When His Mind Wondered

1240 Words
Ethan realized something when the meeting had just ended when he was shaking hands with his father's colleague, who had specially come to their town only to attend this meeting. His father also said he hoped to collaborate with him because he felt this collaboration would benefit the company. More precisely, when his friend asked if Ethan was still single, Ethan remembered that. He told him that Ethan is in a relationship with Liana, who is none other than their neighbor. "Indeed, he is an outstanding man, and there is no way he doesn't have a lover. How stupid I am." Ethan immediately thought of Roman, and what he just realized was that he had promised to go to Roman's office today. He forgot to consider that that perverted Seamus was back at work by now. Arriving at his room, Ethan immediately plopped down on the couch, massaging his forehead. If he wanted to meet Roman, it meant he had to get past that perverted first. Because earlier in the meeting room, Ethan had read a message from Liana that Mrs. Pearson apologized to them at breakfast. Therefore, Ethan knew that Mr. Seamus still works there. Because inside that annoying old man's brain, he still had no reason to fire Seamus. "So what Odette said is true. That old man gave her a second chance." Ethan glanced at the clock on the wall. It was almost eleven o'clock, which meant he needed to get to Roman's office or else they'd be in a rush for lunch. Ethan wondered what in that old man's mind when he forgave his wife. Doesn't he feel hurt? Isn't he angry? Wasn't he disappointed? All these questions haunted Ethan, like the sound of horns in an endless traffic jam when everyone was getting angry. Those questions ran inside his mind, making him too lazy to do anything else. "Does because he love his wife so much?" Ethan leaned his head to the couch. Ethan was curious about how long Roman would tolerate his wife's attitude. She lied to Roman, even about her vacation, especially with whom she going. She even went out with another man. She was also rarely at home. Ethan also rarely saw her spending time with Roman and others. Ethan took a deep breath. And his mind wondered. It feels good to spend time with that annoying old man, even though he likes to make fun of him. But he is a lovely person. He's an artist. Ethan could imagine he would never refuse if Roman asked him to accompany him to paint. Even though Ethan soon felt bored when he tried to paint. But according to Ethan, he can do other things with Roman when he is painting playing games, for example. It was just that he wasn't going to ask Hunter, Isaac, and Danter to play a game with him because Ethan will keep talking when playing games with them which will certainly disturb Roman's concentration while painting. Or Ethan could sit on Roman's lap while he painted. Ethan suddenly sits up straight. He was startled, with wide eyes and a flushed face. Ethan even waved his hand, hoping the idea would go away. "Ethan! Why are you being a p*****t? Don't be a p*****t like Seamus." Ethan frowned before finally leaning back against the couch. After all, Roman hasn't seen the photos that Ethan and his friends got, right? Because yesterday Ethan just told everything without showing a single piece of evidence. Maybe Roman can still give his wife a second chance because he hasn't seen the photos yet, so she can still quibble and say that Ethan was lying, not her. Ethan got up, not forgetting to bring his lunch and his phone. Go straight to the parking lot. Fuck that perverted Seamus. Roman will protect him. *** "Wait a minute, Mr. Oakland, I'll pass it on to his secretary first." Ethan picked his fingernails. It turned out that the receptionist took longer because Roman was still in the meeting room, and the receptionist asked Ethan to sit on the couch because Roman usually took a long time to answer when he was in a meeting. But the phone rang faster than the receptionist had expected. Ethan could see his confused and surprised face. The receptionist nodded before finally hanging up the phone and turning back to Ethan with a friendly smile, though he still couldn't thoroughly shake off his confusion. "Mr. Pearson ask you to go straight to his room. The meeting will be over soon, so you don't have to wait long." Ethan nodded his head. This time Roman did not give an extremely long message. Just hearing it makes him feel lazy, and it is impossible for Ethan to obey it. Ethan got into the elevator. Because he was alone in the elevator, it headed straight for the thirtieth floor. Ethan gasped as the elevator doors prepared to open. After the elevator doors opened, Ethan greeted the security guard in front of the elevator in a friendly smile, then walked quickly to Roman's room, lowering his gaze. Even though it was impossible, he hoped that Seamus was very busy with his work and didn't notice his presence. His steps were heavy because the perverted Seamus' room was next to the elevator. Ethan didn't even dare to glance at the room. And finally, he closed the door to Roman's room, leaning his back against the door while heaving a sigh of relief. Unlike before, Ethan immediately threw himself on the sofa. But the peace did not last long because someone opened the door. Ethan sat up straight as soon as he saw Eggbert Seamus, with a suit and hair neatly slicked back, enter with some documents in his hands. He smiled. It's actually a charming smile, only it was scary for Ethan. Ethan returned his smile with a sharp look. Eggbert walked over. He walked between the sofa and the painting. Ethan's eyes didn't stop to look at that man while he was still smiling. But his smile turned into a smirk. "Finally, I know your name. It seems fate wants us to be together." Eggbert placed the documents he was carrying on Roman's desk. He also took the empty teacup. "No wonder you know her if I'm not mistaken, aren't you Miss Pearson's fiancé, Liana Pearson? You know Mr. Pearson had two daughters if I'm not mistaken. Because I heard that Miss Pearson was engaged to an Oakland." Eggbert stepped, heading towards Ethan. Ethan immediately stood up, with his eyes fixed on Eggbert, who looked displeased at Ethan's reaction. "Don't worry, I'm already married," he said, holding up his finger. "But I don't have children yet." "Go." Eggbert was surprised to hear a short sentence from Ethan. He laughed for a while before finally, he stepped back towards Ethan. But one thing surprised them when someone opened the door, who turned out to be Roman himself. Roman glanced at Ethan for a moment, then he glared at Eggbert. The p*****t instantly shrank. He lowered his head. "I told you you don't need to greet my guest." Eggbert bowed his head. "Oh, Mr. Pearson, I just delivered the documents you asked for this morning and got your empty teacup too," said Eggbert as he lifted the cup. Roman sighed. He then stepped past Eggbert. Eggbert immediately left the room in a hurry. "Excuse me, Mr. Pearson."
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