Something new

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"Audrey do you wanna talk about it?" "Jess I'm not sure. This situation open box in my head I hide f*****g deep. But I can listen you" I lean on his laps my head. He played with my hair. "I never had such situation on road. It wasn't slide on races. And if I was alone, school would be closed because of my death. Baby I checked road was empty second later you yelled" I got up and covered Jess with my arms his head found support on my shoulder. "Jess you did it. You drove us from crush. If u would ask what, why. Thankfully you act like pro. So don't give me credit for it" my fingers traveled from his neck to hair and back. "Audrey we great team" "Yes we are" back of his neck was his sensitive spot. I felt his chills. "I wish I could take you to bed now" I saw blush on his face so I smiled. Got up and went to bathroom. It wasn't strong blinding. I thought about shower. And got back to Jess. He looked curious. I sat on him. "We can under shower" I kissed him. "Baby I can wait I shouldn't say that. You told me your periods are t*****e. Audrey I love you, but stop trying so hard to pleased me, baby" he got tears in his eyes my lips found his. "Movie? But I'm choosing" his eyes shined like stars. "ok" "hungry?" "not" We layed on couch with me on edge of course. Jess chose John got his g*n I saw it but didn't confess. It masterpiece so why not. "You like war movies?" "Well mostly one which show war but their significance is anti-war like this you chose" it was truth. "And probably your favorite is Platoon" I loved how my boyfriend was curious of me. "I like Stone but my favorite is Kubrick's Full Metal Jacket" "I don't think I saw it" "So we got plan of war movies day" he giggled "My girl and her plans" my neck earn kiss for that. Movie started. Watching with Jess was different than watching alone. We didn't comment during but after we shared thoughts. Before my favorite Full Metal Jacket I decided check Emily. She didn't answer but send SMS I'm at classes I'm good. I answered sorry for interrupt. And Jess came with bowl full of popcorn "I'm not sure u will eat it while watching" "So let's eat first. Ems ok?" "on classes" "Audrey?" "yes baby?" I said with mouth full of popcorn what made him laugh. Best sound on earth. "f**k Audrey I love you" I almost choked "I love you, but you wanted tell me this?" "nope" now my curiosity woke up. "Talk Jess" he chuckled. "Audrey I love you every day more and more" he crawled to me claimed to my lips. How I loved this guy and his kisses. Even with mouth full of popcorn. "ok let's watch" he just left me breathless. "hey I still don't know what you wanted tell me" he dragged me into his arms took remot and started movie. "Only that you the best" and his lips were on my neck. I was curious what he will think about my movie. It was intens one. Kubrick was a master of metaphors and building tension. I know his movies was old but authentic all the time. For me this film last one blink of eye, way too short. But I felt it wasn't Jess climate. "Why you like this movie?" "I love every Kubrick one's. This one for poetic way of script. You didn't like?" for me it was timeless movie. "I liked it a lot just after Big fish and Love Actually is f*****g strong cinema" "It is and I love good cinema no matter if it's comedy or strong piece" "Do you have more such cinema gems?" "War ones?" he showed yes with his head. "Well I love 'A midnight clear' because I love Wharton books, 'Thin Red Line' it's my top-I wish see it at cinema, on big screen it must look incredible. But I also love 'Black Hawk Down' " war movies wasn't my fav choice but still saw few and today was war movies marathon. "I adore Wharton too, but this Thin Red Line, I think read about it but never saw. Let me cook something and we will continue or you tired of this kind movies?" "I love marathons so no, and Line is Terence Malik u will watch poetry on screen, so after your fav war one" "My favorite is Dunkirk and Black Hawks Down, so after Ridley Scott" "Great, now what we will eat?" his chuckle was such a sexy sound. "something fast, steak?" "yes yes yes" his laugh, smiling eyes my universe. "Jess I need learn to cook. You can't do it all the time" I was serious. "No need! I love cooking and watch that you like my meals" I got blush. "I love your meals" smell of fried beef filled room. I recognized garlic and rosemary. Few minutes later got plate with masterpiece. I tried eat slower than always but beef was so good. Tasty every piece. It remembered me steaks at old both. "you don't like it?" "why?" "you're eating slowly " I looked at this perfect guy "It's delicious I'm just need figh with eating so fast. Now I'm going to cherish every bite" we laughed second later my plate was empty. "Lost battle but I still can win war" Jess didn't react because someone knocked to doors. I went to open Kevin visits us. "f**k kids can't you use cells?" he entered took my head in his hands checked if I'm in one piece. Tried the same with Jess who said I'm ok. "I forgot about phone is probably still in backpack" "The same" said Jess "So go for them. Me, Claire, your grandparents trying reach you for hours. Didn't you saw news?" we both shook heads in no. Kevin took remote and showed us. On screen was footage of our run out from this crazy driver, us later on sidewalk and than crushed Eric car. "f**k!" yelled Jess. We both knew what it meant. We will hear at school I wish it was you. "They will distroy us" showed in my head "What are you talking about Audrey?" f**k I said it out laud. I couldn't find right words, thankfully Jess did "Kev, we keep as far as possible from all, we survived. Dead is captain of team, king of popularity. How you think will look our come back to school" I just tucked in Jess chest. "That case you won't go back" we both gasped "And go where? We already older than rest and both dreaming to go college. We can't lose another year" I was close to crying. "You won't. I'm sending you to private school. You will start from Monday or earlier" Kev didn't wait for our respond he took his cell and called someone. "Hello Charles. Favor to ask. You saw news?... I know. Listen whose 2 need send to your school....they nerds already won contest to Berkeley... You see I'm taking care your stats... Yeah I thought so... I pay for it... Tomorrow will send you them.. I will handle it. Great see you at Hill" "Done!" "I can't let you pay for us!" I mumbled. "And why is that! Audrey I won't let someone harm both of you. It's only few months. U will be great at this high. And free from this d***s from old one" I looked at Jess he was silent in such moments our eyes met. "I don't know what to say" I put myself up on toes and kissed him in cheek. "You want change school?" chose small steps "Yes" "We will pay back Kev?" "Yes" "No way!" yelled my uncle. "Guys it's out of discussion! Now I need your permission to take your papers from school to transfer them. Your new school is close from here. Headmaster is Charles Koning. You got meeting with him tomorrow at 10" "You know it's the most expensive high school in town?" my grandpa wanted me in that school but mother said no, she decided that I need contact with as she said 'common children'. "I know, and I know it's the best here. You deserve it" "Uncle how you knew about Berkeley?" "They called me to check if Hill exists. And I read that plan. I like it. But about it later now call grandpa" "No need, I'm here! Why you didn't call right away you saw they ok!" "We had few things to discuss" "What things were so important" "From Monday they will attend to Washington High" my uncle teased my grandpa with his short answers. "Why?" "They deserve best" "Kevin! It's not time for jokes" irritating my grandpa gave uncle Kev pleasure. "They survived, most popular guy at school not, I'm protecting them. They strong kids but need space to learn not to deal with bullying" he touched the point. "I will call Koning" "Already did" "Still will make a call. He needs to know that will be responsible for two exceptional young people" and my grandfather made a call. "Hello Charles. I heard from Monday u will teach my granddaughter and her partner.... Yes it's about Audrey.... Yhym.... Great you understand.... Ok call me after meeting them... Goodbye" "Now tell me how you feel. Jess you are great driver! I will never be able to thank you enough for what you did in the morning" my grandfather hugged Jess. And my Jess freezed. He hated such situations. I wished they left, to be with my boyfriend alone, but Kev and grandpa sat on couch. To group joined Jess mother. f**k! "Do you guys would like coffee?" I heard 5 yes. === Jess Pov Thankfully I didn't have to talk with my mother Mr Monroe and Kev told her all. I dreamed of being alone with Audrey, I need her scent, her arms around my waist, her lips. I felt she thought about the same. I stood behind her by coffee express. Put my hands around her, kissed top of her head. We swing for a moment. Her small compared to mine hand stroked my arm. Even around family we focused only on the two of us. "Jess, Audrey!" thanks mom for ruining our moment. Audrey took cups gave everyone put sugar and milk on table. I took cookies and layed it next to sugar. "Jess I will pay for your school" when I wanted answer, Kev handed over me. "No Kate. It's all settled. This high is on me. End of topic" "Why? Asked my grandpa. Both of us stand to pay this tuition fees" "I owe them for business plan, they created for Fun Hill" "What plan?" asked my mother, we sat on stools by island. It was interesting to observe. "Do you know anything about those two? U his mother and ask me what plan. U her grandfather and looked same shocked. U can be proud of yourself" Kevin hate them more than us. "Yeah we terrible. If we established that answer what plan" her grandpa f****d criticism. "This two wrote best business plan in country and doors of Berkeley are open for them. I think before Christmas they have appointment at University. But you of course hear it from me" wanted hug Kevin. "Audrey what he is talking about" every muscle of my perfect girl body were tense. I put my hand on her back to gave her courage. "We got meeting in Berkeley with professors who judged our work and at recruiting center to talk about our options" "since when you interesting with business? Always was sure it will be literatures!" did I heard happiness in his voice? "since uncle Kevin says from time to time I'm good at it" "it's true she is great in organize, planning and expanding" her grandfather and Kev were thrilled "So business at Berkeley, hm?" "Not really." Audrey loved teasing. After they gasped she talked again. "We thinking to mixed business with literature and chose later or finish both" Thank you baby, will tell you it later. "Jess Berkeley really?" oho my mother woke up. And at the same time Audrey gave me courage with her sweet touch. "Yes, it's one of the best universities in country" f**k you and your opinion. This I wanted say to her. She stood up. "I will not finance this nonsense!" "It's below all levels Kate. Don't blackmail your own child like this" Thanks Kev again. "let her go, she's not better than her husband. Jess don't worry I will help you both" and what I supposed to answer "Thank you sir, I think will get scholarship" "Well for sure u will get my company scholarship. You independent young man with high aspirations. You care my Audrey like I never did. And you impressed me with way u dealt with your father. You remind me someone" in this moment Kev smirked. "I f****d relations with my son it doesn't mean I didn't admired him Kevin" "I can pay for my son!" I was boiling. "I don't need your money and blackmails. I prefer accept help from stranger than dependent on you. For months we live on our own and we great without you." "OK Kate you may go, we will take this 'burden' from you. Feel free and leave this flat before I will drag you down from here" Kevin patience ended. She wanted say something but just gasped and left. Audrey closed her arms around me, it was all I wanted. "Guys please come on couch, soon we will go" Kevin knew us. Knew we need be alone, I just wanted find salvage in Audrey's light blue eyes. Started count time to our alone moment. We sat,I held Audrey's hand in mine. "Audrey, Jess my payment for your plan it will be new High. I'm going expand Hill based on your ideas. So half on income from it 25 for Audrey and 25 for Jess will send on your bank account. I wish you to focus on college not work. Ok I finished my statement" Kevin smiled to us. "Jess don't treat my offer as alms. It's investment. What college, courses you will chose I will cover it. Even if you two decide to split. I see you got strong relationship but still don't think that without Audrey you can forget college. Ok?" her grandfather never was delicate. But all was clear. I needed say something, mine Audrey took this burden from me. "Thank you both for everything, we feel extraordinary now. And tomorrow at 10 we will give our best to impress Mr Koning" so many thanks I had to tell my girl. "I think we can leave you now. Waiting for call after meeting. Come on Monroe" "See you on Thanksgiving" said her grandfather and they left. I closed doors and run to my girl. My hands need touched her. Our lips met. "Audrey thank you, baby I'm paralyzed in such situations and you took this burden, sorry for that" I kissed her till she couldn't breathe. I held her beautiful head in my hands and looked into her mesmerizing orbs. I dragged her on my laps. And glued mine head to hers. "Audrey talk" something bothered her. Was she angry at me. Will she left me be, better for her. "Jess I'm so sorry about your mother. I'm sorry I freezed and did help you with her" tears filled her eyes. "Baby without you I would say her nothing. Sit like fool and let her humiliate me. Your fingers on my back gave me courage. So don't sorry for being my strength" we looked at each her fingers played with my hair. I needed her more and more. "Jess I love you so f*****g much" "Audrey baby from here to far far far away galaxy and back that's how you can measure my love to you" we chuckled. My woman kissed me like it was our first time. She stood up without break sat on me, her legs were on both my sides. She lean me on back of couch. Her hands traveled from my head thru neck to my abs on stomach. I focused on her hair and sides sometimes legs. I've noticed she like be on top of me just always was to shy or just let me have control. "Audrey" I needed air. "Sorry I lost control" her ashamed eyes. I grabbed her neck to connect our heads. "Don't sorry me for such kisses, how you so perfect" "I was made for you" I giggled "What?" she blushed "You infected me with quotes, and now I have Kiss song in head" she chuckled I started sing "I was made for lovin' you, baby You were made for lovin' me And I can't get enough of , baby Can you get enough of me?" she smiled "U can sing" I impressed her "A little, but shy it's a secret" my talent deserved kiss. New life, best woman by my side, some independent future ahead, f**k I couldn't believe that. I was f*****g nervous and infected Jess with it. We run from one corner of house to another. Finally Jess took control over chaos. "Audrey stop, come here" "Jess I'm panicking" his strong arms beautiful eyes my pills to be calm. "I know, now breathe. You look beautiful. It's just a meeting come we need eat something before leaving" I didn't look good. Simple white shirt and black trousers, hair in ponytail. Must matching good jacket. Jess looked super handsome. Black shirt on black t-shirt with black jeans. Even his hair looked less messy. I needed cut his fringe a little, started covering his eyes too much. "Audrey eat!" he brought me back from thoughts about him so I giggled. "First you need sing to me" he rolled his eyes. "I knew will regret this" we laughed Half hour later were on our way to new school. Would it be fresh start or old problems in new clothes. "Audrey talk baby" "Watch the road Jess. I just got few what if in my head" even with brain processing I looked in Jess side window just in case. "Believe me A. I am looking" We stopped on much bigger parking than at old school. On it were much better cars than my Mustang or Jess bmw. We didn't care, it was simple observation. We arrived at break so walked into building under suspicious and curious looks of students. Jess asked some guy about way to headmaster and we were at the office. We came in keeping our hands tight. "oh Ms Monroe and Mr Logan please sit headmaster Koning will invite you" We barely sat and were called in. "Welcome" he showed us seats. "I got in the morning your files. Still studying it. Not bad." he showed our contest plan. "you start on Monday you will be in one class. I heard u good as team so I won't split you. Here are materials with what we already teached. After every day you got from teachers an email with short summary. And one important note. Maybe I know your family it doesn't mean u will got easier here. Oh and here is a list of some activities you may join. Questions?" " Can I ask textbook list?" " First page, you got all." " Thank you" "Now let me know you a little bit. Audrey you read something now?" "yes sir. Actually two Testaments- the sequel of handmade tail by Margaret Atwood and The rooms for one's own by Virginia Woolf" "So you like feminist books?" "I just try understand" "Femisim?" "No, men's need for domination. Let's see history. Church - male cave begun patriarchal, most of Kingdoms ruled by men, still best times of Russia under Katrina's crown, England Elizabeth I. And still we live in times where men can tell us that women place is in kitchen. Or that we will miss patriarchal. Didn't found answers in male books so I read female now." "You will like our English teacher. Jess you read something" "Yes sir. I'm focusing on modern American authors now. I'm reading Cunard. Close to finished his last book" "I see you preparing for Berkeley hard. You know he teaches in?" "yes sir I try be prepared for our meeting on December" "and you like this books?" "May I be honest. First is great. It's about something with clear meaning. Next two well it's hard get to the end. U lost in this books as author. It's like he forgot about what was on the beginning" "OK students I've check you really smart two now tell me how you feel about yesterday?" we looked at each. I cleared my throat "I was helping in study Eric for 2 years. He wanted college not only to be a sportsman. Now he is dead. We survived. I can't stop thinking if we could do more." Jess took my hand. Koning looked at him "we were lucky, said to us cop, I try focusing on that." my sweet Jess. If it wasn't new headmaster office I would kiss him. "I got your English tests from yesterday. Mr Brown gave you both A+, he gave me it with note, that this test was minutes after your road trauma and still only one comma not in right place. I read both your stories. U sit here try look like don't care much, this short tales tells me it's not true. You have read your works?" we both said no. " would you like to?" we looked at each. " Audrey can Jess read your story ?" "yes" "Jess can Audrey yours?" "yes" "great let's see". I loved Jess style of writing. His sentence were always touching main topic. His writing was about love. Mr Brown always prepared 6 groups of tests. But Jess story was more than love. He wrote about trust to one you love. How this trust saved our life. Tears filled my eyes. I tried stop them few were faster. I looked at Jess. His eyes shined. Mr Koning took papers from us. "Talk with each, it's secret of good relationships. Now you free. See you on Monday" we stood up and went to car. Didn't speak. When we sat both took our thoughts. Jess smirked and look at me. "Best friend phi" we burst out with laughter. "Yes, you my best friend, my lover, my love" I looked at him and got closer to him. He did the same and we kissed "I love you my best friend" his sarcastic tone, had to punch him. And we kissed again. "Jess we need go to bookshop. Now I understand why we got time till Monday, a lot of work ahead us baby" "I know let's go" We got home, called Kevin and my grandpa. Prepared our desktops to hard work. We got system-week of every subject. And helped each. This school level was high. But we were moving forward. We didn't pay attention to time. Our learning broke hunger. "Let's order something Jess!" "ok but still we need some break" "sure" I had idea for it. Went bathroom and came back with big smile. I stood by the door, took of my t-shirt and leggings my hair were free. I fought with my b*a when Jess approached and released me from it. Our lips met. "you remember your pills?" "yes" "good" his hands held my face. Mine took off his belt and unzipped his jeans. His tongue tasted my neck. "you so perfect Audrey" and I was in air, in his strong arms on our way to bed. This one was a bit faster then last. My boy missed me. It made me smile when Jess was still laying on me. "Do I want to ask?" my curious man. "I love you Jess" he took his head from my shoulder and looked at me. My beautiful dark orbs looked pleased "I love you so much baby" after we kissed I played with his hair while we were looking into our eyes. "I need cut u this band a little. Hiding your eyes too much" "ok" I think he didn't listen to me. "Jess what's on your mind?" "Nothing stupid thought run thru my mind" "may I ask?" he chuckled "do you want me to change?" he sat on bed "in what way?" this question shocked me "any?" "you think if I want cut your fringe a little bit will want, I don't know, want change your style, character?" "something like this" he put his eyes to the floor "Jess I have nothing to change in you. Fringe cover your eyes, you must feel it. And I don't want change your hair, your style, your inside. Of course I would love knowing you better but for it we got lifetime. More, I want change me for you." now I hid my eyes he smiled, again I tickled his ego. " Audrey you perfect what you want change?" f**k I shouldn't say that. " Learn to cook, be person you can talk easily with, not one you need wait, guess. And many more" my Jess hugged me with his body. He slided me between his legs my back and his chest were one. "I will talk with Mark if we can go to them every Sunday to learn. But I love cooking for you. Always know what you like, if Audrey eat fast-good Jess, slow-bad Jess" we laughed from way he said it. "Baby we already said each about so many dark moments of our life. We got our own rhythm I love it. The most I love in our relationship that we focused on what's ahead of us not on past. We build something on ruins. And it's not a sand castle. I asked if u want me to change because, as always, my stupid thought that I don't deserve you, sorry" "Jess" my eyes were full of tears "Audrey don't you dare to cry!" my neck were occupied by his lips. "baby give me my phone" I passed cell to him. Jess ordered food, I sat n***d motionless. Jess kneeled by bed, by me. "Audrey talk please" my eyes drown in his. I smiled "everything is ok Jess" "you know you can't lie" I put my hands on his face and slide down on his laps, kissed him. "Jess" "yes?" "you're magnificent, gorgeous, splendid you're more than I could ever dream of " we giggled before kiss. Before food arrived we got shower together. While eating I realized we didn't tell Madeleine we won't come back to school. She should knew that. "Jess" "Yes?" "Do you have number to Madeleine?" "No but I have to Daryl" "We should tell her about new school" "Ok I'm calling him" he put phone on speaker "sup Jess" "D. I need Madeleine number can you send me?" "why" we laughed "hi Audrey" "we need talk to her Daryl" they had something strong if he was so jealous. "she's with me" we heard in background they conv. Madeleine took phone. "what's up?" "Mel, am how to say it" "may I first?" her voice sounded strange "sure" "guys I'm leaving you. I'm mean I will visit you but I'm changing school. They already bully me for choosing you instead them. Sorry but I'm not that strong as you. Please forgive me" "what high?" "Washington" we burst with laughter. Jess cleared his throat "Mel from Monday we will be together at that high" "yeah we called to sorry you for leaving" "I told you u won't be alone" said Daryl. "Guys you saw how far they are with studying? Daryl helps me but I'm so afraid. Can we meet on Sunday to check up and help each?" "Saturday Madeleine, come to us in the morning." "will you take me to Hill after?" "sure" "OK it's settle, so bye I need learn. f**k I'm happy now" "bye". We also learned. We sat, we layed. Jess sing something I couldn't memorized. It helped a lot. About 1 am Jess took pensil from my hand. "Enough" of course I obeyed. 10 minutes later we were sleeping.
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