We're in Love, Right?

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"You're right. Everyone has love in their heart." Or that's what the average person always says, including his parents, friends, and even the strangers he calls co-workers. "You're right. Everyone has someone to love. I think everyone has ever fallen in love, at least once in their lifetime," said Ethan. The situation on the stage was chaotic, where the fairies put up a massive fight by no longer wanting to be slaves to humans. It coincided with the lushness of The Magic Tree again. Even some of the fairies glow a solid blue light, and the blue light from Abhra was the most visible. It also made the fairies immediately make Abhra their commander, even though he was still young and impatient. Hence, he immediately declared war on the human race right then and there. Because he is still young, he thinks that it is better to die than to be a slave to humans again. He didn't have a family yet, so he didn't think much of it when declaring war against humans. There would not be a woman or a child who would be tormented if he died. The stage went dark again. When the light returned, the fairies with spears and swords were training themselves. They sing that they are practicing. They could feel that victory was in their hands, even though the war hadn't started yet. In a little while, they will become a prosperous nation again. Then the girl appeared, occasionally glancing shyly at Abhra, who was training with the other soldiers. Abhra glanced at the girl, and suddenly the girls' friends screamed uncontrollably. The audience also shouted, cheering for the two lovebirds, who looked very harmonious. Until finally, Abhra approached his lover, his smile so wide it almost broke out, while the girl combed her hair and wiped the sweat from her forehead. Until the music stopped, all that the audience could hear was the sound of spears clashing with another spear. They were both silent, embarrassed. The audience cheered, happy for the two fairies who loved each other. Ethan nudged Roman's shoulder, but he didn't say anything. He just smiled gently, looking at Abhra and the girl who still didn't say anything. "When the war is over, want to go down the river with me?" Roman accidentally saw Ethan, who even nodded his head. Suddenly it made Roman laugh. "The one he took is the girl, not you." "I'm not answering Abhra. I'm giving that answer to someone else. He didn't ask, though." Ethan didn't move his head, but he looked at Roman out of the corner of his eye. "But I know he wants to take me out too, and my answer is yes." "Liana doesn't like to sit at the table with people she doesn't know for long periods, even though they're your close friends." The girl, of course, happily nodded her head. Then, the screen went dark again, but now you can see The Magic Tree, which glows a blue light. It transmits energy to fairies from its roots, although it has not been much and has not been felt by the fairies. The power is telling that The Magic Tree is praying for the victory of the fairies. "I'm not talking about her; you know it, right?" *** The sound of thunderous applause finally ended this theatrical performance. The sound of applause is a form of happiness from the people who enjoy this show. Either because, in the end, the fairies managed to seize their land, it was Abhra who took the girl away, or the theater was so good that it seemed as if the audience felt the feelings of the fairies. Even Miles and Niall were shouted with joy, though Ethan was sure they didn't understand part of the story, especially what Abhra and the girl were doing. All the audience lined up to get out of the building. Liana and Odette lowered their heads, checking if someone might have dropped their things, but nothing was under their chairs. Before finally, the Pearsons and Ethan came out of the theater. Not much happened between the six of them, all busy with their activities. The twins who were still trying to see the animals in their cages were now resting. Until finally, they arrived in front of the Pearson family car. Roman glanced at the space beside his car, where the Oakland family car was supposed to be. Before he finally opened his car door and sat in the back of the driver's seat. Ethan stood behind Odette, who was helping Miles and Niall into the car. Then after making sure the twins were safe in the back seat, Odette sat down in her seat, pushing Ethan, who intended to sit beside her. Ethan looked confusedly at Odette. Luckily the girl noticed it right away. "Sit over there." "Hmm?" "Sit in the front seat next to dad." Ethan was preparing to argue with Odette, but his focus was shifted when that old man struggled to stretch out to open the car door. He looked very calm, emotionless. He started the car and did not forget to turn on the cooler. Ethan nodded weakly, then he closed the car door beside Odette, then walked limply to the front seat. It felt so comfortable when his body landed on the car seat. He leaned his head against the headrest, then quickly put on his seat belt. Ethan had better sleep and woke up when they got home. Mainly because of the stupid words that Ethan said earlier. Ethan felt like bursting to pieces when he saw Roman's shocked face. After all, Ethan got carried away. Roman started his car. Even when their car queued to pay for parking, only the wind from the cooler accompanied their journey. So far, Miles and Niall seem to have fallen asleep, and from the rearview mirror, he can see Liana has been fast asleep while Odette is still playing with her cell phone. But from her eyes, soon Odette will be fast asleep like the others. Meanwhile Ethan. He turned his head to the mirror beside him, trying to close his eyes and fall asleep before Roman took the initiative to talk to him. Does he have the same feelings as Ethan? That question had burdened Ethan's mind. Could it be that Roman was also observing him? Maybe Roman knows where Ethan's company is, what time it opens and closes, about him sometimes not coming home when he comes home from work. Could it be that Roman knows about his friends? Stop thinking, Ethan! But instead, his brain revolted. He still thought of the old man who was now driving beside him. The one question that Ethan wanted to know was whether the two of them had a chance? Are they going to make it work? Ethan didn't realize that even though his brain argued, his body was tired, and he fell asleep with all those questions with him. Maybe in a dream, Ethan could find the answers to all those questions. Or, indeed, if he didn't get the answer, could the dream give him a slight hint of when Ethan would meet Roman again. This feeling is troublesome, and he hopes dreams will understand it.
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