obtain the four Fruits of legend and only then will you be able to claim the life i promised you" "....." Gunter was struck speechless. So the man wanted him to bring him a fruit? If he was a god then why didn't he just do it himself? Besides, how was he supposed to find one fruit that nobody had seen for a thousand years in all the whole world, where would he even begin? Why did the man even pick him for this sort of task? "The gods are only allowed a short period of existence in the world of thorns, thus I can't search and obtain the Agave Abraxas myself" The Man said like he knew exactly what Gunter was thinking. “But worry not, with my blessing you will have a chance at succeeding" As soon as he finished speaking, the man placed his two thumbs on Gunter's eyes. Gunter was in extreme pain but was unable to make a sound as he was paralyzed. He could only grit his teeth as the pain slowly faded and the man's finger retreated. A weird feeling overtook Gunter's body. A sense of strength that wasn't there before. And something more. His eyes could see. He could see things that he didn’t before. Magical blue dots that danced around in the air. They danced flowed freely, unseen and undetectable by all, but his eyes could now see. “What is this....” Gunter said as he stretched his hand, trying to grab one of the shining blue dots he saw. “Mana. The Agave Abraxas can only grow in places with a high concentration of mana. With the gift I have given you, you will be able to find the location” the man said and paused before speaking in a heavy tone “Remember, if you do not succeed, a thousand years of hell will be your judgement. I chose you for a reason...Do not disappoint me" And with those words he disappeared. "You chose me for a reason..." Gunter muttered as he pondered. What could the man have meant by that? But even as the thoughts went through his head, a smile started appearing on Gunter's face. It wasn't as if Gunter had any other option, his life literally depended on his success. And now, after years of living in a state of uncertainty and confusion, his life had been blessed with a clear purpose. The god had given him a goal and he would do all in his power to complete it. Now he just had to take the first step towards completing that task....finding some clothes! The feeling of the breeze hitting his buttocks wasn't something he quite enjoyed. And just like that Gunter started his journey. He first took a bath in the stream and with no other option, he roamed the land naked, looking for a sign of civilization. But Gunter didn't roam far before he came to a halt. His heart raced as he lowered his breathing and hid behind a tree. In the middle of the forest, just a few metres away, were two men. They were both tall and strong, and their faces were covered in tattoos. Their heads were shaven, revealing a symbol on their foreheads. One of them had a girl over his shoulders. Her hands were bonded with iron chains and a piece of cloth was placed in her mouth to prevent her from screaming. She also seemed to have abnormally pointy ears. Gunter observed the scene and slowly realised that they were bandits. They were most likely going to kidnap the girl and sell her. Gunter's heart beat faster and his mind was in disarray. The girl was about his age and she was tied up like a sack of potato, helpless. For some reason It reminded him of Tyler trying to have his way with his sister. Anger started building inside of him and he contemplated his next course of action. The two men talked amongst themselves, not paying attention to their surroundings. In their eyes there was no chance that someone would appear, this place was quite far away from any village. And besides they knew the forest like the back of their palms. But then something unexpected happened. The girl on the shoulders of one of the men wiggled her way around the ropes and got her legs free. She wasted no time in kicking the head of the other man and before the other could react, she wrapped her legs around his neck and performed a hurricana with such force that the man was instantly knocked out cold. She then ran as soon as she got the chance. "f*****g elvian b***h" the man that had been kicked cursed and chased the girl down. The girl was fast but her captor was faster, and when she was close enough he grabbed her hair and yanked her backward's, slamming her head violently on the ground. The girl almost instantaneously let out a scream of pain and squirmed on the ground. The man cleaned his mouth and cursed. "f*****g b***h, you think your high and mighty cause you're an elf huh? Well guess what, lets see how you feel when I’m done dealing with you" He punched the girl across the face and pinned her to the floor, unbuckling his belt with his other hand while she tried to escape his grip. Gunter had seen enough. The girl was in trouble and he couldn't stand idle. The odds were also favourable now, since the man's comrade had been taken out, and was still on the floor. Coincidentally, a huge rock was next to Gunter. A devilish smile appeared on his face and he picked up the rock, quietly creeping up on the man who was now butt naked and atop the girl. "Ahhhhhh" as soon as he was close enough Gunter screamed and smashed the rock directly into the man's head, sparing not one bit of his strength in doing so. Blood splattered out of the man's head and he was knocked unconscious. "Hey are you alright" Gunter asked the girl and quickly checked on her. The girl nodded her head and the tears rolling down her cheeks and her blood soaked hair didn't deter his curiosity as his eyes landed on her pointy ears. She was an elf, an actual f*****g elf! The girl was shocked at the sudden development but when she noticed Gunter's appearance she quickly snapped out of it and tried to run away, but was stopped by Gunter who held her hands. "Get away from me Human!" the girl screamed as she looked at Gunter in horror and tried to set herself free. But Gunter was stronger. "I saved you, why would you run away?!" Gunter asked. He didn't just only save the girl because he could, she was his fastest ticket to find civilization. He couldn't just let her run away. "You Humans are all the same, greedy and cruel" the girl said as tears streamed down her face. Her gaze was full of hate, an obvious hatred towards humans. Gunter was confused by her statement but seeing the state she was in, he released her hand and let her go after a brief moment. The girl didn't waste time and tried to run, but her efforts were in vain as her ankle was twisted. She winced and collapsed on the floor. Gunter approached the girl and smiled warmly. "Let me help you. All I ask in return is that you take to a place where I can rest my head" Gunter said. As Gunter was above her, the elf girl could now see him in all his full glory. Her cheeks reddened and she tried to avert her gaze. But just before she could look away entirely, her eyes caught sight of a bloodied face behind Gunter. "Watch out!" She screamed. "Wha-" Gunter didn't even finish speaking before a blow struck him on the back of his neck and he crashed to the ground. "f*****g traitor. Since you like elves so much let's see how much you like their treatment" amidst the girl''s scream's, Gunter heard the man's words and his vision turned dark.
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