Chapter 68 : Journal : Bhag Bhag D K Bose - 1

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Wow I cant believe it did something really happened that day. Where was I? why was I not called in?  I guess Abhishek dada might have realised that since I was close to Abhinu, it would be safer that I am not around lest I might try some stunt.   I wonder who that Amelia is and what is she up to. What is this guy Amell up to. What is his plans for Abhishek. I wish someone would really teach that Abhishek Banerjee a lesson. Why did he have to keep reminding Abhinu what to do, where he has to go and all those things. I wonder what happened the next day. The next entry stated that Abhinu was confronted by the sisters for sleeping at night without a cloth on. He was punished by the girls and supported by uncle when he was made to do the regular chores without any clothes on and he was embarrassed about it. Darika and Garima made sure to made his day miserable.  I hope Garima never wakes up, because if she does, and I get to lay my hands on her, I am going to make her regret that she even decided to wake up. I decided to continue reading the next entries.                                                             1st August 1994 I am writing this journal after 2 days today. Well actually the last 2 days was kind of a roller coaster ride for me. Well day before yesterday morning, Abhishek Dada called me and asked if I am excited for the day. Well I was definitely not sure if I should even be excited. Well for a girl, getting married to the person who cares for you is one of the great memories of her life, but what about me. Am I really a girl. Uncle keeps telling me the sooner I accept that I am a girl, he will give my life back. Will he, I mean if I accept what he wants, then maybe my life would be the same as Aarohi. He will never let me wear a male attire though. Aarohi once told me, how uncle used to fell uncomfortable, when he used to watch Aarohi play basketball wearing shorts instead of skirts. There were times when I have seen bruise marks on her hands but whenever I confront her about it, she kept telling me that she got hurt while practicing basketball. Old memories aside, after yesterday's ordeal, I was really ashamed to step out of the room but I had no other choice but to be shameless because I am pretty sure, what happened yesterday was only the beginning, they will definitely make sure it happens again. I came out of the room, did my disgusting early morning chores, and began to help aunty get the breakfast ready. As it was Abhishek Dada's wish, I was allowed to have my breakfast with my sisters, Aunty told me that she has left a gift on my locker which she wants me to take it out and put in on my bed. She will get to my room and help me out later. My sisters were asked to skip school today. Whatever happened on the day of my christening, it was the exact thing. As I opened the gift that was there on the locker, I fount that it was a beautiful Maroon colored Rajasthani crystal embedded Ghagra choli dress. As instructed I placed it on the bed and waited for aunty to come. Darika and Garima were asked not to enter my room for the rest of the day. Aamaya di and Aunty entered the room around 9:00. They had a few boxes in their hand. It was red in color and looking at it, it was jewellery boxes. Aunty asked me to put on a tank top and a short skirt and asked me to sit on the stool. Aamaya di asked me to show my hand and then she began to apply Mehendi over my hand. Once she was done, she asked me to show my feet and then she began to draw designs all over my feet upto the calf muscles. It took them around an hour and then she applied red nail paints on all my fingers and toes. She asked me to keep my hands raised so that the Mehendi dries up. About half an hour later, she brought the blower from her room, and began to apply hot air over my hands and feet to dry up sooner. By 11 noon the Mehendi was fully settled. and then I was finally asked to put the lehenga on. This dress was heavier than the one I wore on the day of my christening and I was struggling to walk around in it. Aunty finally opened the boxes she brought for me. It has some really beautiful jewelries. They began to put them on and finally by 12 noon I was all made up. Aunty got a plate where there was a lamp burning and a couple of incense sticks. She rotated it 3 times over my face, and then applied vermilion on my forehead and then she asked me to go and touch uncle's feet and ask for his blessings. Frankly I have no respect for that man but I have to do it anyhow. As I was about to step out of the room uncle came in followed by Darika and Garima. I went to him bend down and touched his feet. He blessed me and said that he is happy that I accepted Abhishek Dada's offer without throwing a tantrum to which I replied that Abhishek Dada is a good person and he gives me the proper respect so it would be a real honor to be his partner for the rest of my life. It felt as if uncle was happy with my answer and said that after tonight, I will be the property of Abhishek Dada and that he will give me my life back. He went towards the almirah and tore off the piece of paper which contained all the rules and said he doesn't want me to follow them anymore. He even said that there is no need to consider Darika and Garima as my elders anymore because from today I am the daughter-in-law of the family and that meant that I will get to command the same rights as Abhishek dada.  However there will be some rights like my studies, Getting admission in a school or stepping out of the house, that will be something which only the 3 of them, Abhishek dada, Uncle and Aunty can decide. I am still not allowed to wear any male attire or any attire that will remind me of a boy. I am still not allowed to meet any outsiders, and infront of Monika and Daniel dada I will still have to address my sisters as didi.  Uncle told me that I can start calling Abhishek dada by his name and if I wish there is no need to address him as dada anymore. Something felt really strange. Uncle was being too grateful to me. He then asked me to place the Chunari over my face and asked me to wait in the room till Abhishek dada comes home. I asked uncle if I can talk to dad and he agreed. All of them left the room and then I turned on the projector and began to talk to dad. He was almost in tears when he saw me in a bridal wear. I requested dad not to worry and everything will turn out well. Even though right now I am really not sure what is my definition of things turning out well, but I had to keep a straight face, so that dad doesn't feel my sufferings. I am sure one day he will escape the clutches of those men and rescue me from here. I hope I have enough courage to face dad in my new Avatar. Somehow I couldn't pick up enough courage to continue talking to dad and disconnected the projector and began to wait for Abhishek Dada. Time passed, but there were no signs of him. I kept looking at the clock it was 4 pm, then 5 pm... time passed and finally it was 8 pm and still there were no signs of him. For once I was also getting worried and decided to step out and ask uncle about it. I was not sure why I was getting worried for him. The moment I asked Uncle about Abhishek in a worried tone, my mind told me that he was happy about it and said that he has been trying to call him since 6 pm but he is not responding. It dawned on me that it was probably Amell dada's doing but I had to play along to make things look real and so I went and hugged uncle from the back and began to whimper 'uncle please promise me you will find Abhishek dada back... I really love him and I cannot live without him.'  He gently caught hold of my hand and pulled me forwards, placed his hands over my solder and said that he is deeply happy with the devotion I am showing towards Abhishek' and so I replied him that I have always considered him as my soulmate and it would hurt me deeply if something un towards would happen to him. I told him that I respect him as my life partner. Uncle promised me that everything will be fine and that I need not worry, he will definitely be back. He asked me to get back to my room and asked Aamaya di to be with me while he tries to find Abhishek dada's whereabouts.                                                                         TO BE CONTINUED...                                                                     ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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