2. Jane

1988 Words
Jane ******** I headed out of the classroom but I couldn't help but turn to look at him once again. "What the hell is wrong with me?". I wondered as I walked out. I suddenly didn't feel like attending any lectures today anymore. So I walked towards the bench under a tree in the school compound. I sat down and took out my phone, I plugged my earphones into my ear and played music. Even with the music playing, I couldn't stop myself from thinking of him. "Who the hell is he anyways?". I asked myself. When I saw him walking into the class earlier, I was so captivated by his handsomeness that I forgot to breathe. He has golden hair and I must say his eyes matched his hair. His face is like that of a god, he has a straight nose coupled with reddish purple lips. His skin is as white as a snowflake, perfect for his average height and his well built body. I noticed his abs and his well fitted body with six parts. I knew that because he was putting on a fitted body hug top with a pair of jean trousers. "OMG"!. Why do I feel like this?". I kept asking myself over and over again. It was as if there was a fire burning inside of me. Whenever I glanced in his direction and our eyes met, I felt a spark. I've never felt like this towards anyone before. Truthfully, not that I've ever dated someone before. Still, I'm not into guys, so I wonder why I'm this affected by him. Though I've always felt as if there's someone out there waiting for me and I don't know why I feel that way, but I do, which is the reason why I haven't been attracted to or dated anyone before. But what I'm feeling towards this guy is inexplicable. I'm an Omega and I was told that we omegas always have an alpha mate, either male or female, but I haven't met mine. Though I don't care about that, all I want is to be able to fall in love with someone and have the person fall in love with me too. Even if there are consequences if an Omega is with someone else other than his/her mate, I don't care. But this is the first time I have been attracted to someone at first sight. I closed my eyes and tried to picture him kissing me with that mouth of his while his arms were wrapped around my waist and my hands moving all over his perfectly built body. I picture what I'll let him do to me if he's willing. "Oh f**k, I'm so hard just by the thought". I snapped my eyes open. "what the f**k Jane?". What the hell am I even thinking right now? He's a guy for f**k's sake. I looked up suddenly and I saw him walking towards me. "s**t!". Why is he coming here and why now?. "Hey". I said when he stopped in front of me, while I tried to contain my nervousness. "Hi", he replied. "I saw you in class earlier, I'm Jane, by the way". I said, trying to make a conversation so as not to look awkward. "Yeah, I'm Damion". He said and extended his hand. I shook his extended hand and I noticed he had a strong and firm hand. Our eyes met and I felt a spark in my body. I quickly let go of his hand and averted his gaze, but not before I noticed that I was blushing. I just pray he didn't notice it and if he did he didn't, indicate. "So are you from around here?". He asked. "No, I'm from Kansas City and I just moved here". I replied. "Oh! welcome to California city and also to our school ". He said and smiled at me. I almost found myself grabbing and kissing the hell out of those lips of his. I felt my d**k harden, he is so cute when he smiles. I didn't fail to notice his dimples when he smiled. I was so lost in my thoughts that I didn't hear him talking to me. I jutted back to the present when I heard him calling my name. "Jane! are you okay? You seem lost in thought", he asked, looking worried. "Yeah... I'm okay, sorry what were you saying?" I asked back, forcing a smile. "I asked if you're not going for your next class". He said. "No I actually don't feel like attending any lectures again today". I replied to him. "Okay, same here actually". He said with a smile. We both fell silent, but when I glanced at him I saw him smiling, and I couldn't help but ask. " Why are you smiling?"?. I asked him. "Hmmmm?...... it's nothing". He replied. "So, since we both don't feel like attending lectures, would you like me to show you around the town?". He asked, and I couldn't help but jump out of excitement inside, but I tried to stay calm. "Cool but that's if you don't mind". I replied as I tried not to show my excitement or look desperate to spend time with him. "No, I don't ". He said. "Okay, when can we leave?". I asked, trying not to smile because of the happiness I'm feeling right now. " How about now? Do you have anywhere in mind that you want to go?". He asked me. "No, not really; since I really know this place well, I haven't been able to think of a place I'd like to visit. Do you have anywhere in mind?". I replied. "How about the park, museum or just a drive around the city". He said. "They also sound cool; okay let's do the ones we can do today and leave the rest for another day". I said. But truthfully, I don't mind going anywhere as long as he's with me. "Okay then, let's move, but I'd like to go home to change my clothes first. That's if you don't mind". He said. "No problem; where do you stay?" I asked. The thought of being alone with him in a room is so fun I can't stop wondering about what could happen....... I need to get my s**t together. "It's about 30 minutes' drive from here". He replied. "Okay then, let's go because we're caught by some lecturers". I said. We stood up and headed to the parking lot. I was surprised when I saw his car. It's a f*****g Lamborghini Aventador S. I couldn't stop myself from touching it just so I could feel it. I already suspected that he was rich, since I saw him, but not this rich. "Wowwwwww....... You have a nice ride here". I complemented. "Thanks". He said with a smile. We entered the car and he started the engine and drove out of the school ground. I can't believe that on my first day at school I'm already in a car with the most handsome and most likely the richest guy in school. Wow lucky me. I started to wonder if he had a girlfriend/boyfriend, but the thought of him with someone else made me jealous. I suddenly felt lightheaded. I guess I needed to rest because my body had been feeling heavy since earlier and I didn't know why. It's as if I'm coming down with a fever. I guess I'll just tell Damion we should stop at a pharmacy first after we leave his house. But I was okay earlier this morning before coming to school. I tried to calm down and not think too much about it. Also, maybe it's because I'm with Damion and can't control my feelings, so I tried not to worry. We've both been quiet since the drive started and I used that opportunity to take in his being. He seems like a cool, intelligent and responsible guy, not to mention that he's f*****g rich. I was tempted to run my hand all over his handsome looking face and also touch his golden hair. I could see his Adam apple as he swallowed and I felt like touching and kissing it. Fuck... I'm hard by just looking at him. My body is beginning to feel hot and I can't control my heat. My whole body suddenly felt weak and I could hardly control my breathing anymore. I don't understand why this is happening. I guess he looked at me and saw I was restless. "Jane, f**k is it your time of the month?". He asked. "What do you mean by that?". I asked him because I didn't understand what he was saying. "I meant if it's your heat time because you are releasing a lot of pheromones already". He said. "Heat? I've never had one before". I wonder why it's happening now. I was told I'd have my first heat when I was 17 years old, but I didn't and now I'm 20 years old. Though my dad told me not to worry about it, because I might be having it late because I'm special. But I don't feel special at all. First, I don't have a mate and, secondly, I haven't had any heat, so tell me what's special about that? But, in one day, I met someone I feel attracted to and he's now telling I'm having my heat?. Why the f**k is it happening now? So much for being special indeed. Am..........I......really.......in heat?. "Shit... I don't even have heat suppressants. Hold, we'll soon get to my place". He said worriedly. My hand held his and I felt his hands tighten, and I saw his Adam apple move as he swallowed. I traced my hand up to his face and I leaned to kiss him and I felt the care stop as our lips met. He tried to withdraw but I held on to him tightly as I tried to get access to his mouth. He pulled away from me and tried to calm me down. I could see his flushed face as he tried to hide it. "Please calm down. Let me get you home". He said as he started the car once again. I couldn't control my body's heat anymore as my pheromones filled the car. When the car stopped again, I didn't even notice it. All I knew was that I was being carried by him into the house and up the stairs. He placed me on a bed and was about to leave when I grabbed him and he fell on the bed with me. I kissed him hungrily but he didn't respond to it. I ran kisses all over him while my hands were wrapped around his neck. But he pulled away from me gently and sat straight with a blank expression on his face. It feels as if I'm trying to take advantage of him, but he's trying to control himself and me, but I didn't mind that at all because I couldn't help what my body was feeling. "Have s*x with me please". I pleaded "No I can't. You're feeling like this because of your heat. I'll go get you heat suppressants". He said and got out of bed. "No I don't want you to leave; You smell so good". I said. What's..... this smell? I looked up and saw that his face was flushed and he was blushing, while his eyes were narrowed while looking at me. He sighed and said he'd be back, then left the room. He came back a few minutes later with the medicine and a glass of water. He placed the medication on my palm and handed me the glass of water. I took it and he laid me down and tucked me into bed. I wanted to resist but I couldn't as I felt weak and felt myself drifting into the darkness.......
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