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Chloe sat at the reading table in her room, her left hand resting on the table with her right hand busy writing on an opened note book. Besides the note book was an opened textbook, the title of the book Lehinger Principle of Biochemistry could be seen bodly written at the hearing of each page. The rooms ceiling light was off, leaving only the table lamb on for her to read with. This was very unusual, for Chloe would leave both the ceiling and table light on anytime she was to study her books. Her mother instructions to her was never to study under a dim light to avoid eye problems so, Chloe too will have the room well lightened during reading as instructed. A broad smile appeared on her face as she stopped writing for a moment, took a glance at the direction of the door as if she was wary of anyone coming in without her noticing. She only closed but does not bolt the door from inside anytime she is studying for most time she do slept off at the reading desk and it would be her mother that will wake her up for to go lie down on the bed. Like a watchful night guard, Nina had never miss her routine check on her daughters room at midnight. Been sure that no one was coming towards her room, she continued writing on the notebook. Her countenance looked somehow different from a student that is studying from a Biochemistry text book. With the unending diagrams of macromolecules and compounds ranging from carbohydrates, amino acids, proteins, trickish long chains of lipids and fatty acid structures and the enzymes to contend with, not to mention hundreds of metabolic pathways to master, no student of Biochemistry would have a so much happy smile on the face while studying the textbooks. After about an hour of continuous scrubbing somethings down on the note book. She dropped the pen, interlocked the fingers of both palm and stretched them in apparent sign of stress from her long writings. She got up, walked towards her room toilet to ease herself. While she was sitting on the closet waiting for her bladder to empty its contents, the door of her room was slightly opened without a sound from outside, a head popped up from behind the door to survey the room. Seeing the room light was off leaving the table lamp, the image of a young boy tiptoe into the room and made his way to the reading table, He took the pen off the notebook and turned the pages to see the beginning of the words written on it. The little boy giggled as he read the contents and had to cover his mouth with the palm to prevent the sound from getting out. As the boy continued reading with rapt attention and obvious Interests in the content, Chloe who had finished from the toilet walked back into the room with no knowledge that her room privacy had been breached. As she made her way towards the table she was startled as she saw the image of a young boy by the table, the head barely reached the height of the table as he stretched his head to read the contents "Richy! What they hell are you doing in my room without knocking" Chloe shouted raising her hand up to give the boy a smack on the bottom. Her voice could be heard from outside the room. The sudden sound of Chloe voice startled the boy as he quickly turned around to see the angry face staring down at him. "Shhh! Don't shout, . Mummy will hear you" the boy replied with his finger on his mouth as a sign of secrecy. "I caught you, you were writing love things on this paper" he said with a raised eyebrows "if mummy sees it, she will scold you like she did the other time so you better don't smack me or I will tell her myself" he continued this time with his hands folded on the chest defiantly. "Silly boy, are you threatening me! " she said as she lowered her raised hand, been caught off guard by the unexpected boldness of the little boy. Seeing that the earlier raised hand has been lowered the little boy could see that he had gotten a form of leverage. " No threat, just a good advice" He replied her. Seeing that she had no other option to get the boy out of her way without her secret been exposed, she bent down to the level of the boy head, used her palm to rubbed his ruddy hairs. "You promise you won't tell mummy and I will give your favourite chocolate and coconut bars" She said in sweet voice trying to placate him. "Okay, I promise, I won't tell mummy but I don't want candy" Richy replied her. "what! So what do you want? " She asked. "I want you to read what you wrote in that notebook for me" he said "but why Richy, why do you want me to read it for you, you can't understand what It is written there? " Chloe replied the boy with a surprising look on her face "I just want to hear it please Chloe" he said After much pleading and persuasion Chloe reluctantly agreed to read out the contents of the notebook to the little boy. "You remember uncle Peter right?" she asked the boy "You mean the tall Uncle that kissed you at the garden the first time he came here?" Richy replied. Chloe eyes widened with amazement from what the boy said "What! Don't you ever forget anything that this your eyes ever saw "? "She said. " No! Mummy said everything I sees should be stored in my head so that I won't forget whatever my teacher teaches me. Is that right " the boy asked looking at Chloe face as th both sat down on the bed with their legs folded under them facing each other. They had a big container of sweet golden popcorn beside the opened notebook in between them. Like two playmates that they truly were, they have been their own companion for the past five years that Richy had lost his parents and has been living with them. After Nina and Frederick gave birth to Chloe, all their efforts to have another child have been proven abortive. Therefore with Richy in their life, they had decided to adopt him as the child they were supposed to have. Chloe likewise was the most beneficial of the family, the presence of Richy had removed the feeling of loneliness associated with been an only child. "You know Uncle Peter have not been comimg around for sometimes now. It is because when you are in the University, there will be a period of time you will spent out of the school to learn something outside the academic environment. We call it Intern. So Peter and myself are doing that right now. He had gone to his uncle in Europe to do that " she said trying to explain it in simple statement to her young companion. There was a form of confusion in Richy face as he slowly shook his head trying to assimilate what he was been told. " But why are you here and still going to school, why you are doing that intern like you said" the boy asked "Okay they thing is I am doing the intern with one of my Professors who is conducting special research that I am very interested in" She replied "But you said it must be out of the school and outside academics environment, but your own is not exactly that way, why is it so" The boy pressed further Chloe shook her head and smiled as she spoke "sometimes I wonder where you get this your brain from. It too big for your small head. Look do you want to hear what I wrote or not? If I allowed you to continue with your probing questions, we will be here all night okay?" "Okay, but you will have to read it slowly. But is if to that Uncle Peter you want to send it to?" Richy asked in his usual manner. "That was what I said wasn't it?" She replied. The boy nooded in response as Chloe got up the bed and walked towards the wall where the light switches were and turned on the room light. As the whole room became more illuminated with the ceiling lights they both winched their eyes for few seconds as their eyes got adapted to the brighter lights. As Chloe sat back on the bed and opened the notebook to read the contents of the book, her countenance became more radiant like someone who is looking at a priced object. As she read through the book, she was so engrossed in the wordings that she could not notice the little boy staring at her with his two plams resting on his chin. Every night my beating heart yarns For the one who had held it captive The four Chambers of my dear hearts Holding in everyone of them The sweet memories of the time spent With the One who holds my thoughts In the glances of his lovely eyes The Peter of my being On whom the precious foundation of my present is built Whom after he had fully won my heart Built in it the unmovable mountains of his cares. Though thousands of miles separated us at the moment Though hills and mountains partitions the seen at the present Yet the pathways of our undefeated love Cannot be stopped by all inhibitors combined The metabolic pathways of our lives Keeps tending towards the anabolic paths Building more and more of its lovely products Using the enzymes of our own making To increase the rate of reaction In the love - filled Biochemical systems OF our biological world Our perceived physiological differences Is been catabolised day by day And the products of each reaction Is what we are using as the building blocks OF the energy yielding reactions That is powering our journey of love As we moved toward a better position In this life that we are leaving The precursors of my womanhood The coenzymes and cofactors That gives my body the unspeakable feelings That can only be better imagined Rather than expressed by words Which can never be sufficient To describe the c****x in my biological system In your warn and lovely touch. If I goes on and on To express how much you mean to me How much of your love I stores In the cells, tissues and organs OF this my mortal body The clock will keep ticking The sun and moon will not stop For an imperfect being like me. But as the words of my h****n song says When I need you I just close my eyes and am with you Oh! there is so much love to give you It's just an heartbeat away When I need love I hold my hands and I touch love I never knew there was so much love Keeping me warm every day The king of my heart I will always think of you As I sleep night by night This memory will last for eternally And all my tears will be washed in the day When I find my way back Into your arms again Until that day you know you are Peter the rock on whom My whole heart is built By the time she finished reading the love poem, Richy who was sitting in front of her with his palms resting on the chin was already dosed off in sleep. "See this silly boy, sleepy head. After all the troubles he gave me just to read the poem to him, he could not even control his eyes to hear it to the end" she said as she carry the little boy on her arms and walked towards the door. As the door opened, she was startled to see her mother standing right there at the entrance "Mum, what were you doing here, how long have you been standing here?" she asked with surprise on her face. "I came to call Richy to go to bed and have been here for just few minutes " she replied with a form of comical smiles on her face With that type of smiles on her mothers face Chloe knew that there is something else to hear from her. As she handed over the sleeping child to her mother's outstretched arms, she could feel her mother gaze on her foreheads. She quickly turned to enter back to her room after handing the boy to her. The rather gentle voice of her mother made her stopped on her path and turned her face. "Baby Chloe, you miss him so much right? I heard the poems you wrote for him. Let's make a voice recording of it together tonight if you don't mind and send it to him. I can get your day digital voice recorder for you to do it right now after I dropped Richy off " She said. Nina voice desipiate that of a loving mother who was so eager to console her lonely child. " Yes mum, I miss him so much " Chloe replied her mother with tears almost streaming down her eyes. " You must be very tired from your today's garden work mum, but will you be able to do that?" she continued "You are my world, baby girl and I will do anything for you right now to take you out of that lonely mood" her mother replied her as she gave her mother a peck on her cheeks "I love you so much mummy! You are the best!" She said. "love you too, let me go put this heavy champion on the bed and get the recorder" She said as she turned and made her way towards Richy. Chloe jumped up with happiness as she entered the room and sat on the bed turning the pages of the notes book to recheck the contents before her mother get back.
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