1 - Alone and Sad

1907 Words
Jameson     My parents planned a family reunion at our pack, and the last few days were exhausting.  After catching up on some sleep, I decided to make a trip to the human city and look for a new pair of cool scrubs to wear at the clinic.  There was a store in the middle of the city that specialized in that type of clothing.     It was nice to get away from all of the family that was still lingering.  Mostly, it was just cousins and more cousins, but there were a lot of them, and I was ready for some time to myself.     As soon as I arrived at the city, I drove straight to the store I wanted and parked out front.  To one side of the clothing store, there was an auto repair shop.  On the other side, there was a salon.     I walked around the store for about fifteen minutes and picked out three different pairs of scrubs.  The first pair was dark blue with moons all over them.  The second pair was black with lime green alien faces.  The third pair was neon orange with little green frogs all over them.  I purposely chose fun pairs of scrubs that would make the pups feel more at ease with me when working at the clinic.     After I paid for the scrubs, I left the clothing store and put them in the trunk of my black Porsche.  Yes, that’s right.  I’ve been working in the pack clinic and earning money since I was a young pup.  That’s how I was able to buy myself such a nice car.     I was getting ready to walk across the street to get a coffee at the local cafe, when a breeze blew from behind me.  With the breeze came the most amazing smell to ever hit my nose.     As if in a trance, I followed the smell of peaches and cinnamon.  I walked between the clothing store and auto shop to an alley that ran behind them.  When I turned to look around, my eyes landed on a woman with hair as black as mine, sitting on the back steps of the auto shop.       She had her face buried in the palms of her grease covered hands, and I could hear her softly crying.  It was like she was purposely trying not to let anybody hear her cries, but I didn’t have the luxury of not hearing them.  Thanks to my advanced hearing.     As I studied the woman, my wolf adamantly insisted, “What are you waiting for?  Our mate is sad!  Make her feel better!  I don’t like to see our mate crying!”     That was all I needed to hear to make my feet start moving again.  I quickly closed the gap between me and the woman, then I knelt down and gently placed a hand on her shoulder.     Right away, she jumped and immediately groaned before hissing, “Don’t ever f*****g touch me again!”     “I’m so sorry, mate!  I didn’t mean to startle you,” I rushed to say.     “I don’t know where you grew up, but we don’t call each other mates around here.  Now go away before you get me in trouble,” she grumbled with a wave of her small hand, then she wrapped her arms around her legs and rested the side of her cheek on top of her knees.     There was no missing the way she winced in pain, and that’s when I decided to get a better look at her, but she was keeping her face under the shadow of her sweatshirt’s hood.  Wanting to see her eyes, I moved the hood back, earning a piercing glare from her pretty amber eyes that I instantly fell in love with.     “I said… GO AWAY!” she barked with anger, but I was too busy studying the bruises, cuts and split lip that decorated what I could only assume was usually a beautiful face.     Unwilling to leave my mate needing medical attention, I did something that I probably shouldn’t have done.  I scooped her up in my arms, then I sprinted back to my car.  The whole way there, she was yelling at me to put her down and leave, but I couldn’t do that.     Instead, I forced her into my car and set the child lock, so she couldn’t open the door, as I ran around to the driver’s seat.  Without hesitation, I started the engine and immediately threw the car in gear, then I stomped on the gas and squealed tires, as I pulled a u-turn in the middle of the road.     My mate continued to yell at me until I reached over and placed the palm of my hand over her mouth.  The next thing I knew, she was sinking her teeth into the flesh of my hand, and there was no stopping the groan that made the entire car vibrate.     Instantly, she released my hand from her teeth, then she venomously hissed, “I don’t know who in the hell you think you are, but I’m gonna make you pay for this!”     “Look!  You need a doctor to stitch up that lip.  I just so happen to be a doctor and your mate, so I’m gonna take you home, get you fixed up and get some food in that growling belly of yours,” I matter-of-factly informed her.     Apparently, she was stunned into total silence, because all she did for the next twenty minutes was stare at me with wide, curious eyes.  I was thankful for the momentary silence, but it wasn’t long before my own curiosity got the better of me.       “What is your name, mate?” I asked with a smile.     “Stop calling me mate!  That’s just weird.  My name is Savannah, and I would appreciate it if you would use it instead of mate,” she answered with more sass than was necessary.     I liked her name, so I kindly replied, “Savannah, that is a beautiful name for a beautiful woman.”     She was quick to scoff before begrudgingly mumbling, “You don’t have to lie to me.  I know how ugly my face is.  Since you know my name, it’s only fair that I also know yours.”      “Jameson Scott Braden is my full name, but you can call me by whatever name you want,” I replied with honey dripping from my voice.     Savannah rolled her eyes at me, then she nonchalantly stated, “I will stick to calling you Dr. Braden, if that’s okay.”     “That is just fine, sweetheart,” I hummed with an ear to ear smile plastered on my face.       Savannah might not understand what was happening, but I could tell she was starting to warm up to me already.  Now, I just had to find a way to tell her that I’m a werewolf.     She was clearly a human, and I didn’t know if she had ever heard of our kind.  It was definitely gonna be interesting to see her reaction.     Before I got to that point in the conversation, I felt the need to know who hurt my mate, so I sheepishly asked, “Savannah, who hurt you like this?”      Savannah     I was already having a hard time moving around, because of the beating my father gave me the night before.  I swear, it didn’t matter what I was doing, if he came home after being on a drug and alcohol binge, I always took the brunt of his anger.     Just because I handed him the wrong tool, he used it to hit me on the mouth, causing my lip to split open.  With tears in my eyes, I ran to the bathroom and used a little toilet paper to get the bleeding under control, then I ran out of the shop.     I couldn’t stand the looks of pity from all of those cowards, who weren’t willing to stand up for me.  Nor did I want to give my father the chance to hit me again at the moment in time.     As soon as the fresh air hit my face, I took a deep breath to calm myself down, then I sat on the back steps.  I didn’t want to cry anymore, but I couldn’t stop the tears from falling, which made more of those tears appear.     Suddenly, I felt the weight of a large hand on my shoulder and nearly had a heartache, thinking my father had come back there to hurt me some more.  When I looked up, I quickly realized it wasn’t my father at all.     Kneeling beside me was the most handsome man I had ever seen in my life.  He had beautiful, dark green eyes and shiny, jet black hair that was just long enough for him to give it little spikes.  Oh, and his lips!  I don’t know why, but I just wanted to kiss those full lips of his.       It was odd for me to have those feelings for any man, considering all of the abuse I had endured at the hands of men, but there was something oddly different about this one.  However, I couldn’t act on those wild urges.  Especially when he was a complete stranger.     I tried to get him to leave before my father came out and saw us talking.  If that happened, I would no doubtedly take a beating for acting like a w***e, as my father would put it, and I didn’t need to be giving him any other reasons to hit me.  He came up with enough of those on his own.     Out of nowhere, the strange man removed my hood and saw my beat up face.  There was no missing the concern and anger that flashed in his eyes before he scooped me up and ran between the buildings.     I yelled for the man to put me down, but he just kept going until he reached a luxurious black car.  He forced me into the passenger seat, then he sped away like a bat out of hell.     I feared that this man might do worse things to me than my father and his drug addict friends, so I kept yelling and bitching until the handsome man informed me that he’s a doctor.  I was the last thing I expected to hear, but it eased my nerves just a little.     Neither of us said anything for a little while, giving me the chance to think about what I should do when this strange man takes me home.  I was gonna be in for the beating of my life.  The one other time that I attempted to run away, my father found me the next day and broke at least half of my ribs.       I was not looking forward to the return home, but I couldn’t tell this stranger about my problems.  It wouldn’t be fair for me to put my burdens on him.
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