Monday's Surprise-1

1305 Words

Monday was distracting. I wanted to ride to school with Gray, but I also wanted to ride the bus and talk to Sean. It just felt right to try and keep up my usual practices. Gray kissed me like it would be weeks before he saw me again, instead of just minutes. There were hoots and cheers from people hanging out the bus window. I blushed and got on. Instead of being in the back, Rosario was sitting in the bench behind the one Sean and I usually sat in. I smiled at her and took my seat. She leaned forward and folded her arms on the back of the seat. Rosario was tall and trim, like her mother. She had medium length black hair and dark blue eyes that looked like pools of water. Her eyes were a little large and her mouth small with a heart shape to her lips. She really was beautiful. I wo

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