Peaceful As the Sea

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They walked into a building. Inside there were many terrariums, one terrarium for one snake. These snakes were more silent than the previous animals. But they came at the right time when one of the guards was feeding a snake. Miles and Niall, who had started fighting because they were bored, looked at a mouse, and were dropped into the cage of one of the brown snakes. The width of the snake was the size of Roman's wrist. The mouse let out a high-pitched squeak that sounded nervous, trying to find a way out of the terrariums, while the predator flicked its thin tongue, which was split in two at the end. He immediately turned his head and then approached the mouse slowly. Actually, he didn't need to do that because he had already seen the snake and couldn't run anywhere. There wasn't even the slightest gap that it could use to escape. Liana and Odette looked at it while holding their breaths as if they were the mouse. Ethan told Miles and Niall not to lean over the boundary line because it was dangerous. While Roman just stared at the cage, he looked as calm yet alert as the snake. Its movements were barely even visible when the snake grabbed the rat's head with its powerful jaws, then in just seconds, its long body wrapped around the rat's body, the rat struggled, its tiny legs trying to free its body from the snake, but the snake way too strong for the mouse. It didn't take long, and the snake released its jaws from the mouse's head after the mouse died, then its head stuck out of its rolled-up body. The snake looked left then right while flicking its tongue. The snake's body seemed to be inflated and deflated, and it looked like it was panting. Then slowly, the snake loosened its wrapping from the rat, then the snake bit the rat's head again, which he started to eat the rat. The snake was still wrapped around the mouse but not as strong as before. Maybe that's how the snake held the mouse. The snake opened its mouth and bit the mouse's head, and he moved his head several times to put the mouse to his mouth. Miles and Niall are starting to feel bored because the snake eats very slowly. They are running to crocodile terrariums, and a crocodile is relaxing while opening his mouth and looking like a statue. Even Miles and Niall didn't see any movement, and the crocodile didn't even seem to be breathing. Miles and Niall ran to the other terrariums. Odette then rushed to follow the twins. While Liana was eating her cotton candy, she moved to the terrariums next to the snake enjoying its meal. Now she saw a green snake relaxing on a tree branch. Meanwhile, Roman and Ethan were still standing, staring at the snake, which stopped then opened its mouth to push a few millimeters from the mouse's body into its mouth. Ethan turned his body towards Roman and lifted his head to see the old man's face. "Feeling better already?" Roman turned his head, and he found Ethan smiling at him. Roman returned his smile with a smile, a tiny smile with a slight frown at the corner of his eye. "Yeah, thank you." Roman realized Ethan had brown eyes like teak trunks, but his eyes sparkled like soft silk. Those sparkles also tasted sweet, like the cotton candy he just ate. "It's rare to see a snake having its lunch," Roman laughed. Ethan turned his gaze to the snake, not seeing any significant progress. Most of the rat's body was still outside its mouth. "Is that true?" Roman nodded, his neck aching from turning his head to the side for a couple of minutes while Ethan was still staring straight at the snake. “I was lucky to be able to witness it. It's great that you choose the right day to go to the zoo as well as the right time to visit the snake terrariums." They were silent for a while before finally, Ethan turned his body towards Roman, and he looked at Roman for a moment, who hadn't taken his eyes off Ethan, before finally Ethan stepped into the terrariums of an albino snake that Liana, Miles, Niall, and Odette were looking at. Ethan startled Miles and Niall, who responded with the twins hitting Ethan's leg. Roman laughed. It wasn't a light punch. He didn't realize that Liana was now beside him, staring at Ethan and the twins. "After this, go to The arctic show, right?" With the same smile, Roman turned his head to Liana, then nodded his head. "If I'm not mistaken, the building where the fish aquarium is located is next to the venue." Liana sighed, then nodded her head. "The artic show will start in fifteen minutes. Should we go there now?" Roman nodded his head. He walked even a little run, then piled his hands-on Odette's shoulders. They both laughed, then rushed to get out of where the range of the beast reptile cages was. *** The show was far more interesting than the parrot show. The cute penguins and seals were skating and jumping into the pool, catching the ball, jumping from a reasonably high place, and causing splashes of water to the audience. After tired of shouting at the penguins and seals, they went to a building, consisting of one floor containing a giant aquarium, including various types of fish with various colors; starting with fun colors like yellow or red, calm colors like blue and brown, to dull colors like black. The room was pitch black, because the lights were only in the aquarium tank, making the room feel dim. There are also ocean-themed instruments reminiscent of the famous movie about a mermaid who falls in love with a human. The twins strolled, perhaps so amazed that their distance from the gallons of water was only limited by very thick clear glass. The twins put their hands and faces on the aquarium glass, but Liana quickly pulled their bodies. Liana said that the aquarium glass was dirty, so they could only look at them. He was seeing the fish swimming in all directions made his heart warm. He was feeling for the first time as if it was not something foreign to him. Was it because the color of the aquarium was blue? Because he thinks that something blue brings the peace he will always want. "Are you tired?" Ethan was surprised because Roman was in front of him, leaning against the pool glass, folding his arms across his chest. Ethan shook his head, and then lifted his head again to look at the fish that looked like they were flying in the water. "Then?" Ethan was silent for a few seconds, and there was a fish that caught his attention, a white fish with black spots. Even his eyes were pitch black, and the fish looked flat. He swam slowly, maybe lazy. Ethan didn't know. “It feels peaceful to be here.” Now and then, Roman hears Odette's laughter, followed by Liana's protesting voice because her laugh is too loud even though her voice is also loud, or if Roman doesn't hear both of them. Miles's voice trying to point to a fish that caught his attention because he wanted Niall to see the fish too, but Niall had a hard time finding the fish because his neck hurts when he keeps his head up, so usually, the fish rushes to the other side of the aquarium. When that happens, Miles usually pulls his brother’s hand in the direction of the beautiful fish swimming. Because the lights are only in the aquarium tank, the further you stand from the aquarium, the darker it will be. But because Roman and Ethan even leaned against the tank, they could see each other's faces. “Is this aquarium that impressive? You stare at him all the time." Ethan laughed as he covered his mouth. "Because you're boring, so I'd rather stare at the fish than look at your face." Roman nodded his head while putting on a mocking smile. Then he pointed to the bottom of the aquarium, Ethan who followed the direction of his finger, saw a black sea eel. “That looks like you.” Ethan rolled his eyes, then stepped on one of Roman's feet. Roman groaned in pain while laughing. "You know, your face is still uglier than the camel we first saw.” Her face seemed to glow, and it glowed even more under the soft blue light. He wondered if it was because of the light from the aquarium or his face that seemed to glow softly? As if something had lit a small candle in his heart. The light from the small candle had warmed the dark corners of his heart, although the light had not yet fully lit up all corners of his heart. The warmth spread like a root looking for space to grow, the warmth that had been in the middle of him slowly spread throughout his chest, arms, then suddenly, he felt the warmth all over his body. That warmth is the same thing that creates the universe. That warmth is a great power that comes from the center of himself. Come to think of it, and it had been a long time since he had felt this intense feeling. He even had thought that he would never feel this feeling again. He couldn't avoid it. The power was too great that he decided to share it, dividing the power into his lips, which were now smiling. It was like feeling all the happiness in this world, the same happiness that creates life and sustains them, even though it was a gentle feeling. Still, with his tenderness, he became invincible, even by the cruelest sorrows, would be doubtful to come if he had this much happiness. The sea and the blue color give him a peaceful and relaxing feeling because he is tired of his fast-paced and noisy world. Just as the sky and blue give him a light and freedom, because he is tired of his cluttered and crowded self. As well as his face lit up with blue light, it gave off a feeling that would later become something big and beautiful. But right now, they were still too busy admiring each other's faces, and they didn’t not realize yet that this foreign feeling was taking over themself. "Where are we going after this?" "I'm too lazy to think."
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