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Blaine looks more appealing in his CEO image. Though she was used to seeing him in his rugged beta trousers and shirts yet now he's even more charming in a suit, but gone are those eyes that used to admire her. Andrea sighed. She shouldn't be this surprised. Why is she reacting like this anyway? The moon goddess had foretold her about this. Andrea remembers what the moon goddess told her before she was sent back to live again, that she was already asking too much, and that she can't undo all the stuff that happened in the past except that she'll be sent back in time where his pack has got trapped and tried all her best to amend what happened at that time, but there's no guarantee that she can change the future. Thinking that it might save Blaine from forgetting her, Andrea took the risk. She remembers it all that day. Everything. That day when she was born again to the werewolf world. She knows what time was it. It was years before her pack was trapped that night in the woods. Growing up she spent her life training herself, making herself strong and ready to change what was destined to happen to her pack that night. Because that night when she died in the woods, and her pack and Blaine were captured, was the beginning of her pack's agony, and of her heart's shattering. So, she took the risk. This is better than not getting anything from the moon goddess. She was hoping that by going back to that dreadful night, she can change even just a slight thing in the future. 20 years after...that's the real counting if she'll look at the time from the real turn of events, from the moon goddess's point of view. But here in the werewolves' world, time runs differently. Now that she was regressed into some time in her past, she's confident that things will turn out not as tragic as before. Standing on the mountaintop with this cold wind blowing on her face, Andrea feels like the tragedy happened just yesterday. Well right now, it was only her who knows the real thing and the real-time. "What are you thinking?" Blaine asked her Andrea almost scoffed. This is the same question he asked her that night before she died. This is the same exact scene and the same look in his eyes that night before he was dragged away from her. At any moment, Andrea knows that Salvatore and Magnum are going to come and s*******r them all. She can't die this time or her pack, and Blaine would go ruined. " Uhmm...nothing, just...looking out," Andrea replied. She moved an inch away from him noticing that he'll about to comfort her. Will he kiss me this time? Andrea wondered at the back of her mind. She clearly remembers that kiss they share that night. She was so drowned in it, so out of focus that she even forgot of the danger they were facing that night. He can't kiss me this time or...I'll lose myself then. Andrea thinks. " What's wrong?" Blaine asked feeling her aloofness. Andrea shook her head. " Nothing, I'm just worried," she replied. But her thoughts were actually counting the clock. She glanced at her watch. " Tell the pack to leave now," she ordered. " Huh? Why the sudden?" " No whys...please, go!" And the pack starts moving out of the woods that night. Almost everyone had gone far when Salvatore and Magnus arrived. Andrea thought that all can escape, well, almost all of her packs are, except for her. Like what happened that night, she wrestled against Salvatore and Magnus. Fighting with them feels like she was really back on that night of her death. Yeah, her death. She always had that in mind since that day she was reborn to some time of her past. No! I can't die tonight! All that needs to happen is for me and my pack to forward to the future. Andrea told herself. " Get her fangs!" Andrea heard Magnus yell. That was what he exactly shouted before. Andrea's heart raced faster. She was nervous. She knows what will happen next. The last time in the past, this is exactly the moment when Blaine would be captured next by Magnus. Please...don't tell me he's here...he's supposed to be far from here now escaping with the pack! Andrea thinks while her gaze was on the spot where he saw Blaine coming out before, dragged by Magnus. One...two...three... she counted the time in her mind. " Gamma, all have left including her beloved beta!" Salvatorre came out rushing. Andrea sighed a relief. She knows that she changed a thing in the past than at this moment. It's supposed to be Magnus who'll come rushing out dragging a bleeding Blaine, but then now it's Salvatore informing that all her pack had escaped including Blaine. " Chase them before they get far!!!" Magnus screamed And all the werewolves from the other pack moved hurriedly to follow Magnus's order, including Salvatore. Andrea was about to run away too when Magnus suddenly grabbed her. And you, where are you...going? I need your fangs...ancient wolf!" Magnus growled. Wanting to live, Andrea gives all the might she has to combat the Gamma wolf. She howled and shifted into her furry self, and run as fast as she could into the woods. Magnus chased him. He isn't shifting yet, but he runs fast as if he was already in his wolf form. Andrea didn't know where she was going. She just continue running as fast as she could. Relax...Andrea...just one smart move...and one bite on his flesh... She told herself. Damn! Where did it go? Magnus stopped. Andrea's wolf form was lost in his sight. He looked around. The moon was up there, peeping through the trees' canopy. He didn't realize they were running into the deepest of the woods. Silence... Sh*** I didn't like this! Magnus thinks. The silence gives him the creeps. It was like Andrea is going to attack him at any moment. And he was not mistaken. Suddenly sharp teeth and claws attacked him from behind. Magnus wrestled as he fell to the ground. His eyes widened when noticed that Andrea got a bite of his arm. Of course, he knows how deadly her fangs are! In a panic, Magnus reached out to his pocket. He wrestled with all his might gathering all the strength he have within. And before Andrea could bury more of her sharp tooth deep into his flesh, Magnus stab her neck with a syringe. He planned to do more than just get a sample of Andrea's DNA, he really wanted to pluck her fangs but...his eyes then began to get blurry. He knows he's going to pass out. Sh***! I must get out fast from this woods quick! I need medicine! Magnus told himself, and so he left Andrea unconscious in the woods. Unlike the other werewolves in rank, Magnus got the perks of being a Gamma wolf and a shaman that he can't get easily killed by Andrea's fangs. But that doesn't mean her fangs aren't fatal! Magnus thinks. His aim tonight was to get back to his lab. It was as if Andrea sleep for long in the woods, though she felt sore when she woke up, so she rushed back to their pack house. When the crescent moon peeks out again at your rebirth it will pull you back to the time of your biggest mistake and of your biggest tragedy... It's as if Andrea hears the voice of the moon goddess in her mind. Okay, I didn't did I undo a thing in the past? She asked herself. To make sure of that she needs to check her pack. Andrea Catalda - The Ancient is dead! Andrea rushed to put on her hood when she saw some flyers announcing her death posted all over the street. How many days have I been sleeping that they all manage to orchestrate such lies that I died this time? Yeah, I know I died and was reborn but I didn't die in the woods I know! Andrea thinks. What day is it today? Andrea saw a newspaper stand on the side street. She grabbed one of them. " Hey, miss...are you going to buy?" the street vendor blurted But Andrea just ignored her. Her eyes were fixed on the face that was on the front page. " Blaine!" she whispered with her heart hurting. Blaine The CEO of Moon Pharma is set to have his first-ever media appearance at a convention tomorrow... Did I sleep that long? I stopped my pack from being trapped, from being captured, from dying...but...why did Blaine end up like this? Andrea asked in her thoughts. But wait...what date is this newspaper? Does this mean I slept for a month? How can a wolf sleep for a month?! She thinks. Andrea's hands were trembling when she placed back the newspaper. There were lots of questions on her mind and lots of confusion, to add up she hadn't eaten or drunk water yet this day. She was really tired. My pack...I should get back to my pack...Andrea thinks. " Don't insist that you can change Blaine's fate at the time of your know you can't do a thing against the curse of the crescent moon!" The voice of the moon goddess echoed in her mind. Andrea clutched at her head. She felt dizzy. She felt her knees weaken. I must have been really hungry...and stressed... She thinks. And the next thing she knows she passed out in the street.
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