Chapter Four

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My time on the plane was the most relaxing ever. It was a first class ticket, so I had enjoyed every bit of privacy I had gotten. I hadn't even cared for the food, but had gotten my stomach filled with as many strawberries as I could handle. I pitied my stomach now that I thought about it, because there was a good chance I was going to have a running stomach in a short while. As I rolled my box out, I was surprised to see my sister, Jane, and her fiancee, Caleb, jumping and waving wildly at me, with a huge sign that read 'Ann tandan'. I turned round to see if people were staring and sure enough, they were. I felt my cheek grow hot in embarrassment, even as I laughed at the nick name. Caleb had given me that nickname when I had mistaken Rema's music, 'calm down' as 'tandan'. Nobody could blame me, I wasn't really hearing what he was saying and I loved the music to pieces so I had called it 'tandan' when I was looking for the title so I could download it. I sighed and plastered the biggest and widest smile on my face as all my shyness and embarrassment disappeared, and was replaced by genuine happiness from seeing my sister. She tossed the sign swat, nearly knocking Caleb on the head and ran to meet me. I was just able to let my bags go and shift my feet behind me for balance, when she barreled int o me like a little kid. "Ann!" She screamed as I wrapped my arms around her and lifted her up, spinning her around. "Jane! Oh how I've missed you Miss Petite." Please you wouldn't even need to ask why I named her that, when you saw all five foot two of her, compared to my five foot eight. "Tandan. I've missed you too." She pulled away and I let go of her. "How was your flight?" She asked and took over my suitcase, which I let her do, of course. "My flight, was perfect. I have never slept so much on a plane before." I said and we laughed as we headed towards Caleb who was struggling with the huge sign. "Well I am happy to hear that you have slept already. It means we will have a lot of time to talk and catch up on things sis." She was practically jumping as we walked over to where Caleb was now standing, having controlled the sign. "Ann!" He opened his arms wide and I ran into it for a hug. Caleb was the best huger in the entire world, if there was a thing like that. "Good to see you, Cal." I said into his shirt. He was so tall, my face was pressed against his chest. "Good to see you to, Ann. Now I can actually get a breath of fresh air, from the sweetest person ever." The last statement was directed at Jane with a mock grin. "Hah! Take that Jane." I stuck my tongue at her. And she just smacked Caleb on the arm. "Wait a minute." She turned and looked behind me. "Where is Chris?" She asked with a frown. Unintentionally, my face fell and she gasped. "Can we just go to the hotel first? " I said and she nodded. Caleb gave me a pat on the back and the kissed me on my forehead, before releasing me and taking my luggage from me. "I'll go ahead and bring the car around to the front." He said and went ahead of us. We walked in silence to the entrance with my sister holding onto my arm. It felt good to finally see her, after a long time away from each other. We had grown up so much and had been too busy getting our lives together that we hadn't gotten the chance to see each other. Jane worked as a fashion designer for different fashion brands. Her job kept her so busy, during the day, and during the night. I often wondered how Caleb had coped with it all. He really did love her. "It feels so good having you around." She said and I smiled and wrapped my arm around her shoulder. "Gosh! You are so short, Miss Petite!" I said and ran away, with her, on my heels. People were watching us, probably thinking 'eho were these grown ass women, playing like little kids.' but I didn't care. Luckily, Caleb pulled over, just in time, and I jumped into the backseat and locked it. She caught on few seconds later and tried to open the door, but I simply laughed and gave her a thumbs down. She gave me the middle finger and hopped into the passenger side of the car. Good. "And just so you know, even after you are married, I'll still refer to you as Mrs Petite. Only this time, the Miss, will be replaced by 'Mrs'. Caleb laughed as she threw something from his dashboard at me. I caught it. It was a little car teddy. Caleb turned on the radio, and for the whole of the trip, we sang along to our favorite Maroon 5 songs. Yes. We all had a thing for Maroon 5, including Caleb. It was a fifteen minutes drive to the hotel and what I saw, left me in awe. To say the place was magnificent, was an understatement. I didn't know what word to use to describe how impeccably beautiful it was. All the hotels and resorts I had visited in my entire lifetime was nothing, compared to this one. And I had visited a lot of hotels as my family always loved to vacation at any chance they got and to different places each time. "Wow" the whole place was bathed in white and gold. It looked like something out of a Greek myth. "Yes. I know. I said same thing myself when I first got here." Jane said from besides me. Caleb walked past us to the elevator and we followed quickly to catch up with him. My room, was something else all together. "I have never seen so much white in a room before. It looks like a cloud, a dream come through." I said and dived onto the soft bed." I said and spread my arms and legs wide. "Y'all can just go, and let me sleep here forever." I shooed them off. Jane just stomped her foot on the floor. "But you really cannot do that..! I told you we had some shopping to do and a party to prepare for." She sounded distant as sleep started to show it's presence. "A_" she wanted to say something, before I heard Caleb interrupt her. "You know she just came from a very long strip. You should let her rest a little, so she can regain some of her strength." He paused. "Besides, we still have to pick up Henderson." He said. "Oh, that's true." She said then came over to me and gave me a peck on my forehead. "I promise I would wake up early, and then we would go out together." I said and gave her a mock salute. "You better." Was what she said before I closed my eyes and slept off. COLTON It didn't take up to ten seconds for me to find them. Of course they had to be so damn loud for the whole airport to hear them. I walked quick to them, and stood right I front of them. It was Jane who saw me first and gave a hug. A very tight hug, which knocked the breath out if him. "J...a..n..! He struggles to say and she released him. "Oh Colton, we have to be on our way to the hotel, my sister must have awoken by now, and we have some shoppings to do today." She said and hooked her hand under ours and started to lead us out of the airport. We arrived at the hotel and it was so elegant and beautiful. "Who ever was in charge of the interior of this hotel did a great job. Wow." I remarked. Caleb nodded "Follow me," he said, and started to turn, but Jane's phone rang. "Oh hey tandan. Oh, you can come downstairs there is no point in me coming up, when you can... yes," she said and hung up, tucking her phone inside her bag. "Listen..." she said, and turned to face us. "Luara will be coming down here in a few minutes, and we are heading to the mall." She said. "I would like for you to meet her." Caleb just shook his head at her without saying anything. I was forced to say how I was feeling."I am so tired as it is, Jane. I would have loved to see your sister, but I guess we would have to wait till the party later tonight. I have a lot to organize, and a lot of calls to make." I felt bad declining, but I had work to do and really did have calls to make. "Fine." She gave the both of us a hug and a kiss on the cheek. "I'll see you guys later. Let me go meet up with her, before she gets lost." That being said, she turned and walked away, "I'll make it up to you, Jane." I called after her, and she shooed me away with a wave. I smile and turned to my best friend, who was giving me a wry look. "What?" I asked as he continued staring at me. I just hissed and started to walk to the elevator with Caleb behind him. "I don't know what it is dear friend, but I can swear, that there is this mischievous glint in your eyes ." He pointed out. The elevator opened and a woman just walked past with her head buried deep in her phone. If I hadn't gotten out of way earlier, she would run into me and probably had her phone flying accross the room. Caleb was busy on his phone and did not notice what had happened. The door closed as they got inside.
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