Chapter Four

540 Words
Jessica was busily adding packets of sugar and creamer to the coffee tray, but that didn't stop her mind from wondering if it was the same Sam from that night three years ago that she had seen. She had a feeling it was him. No way could two persons look so much alike unless they were twins. And he wasn't. Plus with the type of luck she had... Jessica's hand shook as she maneuvered the tray through the door. Mr. James has called for coffee so she was delivering. It didn't matter how often she had done this, her hand still shook. Nerves, she knew was the reason for it. She was so afraid of what was about to happen and she had no idea how she was going to deal with it.  "Sir, here's the coffee," as she placed the tray on the table. She handed Mr. James his then turned to the visitor. "I don't know how you take yours Sir but I brought sugar and creamer as well." All this while Jessica had not looked up once. She wasn't sure if she wanted to. "Thank you, Jessica," her boss responded. "Let  me introduce you to our computer expert. The best in the country that I know of. This is Sam Kennedy. Sam my secretary and also 'Personal Assistant' Jessica Kennedy." Sam stood up and extended his hand. "Miss Kennedy. Nice to meet you." Jessica finally had to fully lift her head and turn to the man she had been trying to avoid. As she turned she prepared herself to cover the gasp she knew she was about to expell and schooled her face.  All this was necessary because in front of her stood Sam. Her Sam. Sam from the night three years ago. Her daughter's father. Sam was shocked. Thing was, he didn't have time to prepare to hide it like Jessica had. He had to show some of what he was feeling. However, he was able to quickly cover it up. He was well versed in the art of blank expressions. So he covered his shock with a greeting and a smile. Sam shook the hand placed into his like he hadn't had that same hand over his naked body one night, three years ago. He pretended not to know her. What he was really doing though, was plotting.  When they next chatted it would be a private conversation. Just the two of them. They would talk. He needed to know why she ran out on him. They really needed to talk about that. Sam wasn't sure though why he wanted to have that talk. He just hadn't felt right when he woke up and she was gone. He thought they had connected. And though he had had one night stands before, she was the first he allowed to stay. Wait! What was he saying? She was the first he took home.  Sam was anything but okay with the fact he had woken up to find her gone. She had snuck out like a thief. But he was going to find out why. All the while he was working. He was planning. Look out Miss Marshall he thought. Miss Marshall, he smiled. Finally a last night. He could finally complete his research. The smile stayed on his face.
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