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The g**g of mountain hunters gathered at the foot of the hill to discuss their hunting expedition. One could see the eagerness in their faces as their spirit were high in anticipation of the rewarding giant mountain lizard that will soon fall victims of their well sharpened spears and arrows. The use of g*n is strictly f*******n among them because they will not want their activities to poise any danger to local farmers who plants vegetables at different parts of the mountain where fertile soil can be located.  In this part of the city Newringa hunting and peasant farming is the major means of live hood for Ninety percent of the population of about 1 million people. With no presence of company either private or government owned, most households relies on whatever they can hunt or farm to make a decent living by selling their goods at the designated market spaces that can be found in different locations in the city with buyers coming from various places far and near there is more than enough buyers to patronise their goods.  The hunters numbering about fifty who were of various age were those whose turn was to hunt this particular day. The rule of hunting is well outline by the city authority. No endangered species is to be killed. Only those animals that have very high rate of reproduction and fast growth were to be hunted.  To ensure strict compliance with the rules, hunting is done in group of Fifty and a particular species of animals is to be hunt at a time. Hunting is done just three times  a week and a particular animal will be hunted for the week. This will be rotated among the chosen animals so that all specie will be given enough time to reproduce and mature before been hunted.  The group of hunters for the day were to hunt for giant mountain lizards which could be found in very large numbers all over the mountain. After they have finished discussion the rules, the hunter grouped themselves into two and moved in different directions to begin their hunting expedition.  As expected James and Thatcher can be said to be the best among the groups of mountain Lizard hunter in Newringa City. Both came from the family of hunters and could be said to have inherited their hunting skills from their ancestors. James is skilled in shooting arrows and has never miss his marks. His slender average heights status gives the advantage of shooting from any angle to hit his target.  Thatcher who is skilled at hunting with spears  is stoutly built of an average height with light foot that gives him the appearance of a warrior when hunting with his weapon of choice. Most time he would be able to approach his marks without making a sound and before the animal notice him, his spear would have struck the animal to the ground.  These two were always together during their hunting activities and would always makes the best caught. As the duo moved towards the southern side of the mountain towards their designated hunting area, Thatcher spears could be seen shining with the morning sunshine and his stout status which is in opposite of the slender status of his companion made him look so intimidating.  Some of the giant lizards on the mountains, especially the big ones would hide in crevices and holes whenever they notice the presence of human, in order to kill them, the hunters would have to hunt them in their holes shoot with arrows or spears and dig them out. After getting the animals out of the holes, the hunters must fill up the holes with soil. Thus the same hole will become a new habitation for another animal will be easier to dig out by hunters when next they hunt down another animal in the hole.  This practices is usually not the case for other animals who wanders around the mountains during the day in search of foods and could easily be shot by arrows. Thus any particular day when Giant mountain lizard is to be hunted is a day of digging.  James was the first to caught the glimpse of a big Mountain Lizard feeding from a nearby tree "Shhhh!" James said as he used his fingers to signal to Thatcher in  hunter like manner to cut off the expected escape route of the animal.  That light footed Thatcher was able to move without been notice by the animals and position himself to block any escape move by the animal. The arrow shot from James bow struck the animal by the side, it struggled for some seconds then moved towards the nearby hole to escape from the hunters, but Thatcher was ready. As he threw his spear aiming for the head of the animal, it struck the animal right under the nose inflicting a deep cut.  However like a wounded beast, the animal charged forward taking both the arrow and spear with it frantically made its way to the nearby big hole. As it entered the hole, the force of impact on the rocky entrance broke of the arrow and the spear fell out from its point, taking with it a chunk of flesh from the animal head.  The animals managed to move about three meters into the hole and became quiet. Both men approached the mouth of the hole with caution. As Thatcher picked up the felt spear he smiled at the sight of the chunk of flesh from the lizard head.  "It can survive my blow, that animal should have died by now, no animal can survive my spear" he boasted as he shook his blood stain spear as a sign of bravery.  "Man, You are right that throw is a kill one" James said in acknowledgement of Thatcher accomplishments.  "This beast should have died outside here, its gonna be very hard to dig it out cost it just too big" Thatcher said as he took down the digging instruments he was carrying on his back all along. As both men started digging, the portion of the mountain vibrated as the rocky surface was gradually been chirped off by their chisel - like instruments.  After few minutes of working on the hole, part of the dead animal could be seen as they kept digging until the animals tail and legs came to the surface. Both men dropped their digging instruments, took a moment of rest and then with full force, pulled the animals out of the hole.  The animal felt on the ground with a loud thud as both men shouted in celebration. "This beast is freaking big" James said in amazement  "Yeah man, we going to win the biggest caught again today" Thatcher replied.  Both men dragged the big animal on the ground down the road to the designated spot under a big tree, took a gulp from their water bottle and then moved back to the bushy area for another hunt.  By afternoon, James and Thatcher had killed a total of Four giant mountain lizard and ended up with the best caught for the day hunt.  The hunting was a successful one this particular day, each hunter made successful kill and by  total count 200  Giant mountain lizard were caught and ready for the meat market.  All the hunters gathered together at the end of the expedition to review their activities for the day after which they all dispersed to their various areas taking their caught with them. It was another interesting day. 
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