On The Other Day

1796 Words
Ethan accompanied Roman to the lobby, even to the parking lot. He feels much better now. Ethan stood in front of his car while Roman got into his car. He also honked at Ethan as his car moved towards the exit. The old man's words were still ringing in his head. Whatever she does will never change us. Whatever Mrs. Pearson did, it was nothing to do with him and Roman. His friends also kept texting Ethan that they were following Mrs. Pearson, but they hadn't found a man so far. Ethan also called Emma, ​​and it didn't take long for Emma to pick him up. "Hello, Ethan. Are you okay?" Ethan laughed. "Yeah, I'm feeling much better now." Ethan could hear Emma telling the others about it too, and he heard everyone sighing or shouting, ' Thank goodness!' It was difficult to distinguish their voices over the phone. "Then Ethan, when can you come here?" Ethan also stopped his steps in front of the elevator. Several employees greeted him, and the others bowed to Ethan. Some people even told Ethan to stand in front of them to get to the elevator first. "I'll catch up at three in the afternoon. How about that?" Emma cleared her throat. "Okay, we'll follow Mrs. Pearson until you get here." The elevator door opened, everyone let the people in the elevator get out first, then the people held the elevator door and asked Ethan to go in first. Ethan bowed, and he kept mumbling thanks to everyone he saw, not forgetting to press the twenty-fifth-floor button where his office was located. Ethan walked backward until his back hit the elevator wall. Unlike the elevator in Roman's office, his elevator doesn't have transparent windows, so you can't see anything other than dark brown tiled walls. "You don't have to follow that woman anymore. You guys go there to have fun, right?" This took Emma by surprise. Ethan could hear Isaac patting Soren's shoulder, telling him to stop taking pictures. "Can you tell me why? Cause I'm confused." Ethan smiled, lowered his head again, and saw his black shoes gleaming in the warm light of the elevator. While the elevator door had just closed. "You're there to have fun, not to follow anyone. What's more, you came all the way here. Was it just for stalking someone?" Emma laughed. It seemed like the others had heard that too, because they were laughing. "Are you kidding me, Ethan?" "It seems Mr. Pearson said something to him." "Yeah, you're right. That old man did say something to me. And it's adorable, by the way." Everyone shouted with excitement, making a flush creep across his cheek. "What did he say to you? Come on, tell us. We can't wait to hear it." Ethan stepped out of the elevator when the elevator door opened on the twenty-fifth floor, some employees greeted him like in the lobby, and several people gave him a document to give to his father. However, some employees look busy and don't greet Ethan. Some of them don't even peek at Ethan. But Ethan doesn't care. Maybe that person is occupied with his work, so he ignores his surroundings. "I couldn't hold back my tears when that old man asked if I knew where she was. But he wasn't angry even though I couldn't say it. He even said that I shouldn't think about it anymore if it's bothering me." But when you think about it, there's no way Ethan could forget it as quickly as Roman wished. He doesn't want Roman's kindness to be unappreciated by her. "And he also said that I brought him happiness." That woman, besides hurting Roman, also unknowingly hurt her four children. Liana and even Odette already knew about her affair. It was only a matter of time, and everything she had been secretly doing would be uncovered. Ethan couldn't imagine how Miles and Niall would react. They were too young to understand a concept like that. "He also said to me that I gave him something special that no one can ever replace. But he said he couldn't give me the same thing I gave him. It's silly, right?" Ethan pushed the lever on the door, pushing it open. He also placed the document next to his laptop so that he didn't forget to give it to his father. "Because he already gave all of that to me from the start, you guys know it too." Ethan heard their giggling voices. "Of course, we saw it." "And lastly, he also said that whatever she did would never change us." "He was actually romantic, Ethan. You're the one who's skeptical of him." After all, that old man was annoying too, so Ethan thought he could only annoy other people. "It turns out that he also has the same feeling. And could he be peeking at me too? That's why he could tell I was peeking at him. What do you guys think?" Ethan glanced at the clock on the wall. Because his father's meeting was about to end, he would be discussing many things with Ethan while eating his lunch. *** Ethan texted that old man that he would not come to Guen's cafe because he was going with his friend, but that old man did not see the text that Ethan sent, even when he had met Emma and the others. They decided to sit in a cafe. Soren had also booked movie tickets for them. "I'll be here again on Friday too. Could you meet me on Friday?" Ethan shifted his gaze from his phone screen to Emma. "And Hunter will be coming with me too. He said he missed you," Emma continued. "To be more precise, he wanted to hear the story about Mr. Pearson because he is lazy to read your text. He even called it a short story written by Ethan," said Isaac. Ethan just laughed, then Dante decided to ask Ethan and Isacc to play games. It has become a habit for Ethan, Isaac, Dante, and Hunter, if he also comes, to play games every time they meet. While Emma and Soren, who didn't participate in the game, do something else, Emma reads a book while Soren browses his social media. "By the way, Ethan, I'd like to ask something." "What is it?" replied Ethan without taking his eyes off the screen. "Isaac goes to the left. The left side is empty, you know." Soren straightened his back. "You and Liana, how are you two going?" "Ah, Soren, that's a good question. I'm curious about that too," Dante shouted. Ethan puffed out his cheeks. "Liana and the others, even Mrs. Pearson already knows about that annoying old man and me, but my parents seem to think that Liana and I are getting closer because, lately, I've been going to their house a lot." Isaac put his phone down because he had been defeated by the enemy, so he had to wait a few seconds to get back into the game. "Are the wedding plans still going on?" Ethan shrugged his shoulders. "It looks like the Pearsons are going to refuse that wedding, and there hasn't been any dissension about the wedding recently. It makes sense since the Pearsons have other things to take care of." Emma laughed. "We even took part on your behalf." Emma's statement managed to make Ethan take his eyes off the phone screen. Ethan widened his eyes and nodded. Meanwhile, Isaac was back in the game, and he immediately went to the center. "Are there any plans for when the next dinner will be held?" "Honestly, it seems that everyone has forgotten about the dinner. After all, there's no need to bother with holding the dinner anymore because now we're already visiting each other's houses arbitrarily." Even though Ethan's words weren't quite right, because he was the only one who arbitrarily when he was at the Pearsons' house. "Maybe if there's another dinner, Mr. Pearson is going to refuse the marriage because he knows Ethan doesn't like his daughter," Emma said as she took a sip of her drink. This time, Dante was killed by the enemy, leaving the right side empty. Ethan immediately rushed to fill the right side and handed the center to another player. "You know," Dante said with a laugh. "Mr. Pearson might propose to you, Ethan, and make you his second wife." Ethan's hand landed on the back of Dante's head and hit him. "How could you!" he exclaimed. Even though the enemy killed Ethan, making the right side was empty again. Luckily, Isaac quickly moved from the left, through the middle, and to the right. Shortly after Ethan and Dante returned to the game, the game was won by their team, and that also ended Ethan's game with Dante and Isaac for that day because they had to hurry to the cinema before the movie they wanted to see was played. *** After leaving the cinema, Ethan checked his phone, which turned out to be dead because the battery ran out. Ethan didn't care, he was hungry after all, and they wanted to eat dinner first. After dinner, they stopped by the bookstore for a while before Emma finally had to go home for fear of arriving at her house too late. Ethan also briefly glanced at the Pearsons' house, which was silent as usual. And besides, Roman should have arrived at his house and probably had dinner with Liana and Odette after playing with the twins. Ethan went into his house and found his parents asleep in their room. Ethan rushed up to his room. He immediately charged his phone and went straight to the bathroom without a second thought. But from inside the bathroom, Ethan could hear his phone ringing like crazy after it was turned on. At first, he thought it was from the group chat, but he became suspicious when he heard someone calling him. Not just once, but even up to five times. Ethan felt that none of his friends would call Ethan up to five times. They already knew that if Ethan didn't pick up the phone on the second call, it meant he wasn't available to talk to, so if they made a third call and so on, this would become such a waste. They preferred to go straight to Ethan in his office or someplace he often visited. So Ethan hurried to his shower when he heard the sixth call. Ethan got closer and was in shock. He saw Liana's name on his phone. Ethan nervously picked it up. "I'm tired of you, Roman. You never understand my feelings!" Ethan's eyes went wide, his hands shaking. "Ethan, help," Liana whispered.
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