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Gradually the busy and crowded street of Newringa started to thin out as people made their way into their various homes to retire after the hectic day work.. The once clear sky was turning dark with cloud forming an indication that there would be a heavy rainfall later in the night. Those businesses who own store that sells their wares late in the evening on this particular day had to have a rethink and were gradually packing their wares to close because of the imminent rainfall. Few minutes into the midnight, flashes with accompanying thunder filled the sky as heavy downpours hit Newringa and the surrounding area. As the downpour continues, the occasional lightning illuminates the conspicuous mountain where hunting activities occurred earlier in the day. A very bright lightning accompanied by a thunderous sound of thunder rent the sky. As if triggered by some unseen powers of the power and the energy of the lightning and forces of the thunders. Several two - tailed scary looking elements with forms that could not be seen by a physical eyes suddenly came to live in their large numbers. They appeared to be finding their ways from the heart of the mountain through those holes and crevices earlier dug by the hunters in a bid to remove those giant Mountain lizard which were killed. Using the motion of torrential flows of the rain water, they could be seen moving out of the high mountain down to the bottom of the mountain and like little devils who were set out to take vengeance on a perceived enemies flows with the rain water straight down into the the city dam that supplied water to the whole household in Newringa about two miles away from the mountain. As they entered into the dam mixing with the contents as they dispersed themselves into the water, their numbers kept increasing as the torrential rain continued to wash more and more of the strange looking elements from the mountain into the dam and their numbers keep increasing until it becomes uncountable. Like a bird determined to reach its destination, the two tailed monsters maneuvers their ways through the dam network of pipes into the water treatment tanks been helped by the pumping forces of the machines that works round the clock to ensure water from the dam is regularly treated and and made available to the public. On reaching the water treatment tanks using the power of the positive charges on the surface of their two tails, the monster - elements were able to manipulate the their ways through the chemicals used in the water treatment tanks, escaped through the holes of micro filters all the way into the other tanks that led to the quality control room where final testing will be carried out before the water is pumped out into outlet water pipes that supplies the water to the city. Two figures came out of the water works staffs office, both men had their body covered with raincoat to protect their body from been soaking by the downpour. As they made their way through the wet soil, their heavy rain boots splashed muddy water as they approached the water treatment section of the complex. The two men are experts in water purification and adhere strictly to guidelines for ensuring that the water been released is free of impurities very safe for consumption. The door of the entrance to the water treatment tanks was pushed open with a creaking sound from the metallic frame as both men entered the room. One of the men who appeared to be the supervisor went straight to the control panel where the various indicators that shows the results of various contents and safety levels of chemicals been used in water treatment processes were displayed. His keen eyes caught a slight deviation in the normal reading of metallic impurities on the indicator. He signal to the second man, who moved briskly towards him to see what the problem was. "This reading is slightly off the mark" the Supervisors said. The other man nodded in agreement. "Go check the outlet valve to be sure no water is getting out of the public supply valve until we run the diagnosis to know what causes the deviation" the Supervisor instructed as the other man moved some feet away to where the release valve is to carry out the order. "its airtight sir" the order man replied "OK get me the samples of the water so I can run diagnosis" the Supervisor said. The other man moved to where the instrument is, took out a pipettes and a beaker from the shelve walked toward the extension of the main tank release some of it contents into a beaker took some quantities using the pipette walked over to the Supervisors and handed it over to him. The Supervisor Inturn released the water in small drops into the designated space of the automated potable diagnostic equipment and then press the "run" botton. The equipment made some ticking sound as it runs the process after about a minute stopped. The result indicator flashed few times as the value of water content was displayed on the screen of the equipment. "Everything seems fine" the Supervisor said as he pointed to the screen. "To be on the safer side, let run it in triplicates" he said further as he ran the test the second and third time "The results is not significantly different, everything is alright, maybe the main valve indicator pin is slacking that's why it's slightly off the mark. Put it in your report so that the technician can come check it later. Meanwhile Open the outlet valve let the people enjoy their water, today is Saturday, their will be much washing and cooking " he said with a slight smile on his face. " yes I bet sir" as the assistant moved with fast space towards the output valves, with some efforts turned on the valve and like little kids when their school gates opened after closing hour the water rushed out through the pipe into the other network of pipes that supplied water to the city. As the two tailed elements floated with the water flows , moving freely through the pipes, making victorious dances as they travelled with their motions enhanced further by the pumping forces of the water work machine within minutes of their journey, they had safely reached the mouth of the taps of thousands of homes and buildings of Newringa city waiting to inflict their deadly effects on whosoever turn on the tap. As the rain gradually subsided the current of the water flows reduces gradually, the remaining of the two tailed object that could not made it into the city dam became stationary in their movement sink down inside the soft wet soil while some attach themselves to the wet roots of plants that could be found in their pathways and like a chameleon would take on the colour of a near by object, the two tailed objects blend with the soil and becomes invisible to the most trained human eyes. As the last of the two tailed objects sunk into the soil, the sky seems exhausted after nearly more than two hours of continuous sending its liquid contents through the atmosphere down the earth as the rain finally came to an abrupt end. As the rain stopped, the wind blowing through the the wet surface of the soil carrying fresh breeze as it circulates through the air, it sends it pleasant contents through the holes of many closed windows of houses in the city spreading its blissful contents all over the Homo sapiens figures sleeping peacefully on their beds. The resultant effect of the fresh breeze could be felt like an old car changing its gears with a noticeable sound, sound of snoring men and women could be heard here and there as the fresh breeze push them deeper and deeper into the dream World. Infants and little children were not left out of the blissful mood as many of them responded to dear nature by unconsciously releasing the contents of the full bladders directly into their pants and diapers sending a stench of chocking smell of early morning urine into the air. Lots of s******g and scolding will come the way of many of the bed-wetters as the day break.
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