Further Study

2613 Words

I was eating my dinner when I heard Marius in the entryway where Victor and Rosalynn were working. I tried to focus on my food, but it was hard with the noise of their talking. I ended up listening in on their conversation. “I’ll return shortly with some of my staff to help with this mess. Where is Echo?” Marius asked. “She’s having her dinner in the kitchen. I checked on her, she’s uninjured.” Victor answered. “Good. Go get cleaned up. I’ll bring my staff to clean this mess and we can dispose of their vehicle once she’s in bed.” He must have left because I could hear Victor and Rosalynn heading up the stairs. Their footsteps were heavier than normal. That must have made them tired. I got up and started a kettle with water. I would make them some tea to help calm them down and ma

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