Part 8

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Athea was proper jealous by the end of the night. It turned out to be annoying than she thought after she found out that Sia was their friend. They apparently went to school together and she's Archos friend's daughter. That did not sit well with Athea. But thankfully Aron had acknowledged that she was uncomfortable and joined her but he was still talking to that Sia. Aries was too busy with his food so she let him off the hook. "Where are you going to stay?" Archer asked while popping an olive in his mouth. Thirty minutes earlier Archos greeted everyone when he emerged out of his meeting room. After that, he introduced Athea and went over some boring rules and agenda. That was something Athea should have listened but she was too busy glaring at Sia. Archos was done talking so he asked everyone to gather around for dinner. "Is this your way of kicking me out of the packhouse?" Sia chuckled with her perfect white teeth. Why was that omega so pretty? Everything about her screamed elegance and riches which Athea despised. "You caught me" Archer raised his hand and laughed which made Athea snap her eyes at him. At this rate, she was going to get a crack in her neck.  "This is some tiramisu! Honestly the best I've ever had" Aries moaned in the middle of a conversation. And that bought a smile on Athea's face. "Geez do you two need a room?" Athea teased but then realised that she was sitting with twenty other people. Why can't she shut her mouth? Aries looked up and for a second she thought he was going to embarrass her. Instead, the Alpha shrugged, "I wouldn't mind because I know my stomach would have the best time" Everyone laughed along to that. And Athea felt a bit better even though Sia was sitting close to Aries and slapped his arm in retaliation. Small victories and all. "How long are you staying?" Aron politely asked, wiping his mouth with the napkin. Sia made an unsure sound and shook her head, "I am done with my university and I don't have any jobs lined up so maybe forever" Archer laughed, "Sounds like fun. You are always welcome at our Woodstock" Sia warmly smiled, "Thanks but at the moment working is not my priority." Athea could see the twinkling in her eyes and that did not quench her worry. That omega was definitely gone for the triplets. Maybe she wanted them for herself but Athea was not going to let them go without a fight. She is their mate. *** When they had sat down for dinner it was at a different table, away from Archos and Cara. She wanted to ask Aron the reason behind it but she forgot. So later when they were all gathered for coffee in the living room she was curious. "Athea" Someone called her name as she accepted the cup from the maid. She immediately turned around and noticed it was Cara, the Luna. "Luna" Athea politely said inching closer to the couch. Most of the pups and teenage wolves were already out. It was only a few of them lazily lounging on the couch and chatting with one another. "Did you enjoy the dinner? I heard that you did have lunch today because you can't cook" Cara said with a fake sympathetic smile on her face. Athea immediately knew why the triplets didn't sit together with them. She was not what she looked like. Athea shook her head, "Actually I  did have lunch. Aron bought me some." Cara's face fell but she didn't let that show, effectively sipping her coffee. Archos who was sitting beside her just sighed and gave her an apologetic smile. "Do you have any problems with the cabin cara? We can always send someone to fix that" Archos asked turning towards her. She wanted to answer that there was some designing issue that needed to be fixed. It was something that she can easily do because of her course. Not only that it would kill some time instead of just scrolling through magazines aimlessly. As she opened her mouth a voice interrupted her. "I don't think you need to worry about that father. We have got it covered" Archer asserted, his voice strong and held no room for argument. Athea gulped, feeling shivers down her spine at the way he was staring at her. It was those eyes. She couldn't think straight because of how overwhelmingly attractive he was. Archos licked his lips, "But I was just trying to help-" "We don't need it, father. Thanks" Aries added while slumping down beside Athea. His wide legs parted as he leaned back. She inhaled sharply as his scent hit her again, powerful and musky. As much as she wanted to move closer and soak his body warmth she couldn't. Not when Cara was glaring at them. "That's no way to talk to your father boys. My sweet boy Anthony would never behave in this manner" Cara huffed patting Archos arm affectionately. Aron snorted but didn't say anything. When Athena looked at him in confusion he just gave her a look that he would explain later. "Wonder where your sweet boy is Cara?" Aries smirked taking a huge gulp of his coffee. That was so insanely attractive that Athea felt a flip in her stomach. She pressed her thighs together to hold back her arousal. It was just too much scent in the air and sitting so close to Aries didn't help. Cara flustered, looking away and then she glared back at Aries, "I'm sure he's busy working" Archer hummed, "Yes drinking to the fullest potential is definitely work." "How dare you-" Archos stood up, a frown on his face and Athea immediately straightened in her seat "One dinner. One dinner without a fight. That's all I ask. Is it too much?" Aries seemed unaffected, rolled his eyes and didn't even bother to reply. The omega never thought that Romanos was a dysfunctional family. Wow. "You shouldn't ask questions that you already know answers to father" Archer tutted and turned to Aron. He immediately stood up from his seat followed by Aries who sighed. And then they looked at Athea who stumbled out of the couch. "Hey! You guys leaving already?" Athea cringed at that noise. Sia trudged towards them hastily while balancing the bag and some basket. What more did she want? Athea thought bitterly. "Yeah it's late and we have to get up early tomorrow for restocking" Aron shrugged. "Oh. I was hoping to catch up with you guys" Sia let out a breath and looked down. Can she just stay away? She talked with them the entire evening and made Archer laugh like a frog. How much more time did she want? Athea refrained from rolling her eyes and stifled a yawn, "Can we go? I'm sleepy" She said that while looking at Archer who shook his head. It was as if he could see through her act and that made her cheeks heat up. Did he guess that she did not like Sia? Or that she was jealous of the bond they shared with Sia? Hopefully not. "Wait you live with them?" Sia screeched and then quickly covered up with a cough. Yeah no Athea got her intention. That omega was in disbelief. "Is she your mate?" Sia asked lowly as if she didn't want to address it. And Athea wanted to just yell that of course she was their mate but held back. "She lives with us, yeah...its a long story" Aries curtly said while shoving his hands into his jacket pocket. Athea was reminded that she had to walk back in cold-weather without gloves and jacket. Her own pride would kill her someday. "Oh I have time" Archer gritted, "We don't. It's late and you should go to sleep as well after the journey you've had. Don't worry we'll catch up tomorrow" Sia's face brightened as he asked her to marry him. She eagerly nodded her head, "I can't wait. I will bring over my signature banana bread" What? She can cook as well? Athea was so screwed. It was so unfair that this omega was beautiful with dark brown hair as if crafted by gods and wheat skin to compliment. Not only that she was graceful and knew the triplets since they were pups and also can cook. Did Athea even stand a chance? Aries made a noise, "Wow can't wait. We will call you after we are done with our restocking" Sia laughed at the enthusiasm, "Okay I'll be waiting" She then bid them goodbye and even waved at Athea as if she already didn't make her feel worse. "Aron y'all could have stayed the night" Archos cleared his throat while blinking at his younger son. Unlike his brothers who rolled their eyes while talking to their father Aron politely shook his head. "We don't want to impose" "Let's go" Archer grumbled. As they all walked to the coatroom, Athea hung back already feeling the wind hit her. She was definitely going to have frostbite. "Don't you want your coat?" Archer frowned walking out of the closet. "I didn't bring one" Athea shyly admitted, already feeling her cheeks red. "We bought your gloves and coat" Aron smiled handing her gloves and coat. She blinked unable to believe that they actually thought about her. "You bought it" Archer corrected "Don't act as if it was not your idea" Aron retorted but Archer just shook his head and walked out. Athea hid her smile in her gloves. Maybe it was not bad having three Alphas. ***
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