Chapter 4

2013 Words
Alisson’s POV It’s been one whole month since ‘Dad’ gave me the order to prepare for Aliza’s birthday party. I wish that life was easy. I got to understand the easy way that nothing is a fairy tale. I wish Dad was sensitive and fair towards me as well. I always heard stories of my parents from my grannie Angeline she was the one who was there with my mom throughout her hardships. But Dad was the one who brought Mom out of her dark days. She was a shell of a person who had people’s phobia, but she changed the moment Dad came into her life. He is very sensitive and careful with her. Together they cared for each other, and that is why she is here today and has a caring family and pack with her. Sometimes it surprises me as to how caring parents can turn their back on their daughter. Grannie, always says that they both are not at fault and that it is just the circumstances. I don’t believe in that thing which leads my parents to avoid me and ignore me. Whatever the situation, parents should never make their children feel unwanted. Instead, they are to cherish them, love and care for them, and make them fight their own battles. So that they will be strong. But they left me on my own to fight my own battles. All they cared about was Aliza’s health. I’m not saying that they should not care, but I expected that they would at least give me a little bit of their care and love. In fighting my emotions. I made them my strength and here I am today as the best warrior/fighter of my pack. I tried hard so that one day my parents would be proud of me but instead they hated it. Because they think, I took all of that strength from my twin Aliza when we shared our mother’s womb. But unfortunately, they missed the fact that it was something which was not in my hand. That moon goddess was the one to make me the way I am. If not for her it would have been the other way around where Aliza would be strong and I would be weak. Sometimes I wish that’s how it should have been where I would at least feel a little bit of care and love from my parents. “All I wanted was their acceptance. but instead, I got their ignorance.” I am here lying on my bed thinking how my life should have been and how happy it would have been if Dad had loved me like Aliza. The birds were chirping in the background. I could hear the pack members waking up for their training. Today was my eighteenth birthday. As dad wished I had organised the party for my twin. I had also invited the neighboring packs so that my twin would find her mate. I had invited all her friends who lived in other packs. Everything was ready. And the party was set to be in the evening. With that all in my mind, I get up and wear my training clothes for the day. Training is something which I never stop because I want all the pack members to be ready in all situations and any kind of situation. So, with that thought in mind, I walk out of my room and down towards the training grounds. I see that only a few of the pack members were present. I waited as all of the pack members needed training once everyone was present. “Good morning everyone from all these past days we all have been training in our human form so that our human form can tackle any wolf in the battle”. I make eye contact with everyone as they look at me with trust in their eyes. The trust that they have put in me to believe that I will make them strong and capable. “Alongside that, we should also keep in mind to make our wolf stronger than it already is”. “So, are you guys ready for today?” There was a chorus of ‘yes’. “I want all the weak wolves and the ones who are small in size to come forward”. I see a pair of guys teasing the short one I raise my brow at that, walking near him I stand in front of him. “Liam, right?” I ask “Yes,” He says still smirking. I know he has just now joined the pack as their pack was attacked and the alpha had died so there was no one to guide them. Many of them had joined our pack these past days as I was busy, and Nathan was taking the training. “Shift” is one word, through which everyone knows that he is going to get good training which will teach him to respect our fellow pack members. “Why?” He questions rudely. “Either you shift or you are going to get banned forever from entering my training”. “It’s your choice” I turn and walk back when I feel him shifting. Turning around I saw that he was a brown wolf his average height than that of a large wolf. Going behind a tree, I shift into a wolf form. “Fight me” I mind-linked him. I waited for him to take the first pounce as we were both circling each other. After four rounds, he pounced on me which was what I expected. I knew he was still a fresher and needed to learn a lot. I dodged all the attacks making it a natural force to find a loop in his attacks. He was using the same technique again and again. And that became an advantage for me to tackle him on the ground. I dodge him and do not give him a chance to react. I pounce on him by snapping at his jaw which is not harmful but which would make him feel pain and also distract him. With my hind legs and body weight, he was fully trapped under me. He tried moving his body in all directions to no avail. Once he gave the surrender sign, I left him. Both of us shifted back and now he stood with his bruised ego and head down. Addressing all the pack members, I say “It’s very easy to laugh at someone, but think about it when you face the same situation one day” “It is not right when any of you judge any of the pack members just because their height is short or they are weak.” I see all of them giving a nod at what I am saying. "Liam” I wait as he looks up at me. “It’s okay to be the way you are, but you can always learn from your mistakes. I hope that today was a good lesson for you. Respect your pack members and motivate them but never demotivate or make them feel unwanted" I continue “There is nothing shameful in losing a single battle. Life itself is a battle. We all don’t win just like that. We win through our families, friends, and pack members' support. So always be their strength instead of their weakness”. “For now, keep your head up and say sorry to your pack members”. Once he had apologized, I asked the pack members to stand in pairs so that we could start the training. I see a sheen of tears in Liam’s eyes which was that of gratefulness. Maybe he was happy to have someone teach him after losing his parents. After that, I guide and show them some simple moves. We started basic so that it would be easy for them to demonstrate and try on their own. Once that was done, I dispersed them and headed back inside. As I was walking, I felt a pair of gazes on me. I snapped my head in all directions as I was walking. I can’t find anyone. So I carry on walking and as soon as I enter, I am drenched in cold water. A scream escaped my lips and only one name was echoed in the whole pack house. “Nathan” I find him coming out of the kitchen area and laughing at my expense. I walked near him and he did not even see me coming as he was so busy laughing. Taking the jug placed on the kitchen platform, I poured it all over him. “Woah,” he says. “Now this is what we call a payback” After that, we both looked at each other and burst out laughing. He pulls me and hugs me “Happy birthday babe. I wish that moon goddess will give you a mate who will make you go crazy behind him” I could imagine him smirking as he whispered those words. Moving back “No, I think one crazy friend is enough and I don’t need another one” “Will see about it” he smirks at me. As I was about to ask him for my birthday special breakfast which is a tradition for us, I heard a voice. Turning around I let out a gasp and a grin stretched onto my face. “Grannie” With that my feet carry me to my maternal grandma who was always there for me but unfortunately, she lives in the Golden Summit pack. “Wish you a happy birthday sweetie,” she says wrapping me in the comfort of her arms. I moved back and was about to thank her when I was pushed away with force. Due to my extensive training, I was able to catch myself. I was pushed by none other than my twin Aliza. I move back and watch as she hugs Grannie. Giving me an apologetic smile, grannie hugs and wishes her. I smile back trying to hide my sadness. Nathan wraps his hand around my shoulder and squeezes it. I smile at him for the constant support. “Where is my gift grannie?” asks Aliza with a smile. “You both will get it in the evening, my dear,” says Grannie Angeline. “Okay, grannie. Like always” With that said she pulls Grannie inside. All of the family members come one by one and wish Aliza first and once they have done showering her with lots of blessings and wishes, Dad turns to me “Happy Birthday Alisson. I am proud that you have turned strong as I wanted my daughters to be.” The smile that appeared on my face was wiped out by his next words. “I just wish that you had also shared your strength with your twin sister” I could see from my peripheral vision that Aliza was smirking. I don’t say anything and just nod at him. After that, Mom wishes me and hugs me. “You both are equally special to me my dear,” Mom says to me. This time I could not stop myself from saying “I wish that you would have shown me Mom” With that said, blinking back the tears I walked out of there as I did not want to see everyone ignore me and only care about Aliza. Nathan and Mom were calling out to me when Dad stopped them saying to let me be. I walked out in a fast phase out of there not seeing who was entering and I collided. I was about to fall backward with the force as I was walking very fast but someone immediately caught my wrist and pulled me towards them. I feel a hand going around my waist and steadying me. That’s when I started to feel it. I let out a gasp when I looked up and moved back.
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