The Room Full of Him

1912 Words
Unfortunately, when Mrs. Pearson had just come out of her house, he heard a horn, which turned out from Mr. Pearson's car. Pearson. So Ethan didn't have time to vent his frustration on that evil witch. Ethan smiled when he saw Roman step out of his car, and his suit slung over his shoulders, a briefcase, and a bunch of documents in his hands. "You just arrived?" asked Roman as he closed his car door.  Ethan nodded his head and leaned against his house door with his neck tilted upwards. "You know, I've been standing here for hours. My legs are going to feel numb in a minute!" Roman giggled mockingly before he entered his house ahead of Ethan. Ethan hits his shoulder while walking behind him.  But before they reached the stairs, Roman stopped unexpectedly, causing Ethan to accidentally bump into his back. "What's wrong with you? Why don't you tell me if you want to stop? So I can prepare myself," said Ethan when Roman turned to face him. "You, wait there," said Roman, pointing to the living room chair with his chin. Ethan frowned as he turned his gaze to the living room chair. "There?" Roman nodded. "I'll be back with brush and canvas." "So we're gonna paint it in the living room?" "Yes." "I don't want to." Roman rolled his eyes. "Then, where should we?" "Don't painters usually have a specific room for painting? You must have that specific room too, right?" Roman instantly shook his head. "Nope. Wait there, I will be back soon." Ethan frowned. "What if the paint spills onto the couch? Or spill on the rug?" "You're not a five-year-old kid. You won't spill any paint." Ethan folded his arms across his chest. "What if I accidentally hit onto something? I'm a reckless person. I could even accidentally bump a vase." Roman laughed. "I'm okay with that," he said, turning up the stairs. Ethan groaned but instead, he followed Roman's steps. "Why can't you let me see that special room? I want to see your work." "That's exactly it." "Why can't I see your painting? Are they ugly?" "Precisely because it's so priceless, I'm afraid you'll ruin it. Didn't you say earlier that you were reckless?" "Mr. Pearson, come on!" They both finally arrived on the second floor. Ethan also passed Liana's room directly across the stairs, then walked past Odette's and the twins' rooms. Ethan didn't expect them to have a room whose shelves were full of books. Ethan can find everything from fiction, non-fiction, even comics and children's books that must belong to Miles and Niall. It's like their personal mini-library.  There is also an area that doesn't have a door. There are lots of toys scattered around. It looks like this area is where Miles and Niall play. Now there is only one door at the end of the hall. Roman stopped again right in front of the door, but this time Ethan managed to stop before he bumped onto Roman's back again. "Go back to the living room. It won't take a long time." But Ethan instead looked at Roman sarcastically. Roman sighed. He then ruffled Ethan's hair for a while before finally smiling. "Okay, I give up." Ethan smiled again, tilting his head. Roman then opened the door and invited Ethan to enter first. Ethan looked at the piles of canvases, and some paintings seemed like they hadn't been finished. There are two tables side by side. In the middle, there is a board attached with many watercolor paintings. The other side is full of painting tools and a few sheets of painting that Roman hadn't completed. While the other table looks like a work desk in general; pages of documents piled up there, a laptop and his stationery. A large window ran parallel to the two tables, and under that window was a couch, probably placed there so Roman could stretch his sore back from painting or working long hours. It seems that this room is that specific room and also his office. When Ethan looked around, Roman went straight to his desk, put his suit and suitcase on the chair, and put the document along with the other documents. Ethan looked at the paintings leaning against the wall; all of them were mostly seascapes, cities, plantations. Some were silhouettes of someone he didn't know. Roman paints vary from humans, animals, and plants to objects. Even there was a painting of an apple placed on a wooden table. After being satisfied looking at the paintings leaning on the wall, Ethan turned to the unfinished painting still on the easel stand. The first painting he saw was of a fantasy creature, a deer with wings and its back legs shaped like eagle legs, while his front legs were shaped like those familiar deer, and he had a tail shaped like a bird's tail, hanging down to the ground. It's seemed to be about to land, its front legs had already hit the ground, while its back legs that shaped like an eagle leg, were still floating, and its magnificent wings stretched upwards. "It's called Perryton." Ethan just nodded his head before finally walking to the second painting while Roman sat at the table waiting for him to finish walking around. The second painting is a painting of a night forest. With the moon in the middle, as if someone was tilted his head and found the full moon gleaming a soft yet clod light.  Ethan skipped the third painting because it just waved on the beach with no details added. Actually, the fourth painting is awe-inspiring. Roman paints the lanterns being flown into the sky, which reminds him of a film about a princess locked up for 18 years by a witch who only used the magic of her long hair. Didn't she run away from the tower to see the lanterns fly into the air once a year? Surely everyone knows about the story of this princess. But the fifth painting caught Ethan's attention. The painting is like a land of insects. The moon shining behind the insects marching through the forests is grass and small flowers like dandelions. There was even a beetle on top of the dandelion flower. It seemed like it was jumping onto the flower, making some of the tiny dandelion flowers fly away. "The painting was inspired by Liana." "Is that true?" "Yes." Ethan turned around. He smiled as he tilted his head. "Are you sure? Really sure?" Roman gave him a slight head shake. "Didn't you there when she took those pictures on the rooftop?" Ethan walked over to Roman, then he stood right in front of Roman, their toes even touching each other. "Right, I was there too. However, doesn't Liana take many photos? Why choose that one?" Roman put his hand to his lips. "Hmm, I don't know. When I saw the photo, I immediately thought that the photo would be a stunning painting." Ethan smiled, his eyes even sinking into his cheeks, then he jumped beside Roman, now his gaze shifted to the other table. "Agreed, the painting is indeed stunning!"  Roman shook his head. He got up while pulling a chair from his desk until it reached the other table. Ethan is now busy with the sketchbook he is holding. "You can draw with a pencil too?" Roman nodded his head, putting down the chair he pulled behind Ethan while sitting on the other chair in front of Ethan. Roman crossed his legs and took a few brushes from his stationery rack. He placed three brushes in front of Ethan. "If you're satisfied with looking around, we will begin to paint." Roman picked up a sketchbook. He had not finished working on a drawing with colored pencils. Ethan looked up and found Roman continuing that. But his eyes fell back on the painting of the insect world. Mr. Pearson painted the photo he took. The painting is also pleasant, although it's dominated by black and white. "You really like that painting, don't you?" Ethan glanced down to see Roman blowing crumbs from the gray pencil he was using. Ethan finally sat down in the chair Roman had been dragging. "You know, I took the photo, not Liana." "Oh." Ethan frowned. "I'm not lying. It was me who took the photo of the lamp. I have the proof, just a minute." Roman laughed skeptically while Ethan was busy with his phone, looking for the picture he meant. After finding it, he immediately showed it to Roman. Roman turned his head. He was silent for a moment, then took Ethan's phone from his hand to take a closer look. "That's right, I took the picture. You underestimate other people too often just because you're old and arbitrarily treat people younger than you. Don't you know what a kar—" Ethan stopped his sentence when he heard Roman's phone on the table ring. He glanced at it for a few seconds and accidentally saw the last four digits of the number. Then Ethan turned his gaze back to Roman. "So what I meant was karma, so that's why you-" Ethan impatiently grabbed Roman's phone, and like an old man in general, it didn't have a password. "Wait, Mr. Pearson, isn't this my number? Do you use my phone to call yours? Why?" Roman just smiled as he grabbed his phone, which Ethan held while returning Ethan's cell phone. "I once had a hard time trying to contact you because I didn't have your number." Ethan was silent before finally smiling again, holding his phone to his chest. "Is that true?" "Hmm." Roman put down his phone again; he continued sketching that evening sky. "What's my contact name then?" asked Ethan as he took Roman's phone. "It's your name." Roman actually named Ethan's number as 'Ethan Oakland.' "Boring," he squeaked. Roman picks up another color while he blows away the crumble from the previous colored pencil. "It's your name. How come you say your name is boring?" Ethan groaned. "Have you never heard about the emoji feature?" Roman rubbed his forehead while Ethan looked through the names of the other contacts; actually, not only Ethan, even that evil witch was also named "Anette Pearson," even his two daughters, "Liana Pearson," and "Odette Pearson." There is also another contact with the last name Pearson. Ethan also saw some familiar names, including the arrogant Seamus, and Mr. Freeland's first name turned out to be August. If it's like this, it's hard to know Roman's relationship with the people in his contacts if you don't know him well. Since all the contacts were written with their full names like they were all his co-workers. Ethan's next application was **, but Roman hurriedly took his phone from Ethan's hand. "You said you wanted to paint, didn't you?" "Yeah, but I also want to see what's on your phone." Roman then took the canvas Ethan had given him, which he had taken out of its packaging. "You can look at my phone another time, understand?" "Tomorrow, at the cafe." "Not tomorrow either." "Why?" Roman sighed. "I'm not ready to visit Guen yet." Ethan was about to protest, but considering that Guen was about to bomb Roman with a storm of questions, Ethan decided against it. "You have to tell me when you want to go to the cafe." Of course, Ethan wanted to avoid Guen's ramblings.
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