Friends and Forgiveness-1

1071 Words

I woke with my face pressed against something cool and firm. It felt good on my face. Like the cool side of the pillow, but better. I wrapped my arms around it and held on tight. It smelled like Victor. “Good morning, princess.” Victor whispered. My eyes flew open. “They said I would sleep alone last night.” “After Bellamy was in bed and Talia had turned in to read for the night, we came to lay with you.” He replied. I felt a hand stroking my back. The heat of Gray’s skin seeped through my nightgown and into my skin. I was a mix of happy and worried. “We heard you apologize. They explained what happened. I’m so sorry, angel. We should’ve realized that you weren’t being yourself. We should have seen it.” Gray murmured from behind me. “If I couldn’t see it, I don’t see how you two

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