Chapter 36 : Memories Christened - 4

2183 Words
After what we witnessed the other day, I decided to tell about everything to my family, but no one believed in me. I knew if the people closest to me don't trust me, then there was no one who would.  I was so depressed that day that the only thing I felt like doing was to go to the basketball court and try to shoot a few baskets all alone. No matter how hard I tried, I was unable to score a single basket. After about 20 minutes of trying, I felt dejected and sat on the pitch, trying to look at the basket. There was a time where I could even see Abhinu and Aarohi standing next to the pillar, and telling me not to give up. Abhinu suddenly says "Monika... Aarohi is happy with the gods, and please try to forget that I ever existed, it would be better this way..." The moment Abhinu's shadow, said those words, a ball came flying through the air and directly entered the basket, what was strange was that the ball didn't even hit the square box. It was a move known only to Abhinu and Aarohi. For once I felt it was a dream and as I turned to look back I saw Daniel dada standing at the corner of the court and he had a ball in his hand. There was a girl who was standing with him too. It was probably Daniel Dada who threw the ball. At that moment I was so sad that I was in no mood to get up and talk to him too. He came and sat next to me and began to talk "What's up champ... you look sad...?" I was pretty sure Daniel dada would never believe the dilemma that I was facing and so I replied "It's nothing dada... I am just missing Aarohi..." Daniel dada then placed his hand over my shoulder and said "I know champ... I know how it feels to lose someone... especially someone whom you care..." He knows, was he serious, I was not sure what I was talking and then I replied "How could you possibly know about losing someone...?" I replied in an angry tone. For some reason, Daniel dada was calm and replied "maybe that what you think dear... but what you don't know is that I lost my sister in the car crash... that same crash which took away your Aarohi from you..." I was not sure what was he talking about and then I looked at him and said "I don't understand" Then he told me the eternal truth, he told me about Sam, and that she was her little sister who died in the car crash... he began to tell me how Sam never told anyone that they are siblings, because she was ashamed that he was gay. We began to talk about Sam, Aarohi and Abhinu and after talking for some time he suddenly asked me out of the blues "I know Champ... you are not sad because you are mourning Aarohi but it's something else. You can tell me about it... I might be able to help..." I tried to hide what I saw but then after much coercion, I finally told him what happened at the Banerjee residence. After telling him about the details, the lady who was with Daniel dada suddenly placed her hand over my hair. As I turned to look at her Daniel dada suddenly said "Sorry I almost forgot..." and then he looked at the girl and said, "This is Dr. Amy Harper... she is a friend of mine." As I greeted her she said "Monika... whatever you just told Daniel... I know about that particular ceremony, as a matter of fact, I was able to bear witness to this ceremony with my own eyes..." and then she asked me "Monika... I hope you don't mind me asking... but is your friend Abhinu being forced to live dressed up as a girl at home..." I replied "Yes... Amy didi..." The Moment I said yes, she stood up, pulled a cell phone from her wallet, and began to walk towards the corner. I looked at Daniel dada and asked what happened and then he said that a few weeks ago, he met Abhinu on Darika's birthday. He met Abhinu dressed as a girl, he got worried and informed Amy didi about it, so Amy came to confirm if he was actually telling the truth and so when I asked him why does Amy didi wants to know about that, he told me about Helen Harper and how the Banerjee family holds the secret of the whereabouts of Helen Harper. As we kept discussing I casually asked him "Daniel Dada will you help Abhinu..." He was hesitant at first and then turned to look at Amy didi. I saw her give a nod and then he asked me how much I loved Abhinu. I replied, "I cannot tell you how much I loved Abhinu, but one thing is certain, I am ready to walk through burning ambers if that would mean protection him..." Daniel dada smiled at me and said that I don't have to do any such thing and then he began to tell me about the test. How I must find who Helen Harper is and then bringing her to Aarohi's grave. If I was able to do so, he will make sure that whoever tries to hurt Abhinu will also have to face the same consequences from him. Saying this Daniel dada offered to drop me home, while Amy didi gave me a kiss on my cheek, and then placed the hoodie over her head, leaped on the motorcycle parked on the corner of the stadium, and left. I never saw Amy didi after that incident.  After I had the discussion, I remember returning to Banerjee's house after 4 days. As I rang the doorbell aunty opened the door for me. "What brings you here Monika, my child?" Aunty enquired in her casual tone. "Can I have a word with Abhinu?" I asked, and aunty conveyed her agreement and said that he is in Aamaya didi's room. She further added, "Beta, make sure, whatever you guys discuss, do it inside Aamaya's room." I entered the room locked the door from inside. Abhinu told me that Aamaya di is out and that she has allowed him to take a nap in her room. I took him to the furthest corner of the room to make sure that no one could hear us. Abhinu was wearing a blue and white lace frock with blue wedges. He told me that those blue wedges were Aarohi's. He kept saying that whenever he wears Aarohi’s blue wedges, it makes him feel close to her and gives him hope and the strength to stand up against this cruel world. Now he knows it very well that he is only a pawn in a conspiracy hatched by the family. A bigger struggle is waiting ahead for him and I was happy that he is trying to be mentally strong to stand up to it.  He informed me that early morning aunty told him not to wear the lehenga anymore as his pledge for transformation is complete and he has complied. I stood in front of him, held both his hands, looked in the eye, and said "Sweety, always have faith in Mother Mary. I have been her true follower, and believe that she will send someone to rescue you from here." I finally hugged Abhinu and then I remembered what Daniel dada asked me to do. I looked at Abhinu and asked "Honey... there is something I wanted to tell you..." "What?" he asked. "3 days ago, I met someone and he said he had met you on Darika's birthday..." the moment I mentioned Darika's birthday, I saw a terrified look on his face. Something happened on Darika's birthday which Abhinu never disclosed to me to date. I continued "That person said he will teach everyone a lesson whoever tries to hurt you... but he wants to know something which only the members of this family only knows... I am not sure if you know anything about it..."  Abhinu had a happy smile on his face. It felt like he was happy that there was someone who knows about his plight. He replied "What do you want to know... if I know anything about it I will tell you?" "Well, the thing is..." I was hesitant at first, coz this was a Banerjee secret and who knows asking about this might land Abhinu into more trouble but I would still have to ask him and so I said: "Do you know anyone by the name Helen Harper in this family?"  The moment Abhinu heard the word Helen Harper, he was petrified. He placed his finger on his lips and said "Shhh!!! be careful while using that name... no one uses that name in the house..." and then he picked up my hand and began to take me towards to balcony of the house.  As we reached the balcony, we saw Aamaya was sitting on a chair, reading a book. The moment she saw the 2 of us, she looked angrily at Abhinu, and before she could say a word, Abhinu said "Di... Monika is asking about you..." "About me?" as Aamaya di looked at me I replied "No no... I was asking about someone called Helen Harper" Aamama looked surprised and said "How do you know about Helen Harper... there is only 3 people who calls me by that name... don't tell me you met Amy didi..." I was surprised because I was able to locate the person whom Daniel dada mentioned very easily. I still had my doubts but I decided to tell Aamaya di... "yes di... it was a girl who introduced me as Dr. Amy Harper" I told Aamaya di that she wants to meet her at Aarohi's grave tomorrow after school. I will go with her. She agreed and then she made me promise that I should never mention that name ever in this house... she never told me the reason for it.  She then looked at Abhinu and said "You know you shouldn't be here right... leave before he figures out you are here..." and then the 2 of us without saying another word left the balcony. I decided not to stay here anymore and as I was preparing to leave, he said: "Monika didi, I want to tell you something." The very mention of the word "didi" appeared like a pinch of a needle in my heart. He is my best friend, not my younger sister. As I was about to speak, he added, "Aunty is going to have a baby." The very mention of the word baby made me ask him again "What did you say?" "Aunty is going to have a baby. That day after the ceremony, aunty was sick. They called up the doctor for her check-up and he said that she is going to be a mom again." Abhinu replied I was really happy to hear the news and making up my mind to wish aunty the good news, Abhinu caught hold of my hands and said "Please didi, don't wish her or let her know in any way that you know about her pregnancy. She has specifically instructed us not to talk about it to anyone now. There is something you need to know, but not right now... I will tell you in due time..." A few months later aunty and the family moved away from Kolkata and no one knew where they went. However, when we moved to Purulia, I was able to locate Aamaya di again as I joined the same school as her. Later, I found out that we were neighbors and live-in adjacent houses. I became good friends with Aamaya di in school so that I can have an excuse to be close to him. I came to know that aunty had some complications, and the baby was stillborn. And since Abhinu doesn't have to go to school, It was his duty, to take care of aunty and her needs and also made sure that she was never stressed. As I was reminiscing about the chain of events following that unfortunate day 6 years ago, I heard mom calling me out for dinner. The clock was showing 8:10 p.m. As I was having my dinner, all I could think was what is going to happen to Abhinu now.  He has reached his limit of t*****e and humiliation in life. Their latest attempt almost ended his life. He survived against all odds. I just hope, Aunty Sengupta finds all the proof necessary to take Abhinu away from there before any need to admit him for psychiatric treatment arises. There is a limit for withstanding mental trauma, and now with me grounded, Abhinu loses all support to keep him safe and sane.                                                    TO BE CONTINUED...                                                   ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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