Chapter 69 : Journal : Meeting the Demi-Gods

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There are no entries for a few days but the next entries felt as if his life was really getting better for him. With Abhishek Dada out of the picture, I guess his life is surely getting better for him.                                                                 9th July 1994 It has been 2 weeks now since we had to suddenly shifted to Purulia. I can't complain much. Either I am getting used to my fate, or things are getting a little better thanks to Amell dada who made sure uncle is freaked out of his wits.  I still live as a girl, well after that surgery, I would not be lying if I say I have been transformed into a little girl. The rules set by uncle don't shackle me anymore. Without those stringent rules, my life has become much better. As uncle promised, the sooner I accept my fate that I am a girl, the sooner my life would turn for the better. Once a week I am even allowed to step out of the house into the compound.  Aunty insists on this routine, maintaining she is doing this to keep me healthy. Uncle also agrees to it. I am not allowed to venture out alone though and am always accompanied by someone during these walks and never outside the gate premises. Uncle had warned me that all these privileges would be revoked, and my life would return to the miserable state as was before, if I failed to adhere to aunty's whims and rules and I strayed. Although their threats scared me, I was willing to follow her rules to have the moderate freedom I am entitled to now. Besides I know Aamaya di and Aunty is always beside me to always keep me company. Uncle has also promised me to let me complete my education. He said that he has 2 alternatives, the first is if I wish I can attend school as Sophia or the other option is that I will be home schooled. He gave me a month time to decide and tell him about my decision. Recently I have been feeling a few physical changes in my body. I keep getting tired very easily. The hair on my chest and legs has stopped growing, previously I used to use a razor to trim my body hair which I don't have to do it anymore. I have also started getting skinnier.  My physical looks have started to appear more girly. If Darika or Garima and I were to stand together, no one will be able to distinguish between them and me. They would think that I am an actual little girl and not a boy in flesh and blood. All these have started since the day I started to have back pains and doctors told me that I had a kidney infection and the only way to get well is to get the surgery done. Due to these changes, my body aches a lot, and most of the time I have a temperature. The doctor tells me that I will be having this problem until my body starts to adapt to the new changes. I should be well in a few months. To tell you the truth, I want to grow up, and Monika had promised me that one day she is going to have the dance we couldn't have on the day of the party. I just hope that day comes soon. I hate pretending to be someone else, but if this is my destiny then I guess it would be good for me to surrender to my fate. Aunty and my sisters are in Kolkata right now and I am just idling away in the house.                                                                     10th July 1994 An incident happened today, and I am proud of it. It feels wonderful without uncle or Rahat kaka lurking around. I was idling in my room when my concentration was disturbed by a commotion outside our house. I peeped through the window to check and came to know that there has been an accident. A few minutes later someone rang the doorbell. Aunty warning against opening the door to strangers echoed in my head, but the constant ringing of the bell irritated me, and I opened the door.  As I opened the door, I saw a group of people dressed in sarees. They were from the kinner or the third gender community. One of them was bleeding and asked me for help. Without giving a second thought I got the first aid and cleaned the wounds, applied some antiseptic and bandaged them. That person was grateful for what I did and touched my forehead to bless me. Her face became pale as she touched me and then asked if I am really a girl, or I am a boy dressed as a girl. I tried to convince them that I am a girl, but they would not believe me and kept insisting. I was in no mood to tell them anything, besides after so many failed attempts at making strangers believe in my truth, I have given up all hope and efforts.  However, their constant coercing made me finally blurt out the truth. I told her that the family is forcing me to undergo a gender reassignment surgery and eventually I am turning into a girl. She asked me if I want to go with them and I declined the offer. The lady wrote a number on a piece of paper 03252-562397 and said no matter when I call her, what time I call her, how many times I ask for her help, she will always send someone to help me. I just have to call the number and ask for Shabnam Mausi and tell them that Sophia needs her help. I thanked them and then it came to my mind that maybe I can do something for Aamaya di for what she did for me on the day Abhishek dada wanted to marry me. I asked the lady, if she can do one small favor for me. When she asked me, I told her if she can send a message to a person called Amell Harper, who is a bigshot business business, she asked me what the message was and so I told her that please tell Amell Harper that his sister is currently in Purulia and to share the address of this house. She asked me the reason and so I told her about Aamaya Di's story and how we had to shift from Kolkata to Purulia overnight because uncle was terrified of him. She smiled at me and promised me that she will get that done. I gave her Daniel Dada's number and told her that she can contact Daniel Dada to get Amell Harpers number. They finally blessed me for my good deed and left, but not before promising that they are going to make everyones life in my family miserable, except for Aamaya di in Purulia unless they treat me better. *** Wow Abhinu is brave. Even though he knows the outcome of what might happen to him when Aamaya di or Uncle would come to know about this, he still came forward to help someone he barely knew. I mean for that matter; we would think twice before helping a transgender. I just hope they didn't do anything nasty to him once they came to know about it. *** As I was about to read the next entry, someone entered our tent. "Sir, the food is ready. You can come over" saying this he left. I decided to read the remaining entries after I had my food and walked to the officer's mess to have lunch.                                                    TO BE CONTINUED...                                                 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~
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