The Accident

1740 Words
Warriors hustled William to the Pack Hospital, his face contorted in a grimace, his hands gripping the edges of the stretcher as if clinging to the last strands of endurance. Thomas ran alongside, making fun and light of the situation. “So a young Luna pushed the big bad Alpha over? And now he can’t get up?” A stifled chuckle escaped William’s lips, a wince following swiftly as the laugh aggravated his wounds. “Shut up,” was all he managed to say. Raven, do you reckon what’s wrong with me? William asked his wolf. Not sure, but luckily, she escaped your father... it could have been bad for the pack. Raven mused. The group rushed into the hospital, Thomas in the front, asking reception where they should go. The receptionist directed him to the back room and told them the doctor would be there. Thomas and the warriors quickly moved William onto his bed, leaving as Doc Cassandra entered. Doc’s eyes widened at the sight of William. The overwhelming smell of freshly cut grass nearly masked the scent of blood. William’s nostrils flared, drinking in the sweet scent of honeydew that permeated the air. He shifted, attempting to rise, only to be reminded of his fragility by a sharp jolt of pain. He tried to sit up on the stretcher. When he saw her, his pulse halted, then thundered—a wild, erratic drum in his chest. Eyes wide, his gaze held a mixture of astonishment and wonder, as if beholding a dream made flesh. “Mate,” they whispered simultaneously, yet nobody else heard them. Doc’s hands trembled imperceptibly. A visible battle waged within her as she fought to push aside the magnetic pull of the mate bond, her professional resolve clinging on. With concern in her voice, she instructed the nurses to help her. “We need to stabilize him quickly,” she told the attending nurses, calm and authoritative. “But…” William tried to interfere. “Not now. Let me do my job.” She inhaled deeply, the smell of freshly cut grass overtaking her senses. In the waiting room, pack members sat in tense silence, eyes darting towards the door, each footstep outside sending ripples of hopeful anxiety through them. Lila’s shoulders slumped, her gaze lost to the floor. In the quiet of her stance, a storm of self-reproach brewed, the weight of guilt anchoring her every movement. “My pretty one, this is not your fault. You are still discovering and managing your powers.” Gabriel offered, taking her into a big bear hug. “It’s true, Lila, accidents are bound to happen. I noticed that your new powers manifest in moments of extreme emotions. Maybe we should look into that.” Eliza offered. In the treatment room, William lay motionless, his brow creased in a constant furrow. Each shallow breath he took seemed to shudder through him, betraying the shattered bones beneath his skin. But primarily because of the intensity, the mate bond added to his raw emotions—every fiber of his being yearned to be closer to his destined mate, Doctor Cassandra. The pull was so strong that he felt like losing himself in the connection. Doc’s gaze locked with William’s, the turmoil swirling in his eyes mirroring the storm of emotions she recognized all too well. Gently placing a hand on William’s forehead, she spoke softly, “William, you need to try to focus on your breathing, alright? I’m here for you. I’m not going anywhere. First, though, I need to treat you. I will help you through this, but you must regain control before your wolf takes over.” William’s eyes met hers, and he could see the depth of understanding and care in her gaze. The moment her hand brushed his forehead, a visible calm descended over William’s features, like a serene shore reached after navigating turbulent seas. “I can’t... It’s too much,” William said, his voice strained. “Dr. Cassandra, the injuries are substantial, even for an Alpha wolf.” A nurse interrupted them. They had requested X-rays and could see multiple fractures. Doc’s eyes lingered on William, her expression etched with a helplessness that tightened her throat and clenched her fists. “I have an idea that might help,” Doc replied, her voice steady. “But you may not like it. I’m not sure I like it. The mate bond is a powerful force, but it’s also something we can work with.” William nodded. “First, concentrate on your breathing. I will need everybody to leave us alone, but I can only ask the staff to leave once your heart rate and blood pressure are stable. Fight the pain for me, William.” Her soothing words enveloped William. He concentrated on his breathing, and the constant beeping of the machine eventually slowed down to a more relaxed rhythm. “Okay?” Doc asked. “Not in the least. So what’s that plan of yours?” A grounding clarity seeped into William’s consciousness, tethering him back to his being amidst the maelstrom of pain and emotion. The pain was still present, but he could now process it without being entirely consumed by the mate bond’s pull. Doc chuckled. “Everybody out.” Lila’s eyes widened in alarm, her hands wringing together as she watched the nurses stream out of William’s room, each departure fueling her rising panic. “Why are they all leaving?” Turning to Gabriel, her voice quivered as she asked, “Where are you all going?” Her eyes flickered with a mix of confusion and fear. A nurse approached the group in the waiting room. “Alpha, Luna, Doctor Cassandra asked us to step out, though I’m not sure why.” “Is he…” Lila trailed off. The nurse asked. “Is he what?” Confused by the question. “Did I kill him?” The room went silent. “No, Luna. He’s in terrible shape, but…” The nurse looked at the floor. “It’s not my place; I’d rather let Doctor Cassandra report to you if that’s alright.” “Of course it is,” Gabriel answered. “We didn’t mean to pressure you. We’re worried for William.” “I understand,” she said and left quickly. “What’s going on in there? Why did my aunt kick them out?” Lila was distressed. “Lila, remember to keep your emotions in check,” Eliza said while walking up to her. Eliza and Thomas took turns comforting Lila, carefully avoiding each other. Gabriel gently drew Lila onto his lap, his hand moving in comforting circles on her arm, a silent balm to her frayed nerves. “Patience, my pretty one. Doc will come as soon as she can.” # “You can’t be serious! Is this a joke? Did Thomas put you up to this?” William’s voice rose, teetering on the edge of a scream, his words laced with disbelief. “No, it’s true. I’m a pure-blood descendant. Both my parents were Alphas, but I chose a different path.” She paused. This was not how she imagined meeting her destined mate, not like this. And he was not what she imagined. He was just a kid. Doc, seriously, just a kid? Don’t you think you’re exaggerating a bit? Izzy, Doc’s wolf, chimed in. I think he’s sexy. If wolves could purr, she definitely would have at that moment. Izzy, get your head out of the gutter. A soft, involuntary chuckle escaped Doc’s lips, a brief flicker of amusement amidst the tension. “So this is funny because?” William asked. “Don’t mind my wolf. What was I saying?” Doc wondered out loud. “Mark me now? Without even a kiss or pleasantries? The Moondance Pack is unique, huh?” Doc sat beside William, stroking his hair. She thought, He’s handsome, and by the Moon Goddess, he smells divine. “I never imagined meeting my mate like this. William, as a pure-blood, our marking will transfer some of my heritage to you. When we accept each other as mates, you will become stronger. That’s going to make you heal faster. And then, we can…” she trailed off. Go, girl, you’re on the right track. Izzy pranced in Doc’s thoughts. Hey dude, this is our mate. Let’s mark her before she learns about your past. Raven nagged at William. William exhaled a deep, weary sigh as if releasing a burden he’d been carrying. “I’ll need words and sentences. I can’t read your mind yet.” Doc said. “I trust you, mate,” William said finally, looking into her eyes. “I trust us. If this is what it takes to heal me, I will take that leap.” The corners of Doctor Cassandra’s lips curled into a gentle smile, softening the stern lines of her face. “I’m glad to hear that, William. Our strength, energy, and unity as a pair will be strengthened by marking each other. We’ll become an unbreakable team.” Doc was sitting next to William and used the bed’s lever to raise him in a sitting position. She removed her white robe and exposed the crook of her neck. She also helped William uncover where her mark would be placed. “Cassandra...” William hesitated. “Are you sure? I don’t want regrets once you know my past.” “So you’re not a saint. What matters is who you are now and how you treat me.” She leaned in and kissed him tenderly. He replied with unanticipated eagerness. They drew into each other’s arms, their movements instinctual and fluid, as natural as breathing and as inevitable as the tide. Doc leaned back, eyeing William. “Are you okay with this?” “If this helps the unbearable pain, let’s do it,” he said, pausing. Doc leaned in, and her gentle kisses on his neck quickly turned into her, marking him. Following her lead, William knew he found his destined mate, the woman who had completed him. A warmth blossomed within them, spreading like a gentle fire through every fiber of their being, intertwining their energies. It’s working, Raven told William. I’m getting a stronger feeling connected to Izzy. A harmonious energy surged between them as they marked each other, fortifying their strengths and intertwining their destinies.
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