Chapter 2

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EVANS POV Finally back to my home which I have missed so much. It's not like, I didn't like staying at the the alpha's academy, just that home is home and I really missed being around my people and my family. It's been five years since I left this pack for my alpha training. It hasn't been easy just staying somewhere alone with non of your family with you but it was sometimes fun. To be a great leader comes with sacrifice. I sure learnt alot through the easy way and also the hard way. But at the end of it all, I graduated well and I can boast out that I'm fit to be an alpha. I was just leaving the airport when I heard a very familiar voice that I have been hearing ever since I was a foetus. A voice I only get to talk to on phone. I turned to see her running to me. “EVANS MY BABY.” My mother shouted as she ran to me hugging me tightly as she cried. “My baby is this really you. I missed you so much. Look at you all tall and grown up. But you look so slim. Aren't they feeding you well there?” she kept on talking and talking until I stopped her. “ mummy calm down will you. You are embarrassing me.” I said looking around as I noticed we had a little audience looking our way. “ oh my goodness. My baby's voice is now sounding just like a man. I can't believe you are this grown up.” she said not minding what I just said earlier. I looked behind her to see my father looking at us with a smile on his face. From the last time I saw him, I could tell his really getting older. His no longer the young dad that I knew before. “Dad” I greeted. “Welcome back son. How was training and how was your journey?” he asked. “ they were not bad. But sometimes weren't easy. My trip was long but it was okay.” I replied. “Good to have you back son” he said as he placed his hand on my shoulder. “let get going. I prepared a little celebration for you.” my mummy said looking so excited. “ mummy we all know that your little celebration involves all the pack members gathering around which is not close to little.” I said rolling my eyes. “ well my baby, you should be grateful to me for inviting everyone. At least if you are lucky, you might find your mate today.” she said looking around. “ mummy” I whined. “ what? You need to find one immediately because trust me I need grandchildren and I'm getting older each and every second.” she said with her hands on her waist. I couldn't stop myself from smiling. This woman is so going to be the death of me. I thought deeply. “ But she's right, we need to find our mate immediately and do the steamy with her and watch her carry our pups.” Axel my wolf said. I rolled my eyes at him. “ that's all you care about you horny love skin animal.” I joked. “ call me different names but it's not my concern. I just need my mate immediately.” he said. “lets go home son.” my mother said as she began to drag me. She sure has strength for her age. We got to the pack and I must say, my father did a great job in taking care of the pack because of lot of things had changed. The school are now bigger also the hospital is also bigger too. The road is smooth for driving and everywhere was looking so beautiful. When we arrived home, the front door was filled with the gamma's and beta's family. The moment I stepped down from the car, my two best friends, Nate my gamma and Smith my beta jumped on me. “Guy you look so different in a good way. You look so grown up.”Nate said making me to laugh. “ How have you guys been?” I asked them. “ Well as you can see, we are kicking just fine.” Smith answered. They have both grown unlike how they were before. I went to greet their parents also and they all said the same thing, ‘look at how grown you are’. They asked about how I was in the academy and I answered. After I was done greeting them, I went upstairs t my room. When I entered the room, I smiled. My mother left it just the way I left it although it looked very clean. Someone must have been tidying the place. My books were neatly arranged on my table, my bed was smooth, the room scented nice, everything was just refreshing. Someone knocked my door before opening it, I wasn't surprised to see my two best friends had followed me upstairs. “ how does it feel to be back home?” Smith asked me as they sat on my bed while I sat on my reading chair facing them. “ it feels very nice. I missed this pack so much. So tell me what has been going on with you two while I was gone?” I asked them. “ Well nothing much really. But guess what, your man over there is now an adult” Smith said pointing at Nate. “What? What happened to him.” I asked looking at both of them. “ Guess.” Smith said with a smirk on his face. “ You guys know I'm bad at guessing. Tell me already you guys are keeping me in suspense.” I said already feeling frustrated. “ our boy here has found his mate. He is now an adult.” Smith said. I turned to look at Nate. It was a surprising news because he was the youngest yet he got a mate first. “ congrats man. I'm happy for you.” “ thanks man.” “ so tell me? How does it feels to have a mate?” I asked. “Well it's the best feeling ever. My mate, Angel is just like her name. She is just so beautiful, so loving, so kind. She's everything to me and I'm lucky to have her as mine.” Nate said. After he was done, I couldn't hold it in as I burst out into laughter. Smith joined me to laugh. “ Looks who is talking. Guy you are so whipped. Who would have thought you will find your mate and be a puppy just for love?” I asked mocking him. “ whatever you say, I don't care. Your time is coming soon and I will laugh at you both too. Just wait and see. You both will act worse than me.” he said confidently. Smith and I both laughed at him. “ so I heard your mother is hosting a huge celebration for you later.” Smith said after he had calmed down. “Yes she did. I wonder why she has decided to stress herself. I mean what's the need of inviting everyone to gather around?” I asked rolling my eyes. “Well you shouldn't blame her. You are her only child who has been away for five years. She misses you so much and she's just so happy you are back. So let her be. Just go with the flow and enjoy yourself because it's your day.” Smith said. “ I will definitely enjoy my day. Trust me.” I said confidently. “Alright you guys, thanks for dropping by but I think you need to leave for I want to take a quick shower and rest a little before coming down later for the celebration. I'm very sorry but we will catch up later I will be stressed out so I need to rest now. My journey was a bit long.” I said. “Oh alright it's fine. We will let you rest for now.” nate said before they all stood up and left. Finally some alone time. I quickly went to the bathroom for a quick shower before I changed into just my shorts before laying on the bed to sleep for a while. I closed my eyes and welcomed the sleep with an open arms. “Evans wake up. Wake up son.” I opened my eyes to see my mother. “Mummy what's wrong?” I asked her. “ the party has already started so wake up and get dressed before joining us downstairs. So many people want to see you.” she announced before leaving my room. I let out a sigh before I went to wear something fit for the celebration. I decided to wear something causal but still look nice. After I was done dressing, I went downstairs to see a large number of people sitting or maybe moving around the place. I definitely knew better than to trust my mother's words. It's just for me to say the whole community are all here. I was dragged by my mother as she took me round to greet some people. I didn't sit down a bit to rest as I was jumping from one table to another. I was so tired but there was no way I could complain to my mother who was enjoying herself. Finally I was released from the chains that bounded my mother and I together. I went to join my friends. I was able to meet Angel, nate's mate. She didn't look so bad and was beautiful. As for me, I just hope my mate will not only be beautiful but also strong. I don't want to have a weak luna, I needed someone who was strong to take care of herself. I drank some glasses of wine which were very strong to make me drunk. I excused myself from the crowd. I walked to the garden admiring the wind that blew. I noticed a girl was standing in front of me. I couldn't see who it was so I walked close to her. As I was getting close to her, I smelt the most beautiful scent ever. It was a mixed of rose and vanilla. I moved closer and my Axel was moving anxiously in my head. I just didn't understand what was happening to me. It was like she noticed my presence because she turned and looked at me. It was like her emerald eyes were looking into my soul. The last thing I could remember was Axel growling “MATE” before he took control. I opened my eyes slowly to see myself in my bedroom. My head was hurting me so bad that I couldn't stop myself from groaning out loud. I tried to sit up but there was a weight on my chest that was stopping me. I looked down to see hair on my face. I almost jumped in fear but then I noticed it was just a girl. But who could she be and why is she on my chest. That was when I remembered what happened last night. I remembered Axel saying mate before I blacked out. I think he knows what happened. “Axel what happened last night? Why did you take me off guard and take control?” I asked my wolf. “ Well incase you haven't noticed slow i***t, we have finally found our mate.” he said excitedly. “We what?” I asked confused. “You heard me right. We have found our mate and I couldn't wait for you to do the needful so I took control and trust me we had a wild night together. s*x with mate was mind-blowing.” he said bringing his tongue out. To say I was shocked to hear this was an understatement. “so you are saying we had s*x with some lady right?” I asked trying to understand. “Excuse you not just some lady but we made love with our mate.” he said rolling his eyes. “ARE YOU OUT OF YOUR f*****g MIND.” I shouted. “You know what, we will talk about this later. I need to talk to this slut.” I said angrily. I blocked him from my mind before he could say anything. I wasn't ready to have a mate just yet. Mates makes you weak and I could tell she was just an ordinary girl who will depends on others for help. No way will I want her as my mate. I think the moon goddess is trying to make a mockery out of me. I pushed her head roughly from my chest before sitting up. She opened her eyes and I almost fell for her emerald eyes but I stopped myself immediately. “ Are you so cheap to jump on any guy you meet for the first time?” I asked harshly. “ Sorry I don't understand your question.” she said looking so confused. Such a lying w***e. “You are know very well what exactly I mean you lying whore.” She looked at me with hurt in her eyes. Not like I care about how she's feeling. “ I'm not a whore.” she said looking at me right into my eyes. “ Then what do you explain this? You naked on my bed.” “Like I want to be on your bed. I have no idea what happened to me. I woke up and saw my self on your bed.” she said. “ I can't believe that the moon goddess gave me you this thing as my mate.” I said in disgust. “I also can't believe that you are my mate.” she said rolling her eyes. She sure was disrespectful. “Do you know who you are talking to like that? You can be killed for talking to me like that.” I said to her. She laughed “Here you are speaking you are the Alpha or his son. Excuse me if you don't have anything better to say, just reject me and get this over with I have work to do.” she said. “Do you really not know who I am?” I asked raising my eyebrows up. Maybe she was just pretending. “ I think I now know who you are. You are some arrogant asshole.” she said. I think she really doesn't know who I was. “ Get out of my room and I don't want to see you anyway near me. I won't reject you and I also won't accept you because I don't want someone as weak as you to be my mate.” I said to her. She jumped down from the bed and wore her clothes angrily. “ I also don't want you too.” she said in anger although I caught her wipping a tear from her face. She was about to walk out of my room when I stopped her. I walked to her and bend to her level so she could see my face very well. “ And hey. I am not some arrogant asshole, I am your alpha to be.” I said and smiled brightly when I saw the fear in her eyes. I'm going to have so much fun with her. She doesn't know what's coming.
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