Chapter 37 : Mrs. Christopher's fear

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I came out of my room and went to the dining room. Dad was already seated there with Mom right next to him. Joe Bhaiya has probably gone to the hospital to be with Abhinu. I went and sat next to Mom. My keen eyes instinctively probing the food items on the table, trying to find the source of the very familiar and delicious aroma. I was both elated and crestfallen to discover that my intuition was on the spot and mom had served my all-time favorite chicken curry with coconut milk for dinner. Mom looked at my face and said "What happened beta, you look sad? Is anything bothering you?" I looked angrily at mom. Mom knew very well that I don't like anyone calling me 'Beta'. I don't know why this specific act is one of the many things which irritate me to a great extent after, all the fiasco with Abhinu. The boy I loved the most is being addressed as Beti (daughter) all the time whereas he is the one who deserves to call a beta. When it happens I feel equally responsible for the injustice meted out to Abhinu as I remained a mute spectator at the time of the incident. "Nothing Maa... I am just missing Joe, today is the last day of his vacation and he is still not with us. I miss him" I replied. "Why he has to stay away from us in a hostel?" Mom tugged at my right cheek and replied sarcastically, "Aww... how sweet... you miss your brother... Haah..." I hugged Mom and replied sadly "Hmmm... I miss him...I am grateful to him for what he has done for Abhinu in the last 5 days..." She looked at me and said, "I know, if it was not for him, I would never have believed anything you have been telling us about Abhinu." she paused and then continued "Fear not, sweetheart, your friend's belief in the great Lord Hanuman and your belief in Mother Mary and St. Christopher have brought a lot of people together who now cares about him. Do you trust us?" "Huuu...  what?" I grinned. "I said do you trust us, Your dad and me?"  mom asked. "Of course, I do mom," I replied. "Then, right now the only way to protect him is by letting the Banerjee's believe that we don't know anything about this." Mom replied. My strange and shocked expression at her statement made mom continue, "You heard me, we are trying to find a way to secure your friend’s future. Till then we want the Banerjee's to believe that we don't know anything about him." "I promise, mom..." I replied. Dad, listening intently to our conversation, gestured us to start dinner. As dad started with his first morsel, mom stopped him, "Jairus, you forgot to say grace." We had never said grace on the dining table before, so I was a bit confused but extended my hand. We held our hands together and Mom was about to recite grace, but Dad interrupted and asked me "Darling why don't you say grace?" We closed our eyes and I started, "O' Mother of God, We thank you for the full plate of food, please bless the hands that prepared it. Please bless Joe dada with his smartness to be a great man one day, and finally please grant strength to Abhinu to endure for some more days." As I opened my eyes, I saw dad smile at my prayer. He looked at me and said, "Have faith dear, once your Aunty Sengupta and Nishi Sir find the answers we are looking for... we will also be able to rescue your friend in no time..." At that Moment Mom suddenly said, "I just hope the next 24 hours pass without any incident?" "Why Mom, is something about to happen in the next 24 hours?" "Huuu..." she turned to look at me, probably she never expected that I might ask that question and said, "Nothing like that, it's just that after 24 hours, Joe will be within the boundaries of the school and will be totally safe..." I didn't say anything and continued with our dinner. Something tells me that Mom and Dad are about to do something tonight, and this was just a hint to give me a heads-up about what is about to happen.  After I finished my food, Dad told me not to worry about anything and asked me to go off to sleep. I wished good night to both of them and left for my room. As I got into my bed, I picked up the album once again, pondering about the past. I saw another picture, It had Aamaya di and I taking a picture next to Aarohi's grave and next to that picture which as far as I could recall was taken 2 days later. Abhinu was holding a pink-colored teddy in his hand. That was the day when Soham and Grihamani gifted a stuffed bear to Abhinu, post his transition, and christening to Sophia. These 2 incidents were probably the only days when I saw Aamaya di and Abhinu happy as far as I could remember. However, I must admit, what I had to sacrifice to protect Abhinu, was nothing compared to what Aamaya di sacrifice that day.  It probably made me realize that under the tough-looking stone-cold heart, was a sweet 11-year-old who was ready to give her life for the sake of Abhinu and all the while let Abhinu and everyone think that she was one of the meanest people in the world. As for the incident with Abhinu, I could still recall how happy he was as he held the pink stuffed bear in his hand. I recalled the incident because amidst all the sufferings he has endured all those days, he was genuinely happy at that moment. We remained best friends for 2 years and probably by the grace of God, we still are. I just hope our friendship serves as an example to all the friends that no matter the differences someone has in their life, we should never reject a true friendship. Over the years my love for him is so strong that I can feel his every breath. I could count the number of days, in the past 7 years, I saw him happy.                                                                 TO BE CONTINUED...                                                                ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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