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Chloe was startled out of her sleep by a strange feeling. She hugged the blanket so tight with her body trembling that despite the cold breeze of the rain that just ended outside, she was breaking some sweats on her forehead. After some minutes, she quietly sat up on the bed switch on the bedside lamb and looked around her to see what might have startled her from her sleep responsible. On seeing nothing suspicious around her, she got down from the bed with uneasy calm around her, she quietly tiptoe out of her room to the kitchen to get a glass of water. She took the glass cup in her hand from the plate rack and moved towards the tap and fill up the cup with water. As she moved the cup toward her mouth to take a sip, a sudden shivering ran through her spine all over her body and the whole hairs on her body stood up, fear came upon her and trembling which made all her bone to shake. Several two - tailed objects that made their ways from the city dam via the storage tanks through the water pipes into the house water supply could be seen inside the cup of water in Chloe hands. The sudden feelings made the cup fell off from Chloe hands but fell short of hitting the hard floor by landing on the mopping foam that was lying straight down where Chloe was standing. Filled with fear unable to control herself, she ran down through the door of the kitchen into her room, shut the door and rest her back again the door like someone been chased by a shapeless demon. After some minutes, she tiptoe towards her bed, lied down quietly and covered herself up with the blanket, with eyes wide opened and heart racing wildly as if it would break out of her chest, . For several minutes, she was wondering in her mind what could have been responsible for such strange feelings but could not discern it until sleep overpowered her and fell asleep again. Chloe mother Nina was the first to wake in the morning. The whole house was still quite when she made her way from the bedroom she shared with her husband. Been careful not to wake her husband up, she closed the bedroom door gently and walked towards the kitchen. As she passed the door that lead to the backyard garden she noticed the rainfall has washed some water into the house through the very tiny opening under the door. She reached for the mopping stick lying nearby and cleaned the water from the floor. "I better cleaned the floor well, otherwise Richy may not notice and fall from the slippery ground" she muttered to herself as she apply more effort to the mopping stick to ensure the ground is not slippery. She placed the mop on the wall and then took some steps towards the kitchen. She suddenly stopped midway into the kitchen as if having second thought, she turned and headed back to to the backyard door. As she turned the door lock to open it, she could feel the cold sensation of the metallic handle on her palm as the she turn it and the door opened with a creaking sound. On opening the door, she could feel the cold effects of the the soft wind blowing from the garden carrying the aroma of the herbs and flowers of the garden on her face as she took a deep breath from the air and allow the pleasant aroma to fill her lungs. "This is very refreshing" she said as she move closer into the garden. Different rows of herbs and vegetables could be seen lying around the garden well. The remnants of the rain water on the leaves and petals of the plants made them more attractive to the beholder. She moved towards the row of onions were planted. One could see the inviting fresh bulbs and leaves of the onion plants beckoning to be plucked. She plucked a sizeable onion from the root, moved toward the tap to wash the soil remnants from it, as she opened the tap the cold water rushed out from the mouth and with thorough scrub, she washed the soil remnants off the onions and turned off the tap. Just like what has become an habit to her, she started eating the onions right from the bulb and gradually walk her way up to the leaves. As she continues chewing the onions, her eyes become misty from the effects of the volatile compound that was been release as she continued to crush the onions with her tooth. After she had finished eating the onions, she washed her hands with water from the tap and made her way back into the house and toward the kitchen, she could hear a familiar sound coming from the direction of Richy room. "This boy must have waked up, let me clean the kitchen before he get out of his room and started his playful act " she said as she moved into the kitchen at a faster pace. She went straight to where the cleaning foam was lying. As she bent down to pick it up, she stopped for a moment and the expression of her face changed. " what is this? " she said in a surprise voice as she noticed a glass cup lying on top of the foam. " But I was the last person to work in the kitchen last night, so how on earth could this glass cup be here?" she said as she carefully picked the glass from floor and gently put it down inside the washing basin. She took the foam from the floor rinsed away the dirt from it using the water from the kitchen tap. And squeeze away the excess water. She Used it to clean All the surfaces of the kitchen cabinet after which she reached for the mop to clean the floor. After all the cleaning was done, she sat down on the kitchen stood to take a little rest as she continued to think about the glass cup she found on the floor. She was so deep in thoughts and did not notice when Richy entered the kitchen. It was the touch of the little boy hands on her lap that brought her back to reality. "Good morning grandma" Richy said as Nina responded by putting her hands round the boy body with a tight hug. "Good morning my baby hope your night was fine" she said as she went on to place a kiss on the boy forehead. "yes grandma" the boy answered. "now let's go to the garden and get fresh onions for you" Nina said as she led Richy by the hand into the garden. She plucked one medium sized onions for Richy and additional two big onions, one for Chloe and the other for Frederick and made her way back to the kitchen with Richy following behind holden his fresh looking onions in his hands. "today is going to be a very busy day with all the washing and cooking" she thought in her mind as they both entered back into the house.
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