Chapter 3

1392 Words
~ Princess Mylie’s PoV It isn’t my first time going to the human world but every time I get so excited as if it is my first time, I am really happy as we swam farther away from the deep up towards the surface. I keep telling myself that I just want to see their beautiful world, heck it’s the same thing I tell Selena, that I want to always see how beautiful they are up there, but in truth, I am fascinated by more than the beauty of their world, I mean in all sincerity, their world isn’t as beautiful as ours is down in the deep, not by a long shot but then there is this element to how theirs is, rowdy and carefree, loud and free so unlike the deep where everything has to be serene and quiet and calm and peaceful and orderly, because of that I've found myself always studying and learning about things of the human world, what exactly made their world so different from ours? I ask myself every time and I was willing to find out. I and Selena swam and finally got to the surface then we hid behind a boulder amongst the rocks close to mountain by the beach. "Wow… wow... it is so beautiful" I exclaimed keeping up my ruse with Selena, I can’t let her discover my true intent yet. "Yes…" Selena replied still overly skeptical and not intrigued at all. "Look at them moving about on their legs... How I wish I had legs also" I said testing to see how my friend would react to that. "We are way more beautiful than they are, besides have you seen them fall? It is so funny, we never fall with our singular tail fins but they fall even with separated legs" Selena said rolling her eyes. I wasn't really listening to her though, I was looking about to see what could interest me, just then my sight caught on to a guy, he was sitting alone amongst some boulders as well closer to the deep part of the ocean than the other humans, I wondered how he managed to get here and what he was doing, he had his head bowed down, he looked extremely sad but then I couldn’t get over how cute he looked. "Wow... he is so cute" I said out loud without meaning to, I had been inspecting him over and over. "He? Who?" Selena asked oblivious to the guy’s presence. "Look over there" I said to her and pointed in his direction, just then the guy raised his head and turned his sight to our direction, my heart did a flip before melting at that point, damn he is so handsome, I haven’t even seen any merman that could compare to his looks down in the deep. "Don't tell me you're falling for a human" Selena said quizzically after seeing my awed and glazed eyes expression. "Falling?... Heck No... Only humans fall as you have said, I was only admiring how cute he was" I lied to Selena because deep down I believe I was indeed falling for him, even though I hadn’t experienced the actual physical falling like humans do, Selena was right though it really was a funny thing to behold. "Princess, your mother must be looking for you by now… let us get going please" Selena said to me, 'damn it' I cussed inwardly, she was right. "I know, I know, just few minutes more please, I just want to capture the full image of his face in case I never see him again" I said smiling and waving at him but he wasn't even looking at our direction, I had said that to Selena to wave her off the thoughts of my actual intentions. "Princess please I’m scared of what your mother could do should we be discovered, just please, let us just go back” Selena said to me and her voice was truly quivering. "Oh c’mon, Mother won't do anything ok, just blame it all on me... dammit I wish I can touch him just once" I said smiling to myself, I was getting out of control and couldn’t hide my fascination anymore, I continued to stare at him despite all of Selena’s protests, then he finally stood up and left. cOh gosh' I thought sadly. "Can we go now?” Selena said to me and a bit of frustration and relief showed in her voice. “Yeah, let us go" I said to her sadly, ‘I will come everyday to see him if possible’ I thought to myself smiling as we swam back down into the deep. I got to the palace and sneaked in to my room, I sat down smiling to myself, ‘I really wanna see him again, I think I will have to go up again tomorrow' ‘It can’t be that bad to fall in love with a human, and I don’t mind becoming a human because of him, so I’ll go to the surface and cast a spell on myself to become human so I can find him’ I said to myself and smiled. These were my true intentions all along, to go to the surface, become human through a spell and then move amongst them and experience their world first hand, without falling like they do though, this was one other reason why i study so much about them . * ~ Mike’s PoV At first I had thought of jumping into the ocean, no one would know, heck no one even noticed as I moved so far along even, those parts were deep and treacherous, scattered about with boulders and rocks thanks to the mountain beside it. I just wanted to leave this world, for a pure breed vampire, dying can be really hard; a stake to the heart would only give me heart problems as I would heal from it and there will most probably be splinters of wood left in my heart, the sun is just a source of vitamin D just as it is for humans, falling from height would break me and render me unconscious for a while but then I'd heal right back up. But drowning, now that hasn’t been tested out, but then I got images in my head of drowning, dying and waking again only to drown, die and wake again and repeat the process, now that looked ugly yet doesn’t solve the problem. So I had a change of mind, stood up and walked back to my car but this time, somehow, I felt peace within me even as I am disturbed, probably because I had found no sense is giving myself such a gruesome death sentence. I got home and lay on my bed thinking about Jenny, damn I really missed Jenny, her pretty smile, her laughter, how we cuddled when she was cold or upset, I just missed everything about her. I saw Jenny in the most beautiful white sleeveless gown surrounded by fog, she looked even more pretty than I had ever seen her look, she smiled sweetly but sadly at me. “Jenny why… why did you leave me?” I asked her even though I knew it was unfair to say that to her, she hadn’t meant to lose her life that way. “I didn’t leave… I am always here with you” she said to me in a sweetly eerie voice. “But I miss you” I said to her again not being fair, of course she would be here if she could. “Very soon... I will be back by your side forever, and you will never miss me again, wait for me my love, I love you so much” she said and disappeared. “Jenny! Jenny!! Wait!!!” I screamed out and woke up, it had been a dream, my very first, do vampires dream? I was sweating profusely, wait she said she is coming back to me, forever, from experience of humans I know dreams don’t usually make sense but then this is a vamp’s dream, so I promised to wait, I will wait, I will Jenny, I said crying and promising myself it is the last time I’d ever cry ever again.
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