What If I like Someone Else?

1468 Words
"Ah s**t, I'm ashamed I said that." Ethan glanced at Soren, sitting on his motorbike smoking a cigarette. He dropped the cigarette to the ground, then stepped on it, then rubbed his hair roughly. It's been about thirty minutes since Ethan sat on the hood of his car while Soren sat on his motorbike. At first, Soren left Ethan when he said they were friends, and Ethan could still see Soren's back leading to his motorbike at the parking lot. Even Ethan had seen Soren's motorbike coming out of the bar area. While Ethan was still confused to decide what to do while sitting on the hood of his car, he sometimes checked his phone to open social media, but Ethan mostly just stared into the bar, which was still bustling with colorful lights and loud music. It's not a good idea to bring Mrs. Pearson to his house, and it wouldn't be a good idea to take Mrs. Pearson went back to his own home, or booking a hotel room for the two of them was a terrible idea. So Ethan decided to wait at the bar until morning. At least until Mrs. Pearson awoke from his slumber, only after he woke up would Ethan ask her what they should do or where Ethan should take her. Ethan could decide to do something like that since he didn't have to go to the office on Sundays, so he could go home and sleep after taking care of Mrs. Pearson. But suddenly, Ethan was surprised by hearing the vroom sound from his left side, and the next thing he saw was Soren, who parked his motorbike right next to Ethan's car. Ethan was surprised, but he preferred to be quiet because Soren didn't say anything to him. He smoked and looked away for thirty minutes. "But thanks for telling the truth, and I'm sorry," Ethan said in a half-whisper voice and uncertain tone. Soren moaned, then he got off his motorbike and sat next to Ethan. Their eyes met, Ethan smiled at him. Ethan could understand why Soren didn't say everything at Duke's cafe yesterday, and maybe he wasn't ready to say it. Perhaps he was forced to tell it to make the atmosphere between them not awkward. "Sorry that you and the others always have to watch over and remind me almost about everything." Soren laughed as he folded his arms in front of his chest. "From the beginning, right? Do you remember when we are a committee for some event back then? Someone called you to the other end of the stage. You reckless went straight up on stage and ended up having to play a game." Ethan pushed Soren's shoulder, Soren, who didn't expect to be beaten, immediately staggered. It was a shame, and it felt like Ethan wanted to be dragged by a giant squid to the ocean floor where no one could see of finding him. "But our event was so much fun after you came on stage, especially when playing games with Chloe. You seem to avenge us on her." Chloe is a dumb snobbish girl who has a crush on Soren, but after bad news about Soren is circulated, she is the most person who stands out when it comes to expressing hatred towards Soren. At that time, Ethan wished he wanted to be dragged by a giant squid, but when he saw Chole as his opponent, suddenly Ethan's feelings exploded. I had to embarrass that hideous girl in front of everyone. Ethan thought at the time. "I didn't think that the bangs were fake all this time, even though I accidentally grabbed it because I was trying to catch whatever I could reach when I fell." After Ethan pulled Chloe's fake bangs, everyone went from talking about Soren to talking about that incident. After that incident, chole immediately left the event and did not show up on campus for two days. But what happened to Chloe was formidable. Some people even did things that were beyond normal limits. Ethan still remembers almost everyone tagging Chloe's social media accounts for photos of her without bangs. Some people even uploaded videos of Ethan pulling off her fake bangs. Ethan was worried that he would get into the problem. But it seems that people don't care about him; even some posts refer to Ethan as 'the guy who slipped and accidentally pulled Chloe's fake bangs.' Or some posts using another nickname like 'Chole ponytail man' or even more absurdly, the 'truth man who reveals the truth.' It was worth it because he knew that Chole had an essential role as a disseminator of fake news made by Abby. Of course, Chole had so many friends, even from other faculties. So in a way, Ethan made everyone forget the rumors about Soren, and Soren could breathe a bit easier, even though after that incident, some people were still trying to avoid Soren. But at least the eight of them didn't need to be afraid anymore in case someone sent a threatening message to Soren. Ethan was curious how Chloe was doing now because apart from his eight close friends, there was no one Ethan chatted to. But actually, many were texting Ethan, and it was Ethan who ignored them. Ethan still wanted to ask about Soren's feelings for him now. But Ethan felt that there was still something Soren hadn't told him. But he can take care of this at another time. Meanwhile, Soren took a new cigarette then lit it again. An exciting thing crossed Ethan's mind when he saw Soren blowing smoke from his mouth and nose. What if he likes Soren? Indeed the situation will be much different. "By the way, what are you waiting for here ?" he asked, then blew the cigarette smoke into the sky. But for sure, things will be easier, both for him and for his friends. "Waiting for the sun to rise or some rooster to crow." Isn't it true that no one needs to hold back with Soren because no one has a relationship with anyone? "What did you mean?" Unlike Roman, who has to think about other people, Soren can immediately ask Ethan to do whatever they want. "Waiting for Mrs. Pearson wakes up, then after that, I'll ask her where we should go." Go to a cafe together, stay at each other place, watch a movie, drink some coffee, or maybe play a game together. Soren rolled his eyes. "Are you crazy? What if another bad person comes to you?" Or maybe they'll just be going to stare at each other all day long. "Why don't you just take her home?" Ethan shook his head. "Who will open the door then? If I ring the bell, that annoying old man will greet me at the door. And don't you think it will be strange if I bring Mrs. Pearson that not sober yet?" Soren snorted. He scratched his left jaw. "Is there anyone other than Mr. Pearson at home? Where is the girl who will be engaged with you? Or her sister? or their maid? Her driver? her gardener?" Ethan was silent for a moment, then hit Soren's shoulder hard. "You are right!" he exclaimed. Ethan immediately took his cell phone, and then he immediately called Liana. He didn't care to call Liana in the middle of the night without sending a text message; first, it was urgent. While Soren rubbed his rather sore shoulder and decided to move in front of Ethan, he stood looking around, smoking. "Ha-hello, Liana!" said Ethan while glaring at Soren, while Soren just nodded his head. "What's wrong, Ethan?" "Sorry to interrupt. What are you doing?" "Reading a book, I'm going to bed soon." "There is something urgent and confusing. I'm confused about what to do, because it feels like whatever I do will definitely not end smoothly." "What's the matter? Hurry up and say it." "There's no one around you, right? Don't let anyone hear, especially the man - I mean, Mr. Pearson." Liana laughed. "I was in my room alone, Odette was asleep, and it seemed like dad was too. I passed his study, and there wasn't any sound, so maybe he's already in his room." "Okay. Great! So the problem is your mother, Mrs. Pearson, was drunk, and now he's asleep in my car." There was the sound of a blunt object hitting the table. "What?" "I do not know what to do. Mrs. Pearson can't be woken up, and I can't take him to the hotel, or my house, or back to yours." Ethan Heard a long sigh. "Right, don't take it to your house or hotel." "Then, do you have any ideas?" "For now, just take her to our home, Ethan."
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