Chapter one: Mate!

526 Words
JEREMY’S P.O.V As I walked through the few trees that this university had I smelled an intoxicating smell. I had no description of the smell, just that it was amazing.  Then I heard my wolf say one word, the one word that would change my life forever;  "Mate."  Oh s**t.  That was all that went through my mind as my wolf said that.  Oh s**t.  I needed to get out of there. So I did the one thing I could think of and ran.  I ran for hours until I reached the nearest forest. When I was well past the treeline I shifted into my huge black wolf. I heard my wolf scream in protest as I ran away from our mate. I shut him out.  I ran faster until I reached my destination, the small lake was beautiful, with the moon and stars reflecting on the water's surface. I sat down, looking out on the lake and thinking about what the hell I was gonna do.  I mean it was great that I had finally found my mate and all, but was I ready for the responsibilities that came with it. Wasn’t already enough that father had just stepped down as alpha meaning I had to step up. All of this was exhausting, but I knew it was great news for the pack to have found their Luna so quickly.  I was so caught up in my thoughts that I didn’t even notice the silver wolf emerging from the trees. However, I did notice it when it sat down next to me looking straight at me.  "What are you doing here sis?" I mind linked her.  She looked at me knowingly before she answered through our link;  "I understand you have a lot to think about tonight..."  She trailed off, obviously waiting for me to finish the sentence. Though I knew she already knew. There was no way that after that emotional roller coaster I just went on, she didn't. LIBERTY’S P.O.V I woke up to my alarm ringing.  Jasmine was gone, just like last night. Maybe she was one of those people who took late night and early morning runs I thought to myself.  I didn’t have time to wonder about it anymore since I had to get ready for class.  I quickly went through my morning routine before I rushed out of the room. I rushed down the hallway filled with students and just as I was about to enter the classroom I felt someone’s eyes on me.  But I didn’t have time to think about it, and hurried into the classroom.  Thankfully the teacher hadn’t arrived yet. I saw Fran waving at me from the first row and I went to sit beside her. As I leaned down to grab my books from my bag I felt someone sitting down beside me.  When I finally managed to get all of my books out of my bag and I looked up. I stared straight up into the most captivating brown and yellow eyes I have ever seen.
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