Lost and Found

855 Words

Aliyah My voice was starting to get hoarse and my throat was drying out, but I wasn’t ready to give up, not yet. Releasing another croaky howl, I heard a loud bang nearby and felt the ground tremor beneath me. Someone was coming. My cries had been heard. “Here,” I called out, “I’m in here.” With one last thud, the door caved in and the light bit into my vision making me squint. A shadowy figured paused momentarily in the doorway, before rushing towards me. “It’s okay, you’re okay,” the masculine voice rumbled as they reached forward to lift me up from where I’d collapsed to the ground in exhaustion. Blinking rapidly, this darkened face surrounded by a halo of light began to clear, and I was relieved to find Blaze’s face looking back at me.  “Close your eyes and rest,” his voice whisp

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