
A Deal with Moon Goddess

kickass heroine
magical world
enimies to lovers
slow burn

Wilder and Robin were mates. But both of them wished they were not, in fact, both of them hated everything about mating and the traditions behind it.

Wilder, the third child of the Alpha, literally hates every duty he has to perform as Alpha’s son. Would rather drink and f**k every girl in the city

While Robin, an orphan with a Beta bloodline, wishes to be free from the pack and mating bonds. She doesn’t need a mate, she needs her freedom. And Maybe the girl she actually had feelings for.

Both of them cursed at Moon Goddess for bringing them together. Surprisingly, Moon Goddess answered to them and offered them a deal: If they survive living together for a year as mates and not fall in love she will grant them their wishes. If they fail, they subject themselves to Moon Goddess and accept their duties.

What will happen when these 2 unlikely mates are forced to live together with hopes of gaining their freedom. Especially with the task of not falling in love. Will they succeed and live happily away from each other? Or will the mate bond take charge of them and ruin their plans?

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The restaurant is rather crowded for a Thursday night. But it is last week of August and teens and adults alike are enjoying last crucial moments of freedom until they have to get back to the whirlwind of tasks and homework. The chatter and clings of cutlery can be heard throughout the room. But one particular person hears more than that; he finds himself accidentally eavesdropping a different tables conversation. No, they were not loud, were not fighting, it is just that Wilder was a curious person, or rather a curious werewolf who liked to insert himself into other people’s businesses.    He was not missing on much anyway, his date, Joanna, was talking about her church, or college or a college that doubles as a church. Anyway, his interest was lost as soon as Joanna said she is saving herself for marriage. Should have known it when she chose this restaurant. His eyes roamed around the place that was awfully populated by humans, but it was not the bad part, the bad part was that there was not any bar he could go to and get a nice cocktail to help him get through the night.    Wilder turned to Joanna and smiled, shining his teeth. “Sounds like a really charming place. Tell me, where did you go to before that?” She looked at him weirdly. “You mean, high school?” Wilder nodded. He was never good at knowing which school came before or after the other. Weird humans and their weird categories. “Yes, yes, High School. I doubt we went to the same one, I would remember seeing someone as beautiful as you.” He said and she blushed. Then went on to another monologue about her high school.    Great, let’s see how the other table is doing.  He thought and looked around, trying to focus himself on the only other werewolf who was present. It sounded like, her date wasn’t going good as well.      “So, that’s why I think University is bullshit. I already learned what I could, hell I barely graduated. I ain’t going back.” Said the man. His date was trying really hard to respect his opinions but it was getting harder by the minute. Robin chuckled. “Cool, any other plans, then? Since you are not going to university or a college.” He leaned back and Robin’s uninterested only increased. She could see his zip was undone.  But he didn’t look like he cared. She averted her eyes and tried to focus on the food that was in front of her.  Just let him have one idea that we can agree on. One single piece of intelligence.    He shrugged and leaned forward. The table creaked under his weight. “Wouldn’t you want to know? I bet you got a bunch of plans and suitors at your legs.” His eyes looked over her, Robin noticed that this was a tendency of his- checking every few minutes to make sure that she was still real and hot and, sadly, on a date with him.  She shot him a tight-lipped smile. “I don’t have that many things planned yet. But even if a did, suitors at my legs, won’t be determining my plans.” Her hand curled around a fork, the good thing every restaurant was using fake silver to make silverware by now. Or else her hand would have been burned from how tightly she was holding it.    He chuckled, unaware of any disturbance he was creating. Just like any man he was so sure of himself he couldn’t even consider Robin not wanting to f**k him. “Oh, come on, a gal like you, I am sure you have a good experience of… boys and all that.” All that probably referring to s*x, Robin was about to shut him up forever when he decided to speak again. “I, and I do not mean any harm with it, would love to continue this elsewhere, we could go to a bar, and later on, you could even see what a man should feel like.    Robin wanted to throw up, but more than that she wanted to punch him, punch him so hard that her fist and rings leave a mark on his face for weeks. Instead, she sighed and shook her head. “No, I don’t think so. Also, I do not think you can show me how a man would feel like.” She said and turned to get her purse from the side of the table. “Well, anyhow, food was okay, so I guess thanks for that.” She was opening her purse to get money. Robin was not planning to owe him a $15 chicken sandwich. “What? Darling, I think you are mistaken. Let’s just go outside,” He said, His hand clasping over Robin’s wrist. She arched her brow at him and looked from his hand to his face, trying to assess the quickest way of breaking his bones.    “Remove your hand, or else,” She said not really knowing how to end the sentence. Or else I will bite your hand off. Her wolf spoke in her head. “Or else? Girly, aren’t you too small to threaten a man? I said, let’s go outside and talk this out.” He said, he was squeezing her wrist, good thing she had wolf blood in her veins or it would have been a bruise by now.     Robin screeched her teeth together, her patience was wearing thin, she was just about to growl and flash a spark of colour in her grey eyes. A known sign of wolfs taking control of the body when a new voice interrupted her.    “Woah, Woah big guy, how is the day going?” Wilder said as he stood in front of their table. He left money on the table and told his date he won’t be coming back. This banter was proving to be more interesting than whatever building Joanna studied at.    “Who the f**k are you? I am having a conversation here, you could come for the bill later.” He said and shooed Wilder with his empty hand. Robin eyes Wilder up and down, she could feel it as plainly as he can- they were of the same kind, and as his eyes met hers, it was also evident that he was enjoying this way too much.    Robin moved her captive wrist up and slammed it on the table, the guy let go in confusion. This managed to get the attention of the few tables around them. “Sweetheart, do you mind waiting in the safe distance until I fix the face of his? He called me a waiter.” Wilder said as he turned to Robin. He pointed to the guy and eyes his face as if it was arranged in a wrong way.    Robin looked at the man behind the table when he balled his fist all of his muscles moved in sync and it was clear that he was going to fight someone. She then looked at the lean figure-whom she recognized as one of Alpha’s offspring’s- who had the balls to threaten a man twice his size.    “I think you are the one who is getting a face fixing, sweetheart,” Robin replied as she got up and took her purse. Wilder arched his brow and at that moment Robin moved away. Before Wilder could make sense of what was going on he was turned around and his face collided into something. He spat on the ground, he tasted the metallic taste of blood in his mouth. When he looked up, he saw Robin look at him and the other guy with a chuckle. “Idiots.” 

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