Sneak In

1693 Words
The first thing Ethan had to do was cover Mrs. Pearson's face in his hoodie, Ethan tucked his long hair into his jacket. So that he could safely cross the guard post, or if the guard asked him, he will say that it was Liana. It turned out what their mothers did; telling everyone about their engagement, could come be hepful at unexpected times like this. But still, there are more unpleasant things according to Liana and Ethan than good things. Fortunately, the guard immeadtly let Ethan pass, it seemed that the guard was just too lazy to check, and after all, he already knew Ethan's car because the Oakland family had lived here long enough. Ethan even got out of his car to open the fence himself so his voice wouldn't be too loud, Ethan worried that the loud voice would wakes his parents. Then Ethan put the car in the garage, just like when he came home alone. Ethan even come up with the idea of closing the fence and garage first. Ethan smiled when he saw Liana was already standing in front of her fence. Ethan returned to his car, and carried Mrs. Pearson that had been fasll asleep, she didn't even wake up when Ethan dragged her from his house to her own. No one can predict how loud a drunk person will be, so her sleeping is a good thing for Ethan and Liana. "It's insane," Liana said as Ethan handed Mrs. Pearson to her. "Are you going to take her to her room? Isn't it Mr. Pearson will notice right away if she's heavily drunk?” Liana shook her head. "Of course not, that's stupid, I'll take her to my room, and pretend that mom isn't home yet." Once let Liana to handdle Mrs. Pearson, Liana immediately fell even though she had only taken a few steps, luckily Ethan catch them before they landed to the ground. It could be a problem if Mrs. Pearson woke up because she fell. So Ethan went back to carrying Mrs. Pearson. "My room is on the second floor." Ethan nodded his head, he didn't have a choice. Althpugh it was a bit tiring to step from their yard to the main door while carrying Mr. Pearson. Liana opened the main door as quietly as possible, then stuck her head in to look around. "Ethan came in." It's a sign that can also be interpreted, that is safe to move. Liana decides to help Ethan holds Mrs. Pearson when they had reached the first steps on the staircase. But it went wrong, when two people appeared in front of them; someone they wanted to appear because at least she could help them and someone they least wanted to have appeared. Odette and Roman. Odette stood behind her father, she was surprised to see her mother; unconscious, tangled hair and a very strong smell of alcohol wafted from her body. "I thought you brought a man secretly into your room early in the morning, Liana." Odette smiled then hid behind Roman's broad shoulders. While Ethan, lowered his head while continuing to hold Mrs. Pearson. “Dad, wait, I can explain it to you.” But Roman was being Roman, he walked down the stairs and stopped right in front of the three of them. “You better tell me the truth.” Liana swallowed hard. "So Ethan told me that he—" "I asked Ethan." Ethan raised his head, but he glanced at Liana before finally setting his sights on Roman. “I was drinking with my friends at Holysio bar when I saw Mrs. Pearson was drinking with her friends." Roman raised his eyebrows, telling Ethan to explain more. “I didn't greet Mrs. Pearson and she didn't see me. I don't know what she was doing until I saw her asleep on the table." Liana closed her eyes several times, and every time she closed her eyes, Ethan's knees lost their strength. Ethan was confused about what can he say and what he can't say, Liana didn't say anything about this. "Then?" "Then, Then I saw one of her friends was baffeld, and started asking who was going home with whom, then I went up to them and said that I was her daughter fiancée, and I would take her home." "They immediately believed you were her daugher's fiancée?" Ethan glanced at Liana with his jaw dropped, then with a quick movement, he turned his gaze back to Roman. Ethan nodded doubtfully. "I said Liana's name and said the address, I also said my name and gave my phone number and my car number." "What's her name?" "Wh-what's her name?" "Who are you talking to?" Ethan glanced at Liana, but he was even more shrink to see Liana lowered her head while closing her eyes. "I didn't ask her name." Liana seemed to be inhaling and exhaling slowly. While Roman silently stared at Ethan, considering the answer given by Ethan. Before finally, Roman approached Ethan, then he wrapped his arms around Mrs. Pearson's waist and shoulders. Ethan finally stood up straight when Roman had carried his wife. Roman walked past Liana and Ethan, without a word he goes donw the stairs, then turned left into an alley, then disappeared as if the alley had swallowed him. *** "How come?" Ethan is now in Liana's room, that two sisters decided to invite Ethan to Liana's room for joining their emergency discussion. Meanwhile, his fence and car garage have been closed by his maid. "I thought you were going to smuggle Ethan into your room, I didn't know you were going to smuggle mom in." Liana looked up then covered her face with her palms. "You should have asked me first." Odette has told her everything that happened before Ethan and Liana reach the staircase. It turned out that Odette heard Liana's phone call with Ethan, but she only heard the last sentence of their conversation; that Liana would wait at the gate and make sure that no one woke up. Odette didn't mean to say anything to Roman, instead, she intended to surprise Liana and Ethan. But out of nowhere, Roman appeared behind Odette who was hiding at the top of the stairscase when Liana stepped out from their house. Roman asks what Odette did and why Liana left their house. Odette finally said what she heard, that Liana seemed to smuggled Ethan to her room. Roman shakes his head then asks why did Liana and Ethan did that, can't she freely invite Ethan into her room? Just not at this hour either. But how surprised Roman and Odette were when they found that Ethan had brought Mrs. Pearson. Who was supposed to be on vacation with his friend to another countries. Ethan was honestly surprised to hear that. "She's supposed to be back tomorrow night Ethan." “It means that her friends can't be baffled about who is going home with whom, right? Does that old realize that I'm lying?” Liana and Odette nodded their heads. But there was one thing that caught Ethan's attention. Ethan, Liana, and even Odette would agree that Roman was angry at that time, from the tone of his voice, from his body movements, especially the look in his eyes. However, once he carried his wife, he did so gently. Even his expression soften when he carrying his wife. To be honest, Ethan was jealous. Even if Ethan imagined himself married to Liana and —though highly unlikely— she did the same thing, Mrs. Pearson did at this time. Ethan would be angry, he would even drag Liana violently, forcing her to explain everything. Even Ethan would probably be mad for over a week. But what Roman did was different from what Ethan had imagined. Roman looks so in love with his wife. "Ethan." His chest felt full as if someone was pumping air into it. Before the end, Ethan was surprised when Odette hit him. Then she laughed. "Are you sleepy?" Ethan nodded his head. "Okay, you can only go home after telling us what happened," Odette said with a smile and raised her eyebrows. Ethan froze. Odette laughed at that. “Is she singing in a funny voice? Or did she douse her friend with alcohol?” Then Odette sighed. "Are you surprised to see that? That's kinda normal for me." Ethan tried to laugh while nodding his head in a stiff motion. "Wh-what else does she usually do when she's drunk?" "She kissed someone." Ethan widened his eyes. But Odette smiled instead. “She accidentally kissed her friend who happened to be a woman too.” Ethan laughed and also let out a breath. "Just go back to your house now, you look terrible too." Without asking further, Ethan immediately left Liana's room. He glanced at the hallway where Roman disappeared, but he couldn't see anything in the hallway. Ethan took a breath, as he pulled the main door. He walked unsteadily to his own house. *** Ethan woke up at two in the afternoon, his head feels heavy and his shoulders aching. But that wasn't the only thing that bothered Ethan that afternoon. A text from Liana, about two hours ago. Ethan, are you awake? Ethan hesitated to reply her text, because he felt that Liana would ask about yesterday, or maybe she would tell how Roman reacted after Mrs. Pearson awoke from her slumber. It wasn't that Ethan didn't want to, but he wasn't ready. It's very sad to see the person you love loved someone who can only hurt them. But in the end, Ethan decided to reply to Liana's text, maybe Liana needs someone right now. If she was going to talk about yesterday, Ethan decided not to reply and went back to sleep. He'd asked Dante, Isaac, and Hunter to play a game, rather than Ethan being left alone for a long time with his negative thoughts. I just woke up, what wrong? However, the text Liana sent to him, made Ethan sit stiffly on his bed. My mother went with another man, right?  
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