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Frank sat up on the bed been careful not to disturb his wife. He looked at the clock on the small table beside the bed, it was 12:15am. He had slept for just two hours and now he is wide awake and has the urge to urinate. As his feet touched the cold floor, he felt a sharp pain right from the sole of his feet that made him moan in pains. He used his palm to massage his feet so as to allow more blood flows down there. It took him about five minutes massage before he managed to walk few steps into the bathroom located on the right side corner of the room. He felt a slight pains in his manhood as the urine flows down the closet out of curiosity he looked down into the closet when he noticed the colour of his urine was darker than usual and made the water in the closet looked like as if it was mixed with brown colourants. As he flushed the urine his expression looked more worrisome as he made his way back to the bed. As he laid down again with the hope to get some sleep, his mind wandered around some strange things that have been happening to him in recent time. He had been finding it more difficult to sleep which is totally abnormal. He was a heavy sleeper and never fail to complete his eight hours undisturbed sleep routine every night. This is in opposite to his wife who can be said to be a light sleeper. He wondered what might be responsible for his sudden lack of sleep. "Is age catching up with me, or is there something troubling my mind? " he thought as he was trying to make an excuse in his mind as to why he was not getting enough sleep. Another troubling thoughts soon came to his mind that made him to tossed on the bed. "my urine has also been getting darker as of recent and I can't imagine what might also be responsible for that. I have not been eating anything out place, it has been my regular food that I have been eating. I think it is a high time for me to go for a full medical checks so that I can get the full picture of what might be happening in my body". Several other thoughts kept pouring in his mind as he was unable to get any meaningful sleep until around day break when he finally dose off. It was his wife voice that woke him up just 45 minutes later. "Sleeping head wake up its time for work! " she said tapping her husband feet to wake him. Frank stretched on the bed as he turned to face his wife "which sleepy head? I was awake all through the night night" he said as he turned to check the time "6:45 am! I slept off at 6:00am which means I was only asleep for just forty five minutes" he added "Why don't you wake me?" his wife asked with concern on her face "why should I? Knowing that you will wake up earlier to prepare food and the twins for school" he replied his wife "Okay, honey please let's not waste time on this issue, we need to act fast. I noticed of recent that your stamina was not like it used to be" She said as she gently rubbed her husband feet. "I noticed that too, yesterday in the office during the morning parade drill, I was just struggling on my feet as I led other officers in the parade ground. It was like I was floating in the air" he replied his wife. "we need not waste any more time, just call in sick and we will go to the hospital together for proper medical checks. Let me start preparing for that" She said as she placed what looked more like a compassionate kill on her husband forehead and briskly walk out of the room. Frank watched his wife back as she walked out of the room. He heave a sign of relief as he got up the bed and walked towards the bathroom. "What could I do without you my lovely wife, with you by my side, I can overcome any challenges, for your love is the most potent medicine God created " he thoughts as he smiled to himself Inside the bathroom, he sat on the bathtub and he pasted his toothbrush and gently brushed his teeth. Each brush movement seems to take longer than the previous one as he feel tired and had to stop and had a moment rest before he could complete the whole process. As he moved to the side of the bathroom where the shower is located, he was almost dragging his feet as if a huge rock was attached to his ankle. Seriously concern could be seen registering on his face as he thought in his mind "I have never been this tired in my life, something must be seriously wrong with the whole of my system" As the cold water from the shower splashed all over his body, The cooling effects appeared to revive him as his bodily movements seems to be better as he walked into the room to dress up after he had finished bathing. During breakfast, Frank appetite seems better as he asked for extra rice to the delight of his wife who quickly dish out extra for him. After breakfast the family got into the car as they drove out of the compound the roaring sound from the car engine could be heard as it entered the main road, with neighbours waving at the couple as they exchanged pleasantries and they drove towards the city centre. Their first stop was at the Newringa city college where they dropped off the twins and then drove toward the Eastern part of the city where the city central hospital is located to keep with the doctors appointment. The fifteen minutes drive to the hospital was not without the usual romantic touching and talks as the couple refused to allow the health issue dampened their spirit. "You think I will allow you to fall sick fat man? No f*****g way, you are going to be all right" Frank wife said as she childishly patted her husband bulging stomach. "is that so? I think you will like to get rid of this fat thing so that you can enjoy your life baby girl" Frank replied with sarcastic smile on his face "which fat thing? you are nothing but a feather weight on top of me, small boy" she replied with a gentle push on her husband forehead "What! Do you just pushed a cop head? you know I can drive you down the station and lock you up for assaulting a cops and not just any cop, Special Officer Frank "peace weapons" for that matter! " he said with a frowning expression that resembles that of a child threatening his play mate with a toy g*n. " oh! What are you waiting for? drive to your office and lock me up please! . I can't wait to see how miserable your life will be, when you start going to the kitchen with your big belle pushing the pots off the gas! " She bursted into uncontrollable laughter as Frank looked down his fat belly and shook his head. "Honey, be sincere, is my belly that big" He asked his wife with a straight face trying to hide the smile that was almost appearing on his face. "No sweetheart, I was just joking, but I sometimes wondered how you will look if you put on apron and walk around the kitchen with your belly shaking like a pregnant fish" She replied her husband as they both bursted into another round of laughter with tears almost coming out of their eyes. When they had finally controlled their laughter. "Okay sweetheart I will forgive you this one time but you dare not lay a finger on me again. You get that" Frank said "Yes sir! Sorry Sir!" She replied her husband with a mocking salute. As they near the end of the main road to link the access road to the hospital Frank wife gently rested her head on her husband bulky chest as he held the steering wheel with the left hand, playing with his wife's hair with the other hand. "relax dear, everything will be fine" she said to her husband in reassuring voice as the main entrance gate of the hospital came into view. They drove through the gates into the parking area. As they got out of the car, and made their way toward the office of the doctor they had appointments with, the sudden sound from the siren of an approaching ambulance could be heard from nearby as the security man at the gate rushed to opened the the gate for them as the first ambulance drove through the gate followed by two more ambulances. As they came to a halt at the entrance of the emergency ward, the driver and the accompanied medics jumped down from the front and rushed to open the back door and took down their patients. Frank and his wife who were holding hands turned back to watch what was happening . As the ambulances brought down their patients, Suddenly, Frank dropped his wife hands off his own and ran with the speed unexpected of his weight and earlier health issues towards the medics who were wheeling the stretchers towards the door of the hospital wards. The nurses and doctors at the emergency ward could be seeing rushing towards them with the hospital stretcher to move the patients As they were transferring the victims who were covered with so much blood that the colors of their cloth could hardly be recognised, Frank who had reached the spot held onto the hand of one of the victims as the were been pushed into the ward. "Jude what the hell happened! ?" Frank shouted with serious concerns in his voice The patient spoke with a hardly audible voice "as blood sputtered out of his mouth in the process " Boss, there was an explosion the office collapsed, officers down sir others are still trapped under the rubbles "he said as Frank dropped his hand as he was pushed into the ward. " Goddammit! " Frank shouted as he turned and ran towards where his wife was standing "Honey who were those people, their uniform looked like they were cops? "she asked her husband with shaking voice. "sweetheart am sorry you got to take a cab. There was an explosion and the office building collapsed. There were two packs of C4 explosives seized from some men last night, I guess that could be the cause of the explosion, you can never imagine how devastated that could be, am taking the truck to the building and help with the situation " he replied as both of them walked with fast paces towards where the car was parked. "Okay honey please be careful " She said to her husband as Frank turned on the engine and drove with speed out of the gate which was already opened, the ambulance who had dropped their patients and was making a turning towards the gate could be seeing following Frank car from behind with siren blaring as they speed along the street of Newringa city towards the scene of the blast. As he drove through the city, Frank voice could be heard with agonising voice talking aloud in the car "what the hell went wrong? those C4 were ought to have been evacuated last night. They were hot but the Bomb squad guys did a great job defusing them. Why were they not evacuated last night from the designated safer place. I ought to be there this morning, oh! Goddammit! " He kept talking as the cops building was becoming visible from the distance. Smoke could be seen coming from the rubbles as firefighters, cops, bomb squad and other rescue workers were swarming all over the place with rescue operation. Frank brought the car to a halt near the main entrance which was also affected for the gates were off their hinges as he rushed towards the spot some cops who had seen him were running towards him. "Can someone update me on the situation?" He shouted as some unaffected cops got closer to him. "Sir, its bad. There was a power surge around 6:am in the arms and explosive building" the man said pointing towards the building where the explosion originated He went on "the power to the building was cut and everything was brought under control by the technicians but as the bomb squad team were trying to evacuate the explosives before fixing the damage, one of the weak metal light fittings on the roof came down causing a spark near the C4 box. But it was like they were transferring the explosives to a new case when it happened so the C4 already exposed this may be responsible for the magnitude of the explosion. He paused a little while trying to hold back tears "The worse part sir is the chief was near the building discussing with the team leader when it happened. six of them we found dead, the Chiefs body and the bomb squad team leader were found few feet from the building dead. The officers who did night shifts that were changing at the nearest building were affected. Six dead, Five were in critical condition when they were rescued. Seven cops who were just resuming for morning shift still missing from the adjacent building that collapsed. He said pointing at the building where a big excavating machine was seen trying to lift the debris to allow rescue workers assess the place. "This is very bad" Frank said as he moved closer to help with the rescue. As he was drawing near the spot, one of the men in bomb squad suit drew nearer to meet him. "Sir, you can't move too close. Ten explosions were recorded, and there were twenty five C4s in that building, there may be more explosion any moment. So until we can assess the building and evacuate you need to stay off this areas sir. "Did you just said twenty five explosives are in there" Frank asked the man pointing to the direction of the building "Yes sir!" the man replied "Then we need to issue an emergency evacuation order for those resident in the surrounding area" he said "I totally agree Sir" the man replied in affirmation. Frank turned to another cops near him "initiate an emergency evacuation process to all the residents at the back of the premises straight away" he said as the officer signal to others and they rushed towards their cars to carry out the order. Frank could be seen moving up and down within the allowed area as the rescue and evacuation processes was ongoing. It was around evening before the last person was rescued from under the rubbles. At the end of the day, the total casualty was fifteen dead and ten rescued alive but in critical condition. It was a sad day in Newringa city as the residents stayed indoors glue to their television to get updates on the unfortunate incident and the rescue operation.
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