Someone Who Makes Him Smile

1514 Words
They had both finished their lunch.  Actually, they didn't talk much when they ate. To be more precise, Ethan usually preferred to be silent while eating because Kaia, his older sister, used to scold Ethan for talking a lot while eating. In the end, Kaia managed to keep him quiet while eating until now. Roman is now busy with his laptop and documents. While Ethan is still sitting in his chair, he looks bored at that old man while sighing. Roman peeked at Ethan for a moment. "Why don't you just go back to your office?" asked Roman. "I still want to be here." "Don't you have something you need to do?" "I finished everything before coming here, so I can stay longer." "But you're bored now, aren't you? Wouldn't it be better if you went back to your office? At least you can do something there."  Ethan frowned as he shook his head. "Okay then, do you want some chocolate? There is a canteen on the twelfth floor. They have delicious chocolate. Everyone loves it." "I'm not in the mood for chocolate." "They also have muffins, bread, or croissants." "I don't like all of them." "What about donuts or ice cream? Pancake?" "No, I don't want to." Now it was Roman's turn to sigh. "If you want something, just say it, okay?" Ethan smirked, his cheeks pressing his eyes to shut. Then, he lifted his left leg and placed it on Roman's thigh. But Roman quickly pushed his leg, causing Ethan to glare at him. "Didn't you say that you would grant all my requests?" "I said to say it. It doesn't mean I will grant everything you wish." "It's literally the same thing for me." Ethan again tried to extend his legs to Roman's thighs. Even this time, when he's about to raise his legs, Roman quickly pushes Ethan's legs. "My feet started to feel sore! And I want to stretch my legs for a while," protested Ethan. But Roman still didn't care about it. That old man instead wiped his glasses which were starting to fog up. "That's the reason why I have a couch in my room." Even this time, Ethan's feet had not touched Roman's thighs, but his hands were already pushing Ethan's legs. "You annoying old man, there's nothing romantic in you." Roman laughed, then turned his gaze to Ethan. "Excuse me?" "You suck." "You're the one who's asked a lot." "No way." "What are you-" Roman's attention was diverted when his phone rang. Ethan also wondered who was calling Roman, but it felt like he was struck by a flash of high-voltage lightning. Anne. She called Roman. "What's up, Ane?" he said with a big smile. Ethan lowered his head, but his gaze remained on Roman, who was beaming widely. Ethan isn't mad because he knows how good it is to hear the voices of your loved ones when they're not with you. "Okay then, I'll do it after my meeting." The only thing that annoyed Ethan, making Ethan feel like he wanted to grab the phone and scream at her, was that he should stop treating Roman like that and start seeing his sincerity. "Yeah, it's okay." Or at least appreciate his presence. "Are you having fu-" Roma looks at his phone, and the screen has returned to its boring wallpaper. Her bright smile disappeared faster than when it came. "Have fun, Ana. Love you." Could she at least appreciate that smile? Roman put his phone back on the table. Roman took a deep breath before finally resuming his work. Ethan bent forward, laying his head on his arms. Ethan sometimes had to reiterate that this relationship was never going to work. He had to accept that the world they were in didn't work that way. The sentence he kept repeating in his head was that their paths would be separated one day like they used to. That's how the world should work; separate their paths. Ethan closed his eyes, hoping this would all pass quickly, but instead, he felt his chest tighten, his body felt so heavy, and it was hard to lift his head. Ethan was definitely a lot better than that woman, wasn't he? Liana even said that Ethan returned to his old self but in a better version. Ethan went into his special room. He's even in Roman's room right now. Don't forget they just had lunch together. Ethan also spends time with him at Guen's cafe. Ethan sang a song for him, just for him, and he planned to sing more songs, again, just for him. "Ethan." Ethan was also the one who walked beside him at the zoo. Even the woman turned her face away from Roman, walking away when that old man wished she was with him. "I'm really sorry." Ethan made him smile, not her. "For what?" Ethan returned his smile. It wasn't her again. "For … everything." Ethan kept his smile the longest, and never would she. Ethan forced himself to laugh. "It's okay, Mr. Pearson. How's she doing?" he said in a quavering voice. "She's doing fine. She's on vacation with her friends, by the way." "Where did she go?" Did Roman not notice it at all? "Paris." Ethan originally wanted to protest. Wouldn't that be unfair? Why should someone hold on to something that hurts them? Many people were waiting for him, many people who would not hurt him, many people who would gladly love him unconditionally. Ethan was surprised when a hand stroked his hair. He opened his eyes and found Roman sitting on the table, Roman sitting right in front of him. Ethan closed his eyes again, only so he could feel Roman's warm hands gently stroking his hair, like an older brother meeting his little brother who had just been born a few days ago. But Ethan himself couldn't stop thinking about it. He's the one who brought Roman happiness. Isn't there anything Ethan can get? "It was hot outside, wasn't it? Will it rain tonight?" Ethan shook his head, making Roman's hand accidentally touch his ear and cheek. Roman chuckled. "Do you like rain?" Ethan felt ticklish because Roman switched to gently stroking his ear. "I don't like rain, especially the one with lightning. It's scary." "Are you always hiding under the blanket when the lightning comes?" Ethan nodded his head with a smile with his eyes still closed. "Miles and Niall are also almost the same. They would both run to Liana's room, Odette's, or mine. Then they will hug me until the rain stops." "Can I also run to your room and hug you until the rain stops?" A second later, Ethan felt Roman's breath rush into his ear. "Yes, of course, you can. Any time, not only when it rains." Ethan opened his eyes, finding Roman's face right above his head, while Ethan's face was facing Roman's body. "Can I ask for it now?" Roman sat back up straight. His gaze shifted to the window in front of him. He nodded his head. Ethan got up and immediately dropped his face onto Roman's shoulder, inhaling the refreshing scent of the suit Roman was wearing. Meanwhile, Roman turned to caress Ethan's arm, hanging loosely between them. "I don't like rain either," said Roman. "Why? Wouldn't it be nice to paint?" Roman laughed, a silly laugh. "Since you don't like it, I'll start to dislike rain too then." Ethan hit Roman's chest, but Ethan's second punch was stopped by Roman. "Ridiculous," said Ethan curtly. Roman's hand moved down to Ethan's palm, then Roman gripped Ethan's hand, tight, even tighter than the tightness that surrounded his chest. "Mr. Pearson, did you know which friends went with her?" "She sent me a photo." "What photos?" "A picture of her and her friends when they have some girl's time on the plane." Ethan turned his face away, and now he buried his face into Roman's neck. Ethan was confused as to why the old man wasn't amused. "Did you… believe her?" "Of course, I believe her." Ethan was startled by a knock on the door. But Roman gently put his hand on Ethan's shoulder, turning to stroke his shoulder. "I'm sorry, Mr. Pearson. Everything is ready, and the meeting is about to start." "Okay then, I'll be there soon." But what Roman did next was far from a sign that he would get there any time soon; Roman buried his face into Ethan's shoulder while his hand that was on Ethan's shoulder moved to his waist. "Should I cancel the meeting?" Ethan stood up, his eyes looking directly at Roman's. He frowned before finally shaking his head. "I don't want you to cancel the meeting because of me." "Why?" "Just don't do it. I don't like you neglecting your work for me." Roman laughed and then pulled Ethan's other hand. Now he was holding both of Ethan's hands. "Okay then, we'll meet again at Guen's cafe." Ethan nodded. Roman brought Ethan's hands together and kissed the back of his hand. "See you then."
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