1963 Words
Eleanor’s POV I took a deep breath before walking into my father's room. I knew what I was about to do was going to be uncomfortable, but I couldn't dodge it anymore. My father was the Alpha of our pack, and he needed to hear what I had to say. I hugged myself tightly, trying to find some form of comfort as I walked towards his bed. What I saw made my blood boil. My father, the man I had admired my whole life, was in bed with three slaves. They were moaning and writhing under his touch, but what disturbed me most was the look on his face. It was as if he owned them, like they were his playthings. I must have made some noise because he looked up, and our eyes met. That was when anger took over. "Father!" I yelled at him. He just watched me, his face unreadable, while he kissed the breasts of one of the women. "Don't be late for the party, pumpkin," he finally answered as I continued to rant. "And make sure you dress appropriately." "How could you do this?" I asked him. "Pumpkin, it's not what it looks like," he replied, sitting up in bed. "Not what it looks like? You're cheating on Mom!" I accused him, my voice shaking with anger. "She's not around, Eleanor. She won't know," he said, reaching out to touch my hand. I pulled away from him, disgusted. "I can't believe you," I said. I wanted to scream, but my voice was choked. I felt like I was going to puke. This man was my father, and he was cheating on my mother with slaves. I turned, not waiting for him to say anything else and stormed out of the room. I barged out of the house. I needed to get away from there, at least for the moment. I sniffled, trying to find a way to calm down, but the disgust and anger refused to abate. *** I was running as fast as I could through the dark forest, my heart pounding in my chest. I was in my white wolf form. I was being chased by two wolves that had attacked me out of nowhere. I had been on my way to meet my friend Johnny, the soon-to-be alpha of the wildlife pack, when they appeared. I had a strong feeling they were my bullies, the ones who had tormented me for years because I had accidentally injured one of them. I had super strength, which wasn't something I was proud of, because the pack members always made me look like a monster. As I ran, I heard their growls getting closer and closer. I was panting, my breath coming in short gasps. Finally, I stopped running, relieved to see that the wolves were no longer on my tail. I didn’t have any interest in going to see Johnny anymore. I just wanted to go home and forget this whole thing ever happened. But then they appeared out of nowhere and surrounded me, growling menacingly. I growled back, trying to keep my cool. "What do you want from me?" I asked, my voice shaking with fear. "We want revenge," one of them said through our mind link. "Revenge for what?" I asked, confused. "For what you did to our packmate," the other one growled. I remembered the incident they were referring to. I had accidentally injured one of their packmates during a training session. I had felt terrible about it, but I never thought they would hold a grudge for so long. "I'm sorry for what happened," I said, trying to reason with them. "But that was an accident. I never meant to hurt anyone." "You expect us to believe that?" the first wolf snarled. Before I could respond, they both lunged at me. I tried to fight back, but I was outnumbered and outmatched. They cut off my fur with their claws and one of them revealed his canines, trying to dig them into my skin. I was about to give up when a stranger appeared out of nowhere and started attacking the wolves. I took the opportunity to take to my heels and run out of the forest as fast as I could. When I finally made it back to my father’s packhouse, I transformed back into my human form and snuck back to my room. I was shaking with fear and adrenaline, my heart still racing in my chest. I knew I had to be careful from now on. The woods were no longer safe for me. As I sat in my room, trying to calm down, I couldn't help but wonder who the stranger was and why he had saved me. I knew I had to find out. But first, I had to make sure I was safe. I tried to ignore the pain searing through my body as I wiped the blood from my face. I couldn't let anyone know that I had been attacked, not now, not when I was so close to finding my mate. I took a deep breath and tried to calm my nerves, but my heart was racing and my palms were slick with sweat. I had been looking forward to the annual mate ball for months, but now I wished I had stayed in my room. I felt exposed, vulnerable, and alone. I knew I was the only Princess Eleanor Mabel Jacob at the party, but it felt like everyone was looking at me, judging me. "Look at her, she's so muscular. She's been training like a man," one pack member whispered to another as I made my way to the dance floor with Ruth. "I heard she's still mateless. What's the point of her being here?" another said. I tried to ignore them and focus on the music, but their words echoed in my head. Just when I thought things couldn't get any worse, the bullies who had attacked me earlier appeared at the party. "Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up," the leader of the bullies sneered. My heart sank as I saw them, and I felt a knot form in my stomach. I tried to avoid them, but one of them yanked my hair backward, almost pulling it out of my scalp, and slapped me hard across the cheek. "What do you want?" I asked, my voice barely above a whisper. "We just wanted to remind you that you're nothing without your mate, Princess," the bully said with a cruel smirk. "I don't need a mate to be strong. I am strong on my own," I said, my voice shaking with emotion. The bully laughed, a cold, cruel sound that sent shivers down my spine. "We'll see about that," he said, before turning and walking away with his cronies. As I turned around to leave, I accidentally tripped over one of the bullies' feet, crashing into a large cart of cake being pushed into the room by a group of maids. The cart tipped over, sending the cake flying everywhere. I felt the eyes of the entire room on me as I stood there, covered in frosting and humiliated. I couldn't take it anymore. I ran out of the packhouse, tears streaming down my face. “Eleanor!!!” I heard Johnny’s voice. All this wouldn’t have happened if he had shown up at the party earlier. I ran into the horse stable with my blue dress covered with cake, my heart pounding in my chest. I had to get out of there, away from all the eyes watching my every move. My favorite white stallion was waiting for me, and I quickly mounted it, wiping the tears from my eyes as I led the horse out of the stable. The warriors tried to stop me, but I was too quick for them. I rode out of the packhouse and into the night, my long blonde hair streaming behind me. Johnny joined me on his black horse, trying to catch up to me. "Ellie, where are you going?" he asked, but I ignored him, my eyes focused straight ahead. The moon was high in the sky, casting a pale light over the pack. The trees were tall and thick, casting long shadows across the dirt road that led to the dark forest. I was driving around the tracks that led to the forest, my heart racing as I felt the danger looming ahead. Suddenly, our horses got spooked, causing us to fall off. I hit the ground hard, with a thud. My breath was knocked out of my lungs, leaving me gasping for air. As I tried to get up, I saw that we were surrounded by thugs. My heart pounded in my chest as I realized the gravity of the situation. Johnny tried to protect me, but we were outnumbered. One of the thugs stepped forward, wearing a golden mask that made it impossible to see his eyes. I froze, feeling like I was staring at death itself. “Give us everything you’ve got,” the thug said in a menacing voice. I tried to stand up, but my body wouldn’t cooperate. I was terrified, feeling helpless and vulnerable. The thug seemed to have sensed my fear, but he didn’t seem interested in me. Instead, he had another female thug point a sword at my head while he robbed us, stripping us off the jewelries and gold we were wearing. Johnny and I tried to fight back, but we were no match for the thugs. They threw a smoke bomb that covered everything with fog, making it impossible to see anything. As the fog cleared up, we were left alone in the forest, bruised and shaken. “What just happened? Who were those people?” Johnny asked, his voice trembling with fear. “I don’t know,” I replied, my voice shaking as well. “But I’m just glad we’re alive.” As we gathered ourselves up and rode back home, I couldn’t shake off the feeling of unease. My wolf had screamed in my head, calling the thug her mate. I cut my wolf off, scared by the fact that she was calling a street thug our mate. I felt violated and vulnerable, wondering what other secrets my wolf was keeping from me. “We need to be more careful,” Johnny said, breaking the silence. “We can’t let this happen again.” I nodded in agreement, feeling grateful that I had someone to share my fear with. I knew that I had to be stronger and more vigilant, especially now that my life had been threatened. I walked through the empty living room, past the scattered cups and plates, and made my way to my father's office. My heart was pounding as I approached the door, unsure of what I might find on the other side. As I pushed open the door, I was met with a surprising sight. There, standing in front of my father's desk, were the two bullies who had made my life hell for the past year. They were flanked by two warriors, holding them by the arms as my father scolded them. "I can't believe you would do something like that," my father said sternly. "You have no right to treat anyone like that, let alone my daughter." The bullies looked miserable, their faces flushed with shame. I couldn't help but feel a sense of satisfaction at seeing them finally get what they deserved. "S-Sorry, Alpha," one of them mumbled. "We didn't mean to cause any harm." My father shook his head. "It's too late for apologies. You've caused irreparable damage to my daughter, and for that, you will face the consequences."
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