Giving Special Things To Each Other

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Of course, Ethan wakes up in a good mood because of the video call last night. And as most people do when they first wake up in the morning, Ethan checks his phone and finds a message from Roman and others that Ethan, of course, ignores them. He immediately opened the message Roman had sent him. He sends a photo, but Ethan doesn't open it right away because his eyes are still too heavy to open. Ethan curled up in his blanket again for about ten minutes. He rushed to take a shower and got ready. He still even ignored it and instead peeked at Roman and his children, who were getting ready to leave. Accompanied with a cup of coffee this time. Ethan smiled with satisfaction when he found Roman, who looked at Ethan several times. Of course, that old man wouldn't see Ethan because yesterday he installed the window film himself. Ethan was amazed at how easy that was, so he didn't need anyone to help him. Including yesterday, when Ethan was still unsure whether he would go to the Early rise coffee bar or stay in his room. Then suddenly he saw Roman, who looked at him for a while before he decided to leave. Seeing that the old man had changed his mind, he finally ordered a taxi. "I'm genius! No matter how long you peek, no one will know I'm looking directly at them." Before he went, Ethan just remembered the text Roman had sent him that he hadn't had the chance to see. What turned out to be a screenshot of when Ethan slept. The picture was also followed by a text, making Ethan smile even more. You fall asleep too quickly. Does going with me make you tired? *** Ethan was shocked when the receptionist in the lobby said that someone wanted to see him named Dante. Ethan immediately told the receptionist to give Dante permission to go to his room. Dante appeared from behind the door, and Ethan stood up. "You stupid. Emma is coming here. How could you not reply to our text?" Ethan widened his eyes, then checked his phone, which turned out to be dead because the battery ran out. Dante also patted his forehead, while Ethan laughed while patting Dante's shoulder. Then he immediately charged his phone. "So, Mr. CEO, can you come with me, Isaac, and Soren to go with Emma right now? Cause we wanted to watch some movie." Ethan held up his index finger. "Can you give me a second?" Ethan goes back behind his laptop. Dante peeks at his laptop only to find that he's just found Roman's f******k account. It all makes sense to Dante why he didn't reply to their text. "Besides Ethan, don't you charge your phone before bed?" Ethan shook his head. "Yesterday, I had a video call with that old man until I fell asleep. He even sent me a screenshot when I fell asleep before ending the call. Do you want to see it? It's cute." Ethan was just about to reach for his phone, but Dante quickly moved Ethan's head to look back at his laptop screen. "Just look at your schedule first," said Dante. A moment later, Ethan looked up at Dante. "I think I can go because my father will attend all the meetings. But I have to do some things first, so I don't have to go back to the office after going with you guys." Dante gave him a thumbs-up. "How much time do you need to finish that?" "Umm, maybe about an hour, but I'll let you know if I finish sooner. How about it?" "Okay, we're at Palm Peace mall." Ethan nodded, and Dante left Ethan's room. However, when there was one more thing Ethan had to do. He received a call from the receptionist. The receptionist said that someone wanted to see Ethan with some vital information. It was Isaac. Ethan also permitted Isaac to enter his room, and while waiting for Isaac, Ethan rushed to do his work. However, Isaac got there before Ethan could finish his work. His arrival was dramatic as Isaac almost slammed his door. "Oh my God, Ethan," Isaac said, catching his breath. "Sending Dante here isn't a good idea either. He doesn't look at his phone often either. Can you believe that he's arrived just a couple of minutes before I go?" Ethan was still busy staring at his laptop. "What's the matter, Isaac? And what do you mean by important information?" Isaac walked over to Ethan. "We saw Mrs. Pearson at Palm Peace mall." Ethan nodded. "Is she with a man?" "No, no boys, only girls." Ethan pursed his lips. "I don't see any important information." "For God shake, Ethan. Shouldn't she be in Paris?" Ethan widened his eyes. "Oh my God, you're right." Luckily, Ethan could finish the job in five minutes, and he immediately grabbed his phone. He didn't even take his car keys and decided to ride Isaac's motorbike. "By the way," said Ethan as he waited for people to get out of the elevator. "Do you remember that she didn't even go to Paris? We saw her walk into the domestic flight entrance. I don't know where she went. That means she's al-" Ethan was surprised that out of nowhere, Isaac pinched his arm, but when Ethan glanced at Isaac, Isaac's face was even more shocked than his. "Ethan?" Ethan glanced to his side. He found Roman suddenly standing in front of him. Isaac saw Roman coming out of the elevator while Ethan was talking. Roman was seen carrying his lunch box. "So," he said, glancing randomly to the right, then to the left. It's hard to know what he was looking for. "She didn't go to Paris, did she? Did you see her at the airport?" Ethan lowered his head. This was the first time he wanted Roman to get away from him. While Isaac took a distance while telling his others about these unexpected things. Ethan could hear Roman taking a deep breath. He didn't even look at Ethan. Ethan didn't know what he was seeing, but his gaze was distant and empty. "Do you know where she is now, Ethan?" Nothing could destroy Ethan more than what that old man asked. Ethan's shoulders trembled, his hands clenched, and his eyes began to feel burning. Before finally, Ethan closed his eyes, and a tear fell from his eye. But Ethan was surprised when he felt a hand gently stroke his cheek. He opened his eyes, causing a few more tears to fall. That hand, it's Roman's, wiped away Ethan's tears. "It's okay. You don't have to answer my question if it burdens you." What surprised Ethan even more was when he looked up and saw that old man's smile, one that was just as annoying. The same soft smile that made Ethan fall in love with him. "I'm hungry. Let's have lunch together, shall we?" More tears fell from Ethan's eyes as he blinked repeatedly, but Roman quickly wiped them away. Ethan couldn't hide his smile. That old man's hand that stroked his face warmly made his heart feel happy. Ethan grabbed Roman's hand that was on his face. "I'm hungry too, you know. I only had coffee this morning." *** Ethan glanced at Isaac, but he quickly waved his hand to tell Ethan to leave and not think about him. Finally, Ethan walked away with a step that lacked energy. He walked into his room with Roman walking beside him. Ethan plopped down in his chair while Roman sat in front of Ethan and put his lunch on Ethan's desk. He immediately opened it. As for Ethan, his eyes were looking deep into his table, but his hands were trying to reach for his lunch in the bag under his feet. Ethan opened it to find spaghetti with broccoli beside it. Roman glanced at Ethan's food. "It's good that you've realized how necessary it is to eat vegetables." While Roman was talking, Ethan had managed to move the four pieces of broccoli in his meal to Roman's. "Hey!" Roman tried to return the broccoli to Ethan, but Ethan instead lifted his lunch box and held it close to his chest. He looked at Roman with a frown. "You should eat the veggies. I don't like them." Roman couldn't understand. He scooped a piece of broccoli and approached Ethan. He tried to put the broccoli back into Ethan's lunch box. "I do not want it!" Ethan pushed him firmly, making Roman laugh. However, Roman just realized one thing. Ethan was crying again while eating his spaghetti. Roman's eyes were glum. He put the broccoli back into his lunch box he knelt in front of Ethan. Roman grabbed Ethan's wrist and lowered his hands to his thighs. Roman took Ethan's lunch box placed it on the table. "Ethan, you bring happiness to me, and I'm very grateful for that. You also gave me something special that no one can ever replace." Another tear dripped from his eyes. "I hope I can give the same thing to you, but I'm sorry for giving you the opposite of it." Roman lowered his head he buried his face into Ethan's thighs while Ethan felt that he was holding Ethan's hands tightly. "It's okay, Mr. Pearson. It's not your fault." Roman raised his head. He saw Ethan turn his gaze the other way. "It's just, yo-your wife, Mrs. Pearson, she's kinda, you know," said Ethan with a tearful voice. Ethan pulled his hand as more tears fell from his eyes. Ethan wiped them in vain. The tears wouldn't stop flowing. He couldn't say it. This would destroy him, right? Ethan understands if he was in the same position as Roman, he would also feel broken, his heart would hurt, he can't believe that someone he loves the most turns away from him. Ethan would even go straight to the person. He would force them to explain everything. Ethan would even get angry to the point of exploding. Ethan may never forgive that person. However, Roman pulled him into his hug. Something from Roman that Ethan thought could never be replaced by anyone. "If that bothers you, Ethan, from now on, you don't have to think about it anymore, okay?" Come to think of it, Ethan wasn't the only one who wanted to meet Roman. He was not the only one who smiled like crazy just thinking about him. "Because whatever he does will never change us." Roman did the same thing too.
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