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4. NEW HOUSE My mother has been ailing for the past five years. She is bedridden for she is in shock. The maids help her with basically everything. She had gone to some village in the west to offer some donations to an orphanage but on her way back, the villager’s attacked her and she was injured in the process. Such ungrateful villagers. They shot her in the spinal cord messing her neurons and sensory organ and since then, she forgot to talk and all those things. She remained like a little baby who could barely do anything for herself. She has three nurses by her side and three maids to help her. If it were not for our billionaire status she would have died. My dad traced the men who did this to her wife but he didn’t get anyone. He jailed some three culprits who were taken as suspects. As we speak, they are in the federal prison. Right now, he still hates the people from the West. My dad loves my mother. I know that because most of the times he is always drinking and staying in my mother’s room. He drinks to forget that his wife if just a child who cannot talk. In all those five years, I have never seen him with a woman. All he does is drinking and nowadays he has anger problems thanks to what they did to his wife. Rinda served us with the dinks in small glasses and handed them to us. “Cheers to the Kennedy’s law firm that is going to give us more billions that we have at now,” My dad hushed in certainty. “Cheers,” We tossed our glasses and drank up the liquor that was quarter way full. We emptied the glasses, the liquid burning the back of our throats. We scrunched our faces then smiled the next minute. “Dad, I want to go and rent a place. You know I can’t live here now that we have started with the War against the Carters. I have to live somewhere close to the law firm. “Yea, right. Have you ever thought of some place?” He implored. To us, money was not the problem, our needs are a problem to us. What we need to do with our money. We are billionaires for Christ sake. “I was thinking of living at some rooftop. I love that feel dad. I want to stay at the top so that I can know that I need to rule the entire Mountain View Town. I belong at the top dad and I want that house to constantly remind me of where I belong.” I said with a yellow smile plastered on my face. “Rinda! More whiskey,” He ordered. “Dad, what do you think of my plan to live on the rooftop?” I repeated asking “Consider it done my son,” He grinned at me and I gave him a thumbs up. “Thank you,” “How many maids do you need?” He asked. “Three,” I mumbled. “Make it five, I don’t want you to strain on something else apart from the law firm,” He made it very clear. “Fin,” “Rinda! More whiskey,” He called Rinda once again. I am sure that it was his coping mechanism now that I was not going to be in the house anymore. It has been a week since I left Yvonne’s place and he wanted me around. On the other hand, I couldn’t be around. I had a law firm to take care of. I went back to my room on the second floor. We were having drinks at the bar area in the rooftop. That was my dad’s favorite place. To drink his sorrows away. I went to my call directory and made some calls to a real estate agency. I needed a house in 48 hours. It should be a modern house with a black interiors. Black is my favorite color a d I wanted it in almost everything. I also made some calls to transact all the money the real estate needed to make my house a home. I was not going to waste more time. After 48 hours, I moved in to my new house. I loved everything in it. Jayden was with me. I was going to take care of him in the best way possible. This evening I am sipping some wine in my room as I looked over the tall buildings around me. This is going to be a new era for the Kennedy’s law firm. The power game had just started. “Come Jayden, Come and see the entire town,” I called my son who had just walked in through the door. “It is always going to be us baby, me, you, our grandfather and your grandmother and lastly the law firm. No one else baby,” I told my son. He doesn’t know how to speak well but soon, he is going to agree with me.
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