Chapter 1

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ROSIE POV Hearing the alarm ringing was causing me a serious headache. It was so loud and disturbing but there was no way I will reduce the volume because if I do, I will surely sleep off without hearing it ring. I raised my head lazily and looked at the time. My eyes shot open when I saw what the time was. ‘ oh s**t I'm going to be late for school.’ I thought before jumping down from my bed. I ran to the bathroom to have a quick shower because I didn't have enough time to just waste all day having a long bath. I quickly wore a big shirt and baggy pants. I know what you are thinking, what's with the dressing and all? Well that's who I am. I love wearing clothes that are big and comfy. I'm not a fan of tight dresses or short skirts. “ But you are hiding your sexy curves.” Sun said. Oh yeah, Sun is my wolf. Strange name for a wolf right, yeah I know I thought the same too when she introduced herself to me. But with time I think I name is cool and unique. “ I'm not hiding anything Sun” I said to her rolling my eyes. “ Blah blah blah anything you say.” she said. “Go away will you. I have to prepare for school or I will be late. Your causing me a headache.” I joked. “ Fine suit yourself. I'm leaving. You will call me when you need me and we will see if I will answer you.” she said as she went back. I laughed at her silly blackmail. She's actually the more lousy one than I am. She is very free and social while I on the other hand, I'm so shy and reserved. I love my privacy. Mind my manners, I haven't introduced myself yet how silly of me. Hi I'm Rosie White. I am a 16 years old lady who lives alone. I lost my parents at a very young age and after that, I lived with my grand mother who also passed away two years ago. I'm a very simple and boring person to be with. As you already know, I love baggy clothes especially those in black colors. I'm a nerd who hates talking much in public. The only person I can talk freely with is my wolf Sun who is my only friend and companion. She knows everything about from the good to the bad. I got myself ready for school. I had just an apple for breakfast. Trust me is not because I'm selective when it comes to food or I'm watching my weight or something, it's because I only have two apples in my house. I don't have any thing to eat other than that. I wasn't paid last night so I wasn't able to buy any thing to eat. I just hope my boss pays me today or else I don't know what to do. I was lucky to arrive school before the bell rang. I went straight to my class and sat on my seat. I put my head on the desk as I waited for the rest of the students to enter and the teacher to also enter too. I could hear girls gossiping about fashion, makeup and boys or rather mates while the guys were talking about sports, parties and girls. I waited for the teacher to come and begin the lessons for today. Fortunately for me, we were having literature as the first lesson for today. Literature was one of my favourite subjects. It didn't take so long for the teacher to enter. And only when he entered that I raised my head up. And classes started. After the class, students lined up in front of my desk. They were submitting their assignment to me to write the answers for them. I did it without complaining because I'm going to get paid for my services and the money will pay for my lunch because I'm so hungry. I was still collecting some books from some girls when the queen bee of our school, Juliet walked to me with her minions following her behind. She threw her book on my desk. “ Hey nerd before you think of doing other people's assignment, make sure you do mine first and make sure they are all correct. Is that clear or else you know the consequences.” she said eyeing me. Juliet always thinks that's she was one day going to be the Luna because of her looks and all. Because of that, she decided to use it to bully me with her minions. Sometimes my classmates joins her when she orders them too. That's the main reason I love being alone. I attended two more classes before I went to the library during my free time. I sat there and began to answer their assignment. I was able to finsh them all before lunch break. Lucky me. I went back to class to return their assignments to them and was paid. Some collected it and thanked me while some collected it without even uttering a word. Well not like I mind. I went to Juliet's seat, I returned her book to her. She looked at me chewing her chewing gum like a goat. “ You can go.” she said. I knew better than to ask her for money. She was never going to pay me a dim. I mean I'm used to it already since it is the consequences you have to endure for losing both your parents and guardian. After the death of my grandma, my rank changed from just a normal werewolf to an Omega. An omega is the lowest rank in Evergreen pack. As an omega, we are like the cleaners and caretakers of the pack. Our job is to ensure that the pack house is clean and we also take turns in helping the Luna with chores like cooking, cleaning, washing clothes and running some errands. We aren't to expect respect from anyone instead we should be the ones respecting others and not the other way round. After I had collected all the money from my classmates, I went to buy something to eat for I was starving. After ordering spaghetti with onions sauce and sausage, I went to a lonely corner to sit down and eat. I usually sit alone and I hardly talk to people when I'm in school. I was always alone. After I had eaten my lunch and was satisfied, I went back for my remaining classes. “ make sure you all read the articles I gave you because I will be giving you a quick test.” I heard my history teacher say as I was packing my books. Everyone began to grumble around me. Lazy ass. I thought rolling my eyes. The final bell rang. Finally it's time to leave school. I packed my things and left the school. Now it's time to go to work. I went to the restaurant where I worked as a waitress. When I entered, I saw my boss at the counter. “ afternoon Mr Drew.” I greeted. “Morning Rosie. How was school today?” he asked. “ It wasn't bad. Excuse me I need to change into my uniform.” I said. “ Aren't you going to eat something before you start working? ” Mr Drew asked. “No I will eat later before I leave.” I replied before going to the back. Actually I was still full from the lunch I had so I will eat later so it will be my dinner. I changed into my uniform and went back to serve guest. I just hope I get some reasonable tips today unlike yesterday and I also hope Mr Drew pays me. I can't talk to him about it because he has been very nice to me. When others rejected me to work for them, he accepted me and was kind enough to allow me work whenever I'm done from school. He treats me like I was his daughter which he never had. He is 30 years but his yet to find his mate. He usually says he has given up on finding her but I know that his still sad about not finding her. No one can be happy or feel complete without his or her mate. As much as I don't feel like having a mate, I sometimes wish you have one better still. I needed to have someone who will understands me better than anyone and someone who will complete me. I needed someone to heal me. I went to serve the guests who were coming in. Work as a waitress wasn't too stressful but there are some customers who love to stress one out. Mr Drew was getting more customers day by day. His business was actually booming well. “Hey Rosie what are you going to do tomorrow which is weekend?” Steph asked. He also worked in the restaurant also. I actually feel free in talking to him because at first when I tired to avoid him, he still disturbed me making me to talk to him by force. I won't call him my friend because he doesn't know much about me but still yet I talk to him than with anyone. “ Well I'm going to shop for some food stuffs that's if I'm going to be paid today then will spend all my day at home.” I answered him. “ Aren't you going to help out in the alpha's house?” he asked. “ what's happening there?” I asked looking at him in confusion. “Well I heard that the alpha's son will be returning back from his training so we are all expected to gather around to celebrate.” Steph answered. “ oh I didn't know about that.” I said. Actually I didn't actually care about stuffs like getting together to party or celebrate. It's not just my thing. “ How will you know when you have decided to withdraw yourself from all the pack affairs. Well I'm sure the Luna will call you soon since your her favourite Omega. She will surely ask you to come and help out. Trust me. I'm sure you will attend the celebration. You won't be able to escape.” “ Hey keep shut. That's not true, I'm not her favourite. Your just exaggerating things. And I will find a way to escape easily without her knowing.” I said rolling my eyes. “ Whatever you say Rosie but trust me she's going to call you soon.” he said before he left to attend to a customer. Work went smoothly. Luckily for me, I got my pay check and I also got a good sum of tips. It was like today was definitely my lucky day. After eating my dinner, I said farewell to Steph and Mr Drew. It was pass 10pm and everywhere was dark as I was walking home but it wasn't scary. Instead it was peaceful just walking and admiring the bright beautiful moon. I walked to my home which sometimes was lonely but yet it's the only place I can call my home. I opened the door and entered my warm and comfy home. I went to my room and changed my clothes as I wore something light and short Well I'm here alone so I don't need to wear baggy even in my own house. I tired my hair in a high ponytail as I sat down to start assignments. You must be wondering what's my deal and why don't I at least take a rest. Well the thing for me to be able to survive, I need to work myself out. To eat and provide necessary things for myself, I have to work and to use my scholarship well, I have to read hard and make sure I pass well so that my Alpha would be proud of me. I'm actually under a scholarship that's why I'm able to continue schooling. Alpha Bryson took pity on me after my grandma's death and decided to pay for me to further my education. This is something I cannot take for granted at all. I was almost done with my assignment when my phone rang. It was an outdated small phone that I was using for the main time. I picked it up and saw the person calling me was Luna Isabella. “ hello Luna good evening.” I said to her. “Evening my child. I knew you will be awake by this time that's why I decided to call. Please Rosie I need a favour from you.” she said calmly. “ alright ma what can I help you with?” I asked her. “Well as you already know, my son is coming back from his alpha training, I want you to please help me out by coming tomorrow which is weekend to help out in preparing for his celebration. ” Luna Isabella said. “ Alright ma I will come help out tomorrow.” I said. “ thank you so much. I knew I could count on you.” she said before hanging up. I let out a sigh. Now I won't stay at home tomorrow. Why does Steph have to be right in everything? I wasn't happy with the arrangements but there was nothing I could do about it. I had to follow the higher authority. I finished my assignment and went to bed to sleep. I just hope that I get to sleep well because I can't stay up all night when I have to be busy tomorrow. I laid on my bed as I began to think of happy memories of myself with my parents. I really missed them so much. Death is really very cruel to me. I was able to sleep well without waking up as I have been doing. The next day came in a quick flash. I woke up feeling tired but I had to get out of my bed as I took my bath and I wore something big as usual before heading to the market to buy some foodstuffs and necessary things I will definitely be needing. After my quick shopping, I went home with them and arranged them before leaving my home again as I headed to alpha Bryson's house. When I entered, I wasn't surprised when I saw it was already busy as decorations were taking place and all. I walked to the kitchen and found Luna Isabella there. “ Good thing your here Rosie come help me with this.” she ordered. And that's how I worked and worked through out the day without taking any rest. The party had started already but I was still working in the kitchen trying to make sure all the food and side dishes plus dessert were ready. When it was time to serve, I joined the remaining omegas to serve. When I saw the large number of people who were present for the party, I concluded that's it was better I worked in the kitchen than be around these people. I haven't come in contact with the Alpha's son yet. I just wanted to have a glimpse on how he looks like not like I have any business to do with him. After I was done serving, I walked out of the house and far from where the crowd were gathered. I was going round when I found myself in a beautiful garden. I began to admire the garden when I felt someone behind me. The scent coming from the person was mouth watering. The person's smelt like coconut. I turned to see who the person was. Immediately I locked eyes with the young handsome man who was standing behind me, everywhere became still and the only thing I could hear was Sun shouting “MATE”. It all happened in a flash and the next thing I knew was it was morning and I was laying naked on the bed with the guy who was my mate. “What just happened Sun? What did you do?” I asked my wolf. She smiled with a satisfied look on her face. “Well I did something that is meant to be done.” she answered. “Did we?” I asked scared to find out the answer. “Yes girl we did.We just had s*x with our mate. We are no longer virgins. We are adults now. Can you believe that?” she asked so excited. Well at least someone is excited because I don't think I'm not. I just had s*x with someone I have never meant before. I don't even know his name. “Sun why did you do that?” I asked my crazy wolf who can get me in prison for her careless behavior. “Well look at him Rosie, he looks like a hot piece of cake and I wanted to have a taste. Well s*x with him was wild and amazing. He sure has a lot of stamina. He refused to stop banging me. It was...” “ Enough. Don't want to hear it.” I quickly stopped her. I quickly blocked her. I can't put up with her. I looked at the young man sleeping beside me. Truth be told, my mate was indeed very handsome. I couldn't take my eyes off him. I smiled as I kept admiring him. Finally I have gotten my better half, the one who will complete me. Or so I thought.
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