The Big Decision

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Gabriella just got into the senior secondary School where she was in SSS 1. There, she got introduced to a lot of new subjects which were ones like biology, chemistry, physics, government, literature, C.R.S, etc. which seems to her like extra work load which meant that she had to study harder and focused. Gabriella was very good in Physics, Mathematics, Technical Drawing and Chemistry but did very poor in Government and literature because she often complained about too much notes to copy or stories of dead people to tell especially in Government which to her was actually very boring. She had made up in her mind that she was going to go be part of the science department when she gets into SSS 2 which was when the various departments split up and face their area of concentration in her school. Gabriella was not only intelligent but also beautiful. She had good curves, brown eyes and dark coily hair which was usually admired by most female and male students in her school. Sometimes, most of the male students in her school would approach her asking her to be their girlfriend but she often declined. She was the center of attraction of every guy because, not only was she beautiful and intelligent but also the fact that her father was a very rich and influential man in the society. But Gabriella did not give herself any reason to be proud or rude. She was respectful and also playful. She loved football and basketball game because she was a tall girl and also acted like a boy sometimes. Third term was coming to an end and it was the time to write the promotion exam in Gabriella's school. She had gone to the head teacher's office earlier to register her name under the science department which was the rule in the school. Very high grades were required from those who registered their names under the science department while those who failed to score high were moved to the social science or art department. Gabriella had fully prepared for the exam and kept on praying for help from God. It was Friday afternoon and Gabriella driver had come to pick her up. She was normally taken to her Father's office after school and then after work, she goes home with her father. It was a very sunny afternoon and all students were heading to their various destinations. The school exam has been slated for on Monday and so all students of the School had the weekends to prepare for their exam. "Can you just take me home straight?" Gabriella asked her driver. "No ma'am, I'll have to confirm from your dad first when we get to the office" he replied "That's not an issue cos I'll need to prepare and as well have a thorough rest for my exam on Monday. If not I can't be in the sciences" Gabriella said "Don't worry Gab, you are a very intelligent student so I'm very sure you are going to score high in your exams" the driver complimented "I hope so" Gabriella said looking anxious. The driver drove off the office and Gabriella went into her father's office with a worry some look on her face "What is it my princess?" asked Mr Alex "My exams are starting on Monday and I'm just so anxious. I'll need to score high in this my exams if not, I wont be allowed to be part of the sciences" Gabriella replied "I thought we've talked about this my princess. You aren't going to the sciences, you are going to the social sciences. I need you to study Business Administration so you can be able to take over all my businesses" Mr Alex said "No dad, I hardly can understand those social science courses. I'll fail woefully if I go there" She replied "No you won't. I'll make sure no one fails you. I'll pay all of them for that" Mr Alex boasted "Then you can as well pay someone else to manage the company. He or She will remit to me. Please dad this is what I want. I want to be a mechanical engineer" she pleaded. "But I haven't seen any female mechanical engineer" Mr Alex Said. " Don't worry dad, it doesn't matter" "If that makes you happy my princess" Mr Alex said as he hugged her. It was a beautiful Monday morning and all students had conveyed in their various classes for the exam. Teachers were walking Helter skelter and students were all sitting anxiously. Gabriella had just finished praying in her seat when the supervisor walked in and distributed question papers and answer booklets. He slated out all instructions and then kick started the exam. Two weeks after the exam the results were distributed to each student. Gabriella had collected hers from the headteacher and was dancing towards her car were her driver was already seated. she opened the car and sat down "I made it sir, I got an 87%. I'm going to the sciences"She said happily "Congratulations Gab, I knew you were going to make it" he said as he gave her a high-five. "Let's go, I can't wait to tell my Dad and Mom"She said as they drove off
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