4 “Why me?”

2088 Words
Mystic stopped in front of the door and stared at her. There were tears in her eyes. Mae felt guilt work through her. She shouldn’t have said that, she thought closing her eyes for a second. She walked to her sister and pulled her into a hug. “I’m sorry. Ever since I woke up, I’ve been feeling everything so acutely as if I am stuck in the past and just drifting along in the present. I don’t know what to do about it,” she said as she tightened her arms around her sister. “I didn’t mean to take out my frustrations on you.” Mystic pulled back and stared at her. She blinked away her tears. “I might not have been there for you when you needed me, Mae. But I am here now. I want to be your sister now. Please let me. Let me help you. Whatever you need, I’ll do my best so you can get it,” Mystic said. Mae stared at her. She didn’t know what to say. She wanted so many things, but she didn’t know how to put them into words. She wanted to be happy, she wanted her heart not to ache whenever she thought of Larson or Vicker. She didnt even know why it ached, where he was concerned because he put fear in her heart. She wanted so many things that couldn’t be easily given. “Maybe…maybe if we find your mate you wouldn’t feel the way you’re feeling now. Maybe you're longing for him and you don't even know it. And Vicker being under the same room is not helping either. If we find him, the vampire wouldn’t be a threat to you. I know his presense weighs on you,” Mystic said as if she was reading her mind. But finding Larson? How would she do that? The last time she saw him was when he and Celeste were convincing her to help them take their revenge on Vicker. Mae shivered as she thought of the vampire’s glowing eyes. If she hadn’t gone to the vampire's nest she wouldn’t have met the vampire. Mae’s heart clenched painfully in her chest. She couldn’t think of the vampire and not feel like she was having a mini heartache. She didn’t understand the kind of hold he had on her. “Maybe finding him would help,” she told Mystic. She was tired of feeling like this. She wouldn’t mind having Larson’s calming presence around her. She might not have spent much time with him before she agreed to go and kill the evil one the elders used as their weapon, but she learned that his presence was calmed her. He made her feel centered and anchored. Mae wished she had time to be with him – she had time to give herself to him before agreed to go. “I’ll talk to Kalan. He’ll asked Maverick or Marcus to help too. Do you remember the name of his pack?” “The Silvermoon pack,” she said. But she didn’t remember where it was. The land was beautiful and had this dreamy atmosphere that made it almost unreal. “Alright,” Mystic said touching the circles under her eyes. “You’re not sleeping. Or eating.” “I’ll try to eat today,” Mae said giving her a reassuring smile. Mystic nodded, and then turned to leave. She suddenly turned and looked at her. “We should go and see Dr Madison, she might have something that could help you sleep,” she said. Mae paused. She didn’t think she could handle a sleeping sedative. She didn’t want to be trapped in her dreams. He will surely come for her if she couldn’t wake up. “I’m fine,” she said smiling brightly. She tried to think of a reason to give her, so that she didn’t drag her to some doctor. “I’m still getting used to being awake after sleeping for so long. I guess I slept for a lifetime.” “But you fell asleep as soon as you lied down in that bed the first time we came back,” Mystic said fully turning to stare at her. Mae’s smile froze. f**k, she could never fool her sister, how did she forget about that. “Uhhh…yes,” she said. She narrowed her eyes on her. Mae stared at her feet she didn’t want her to know that the vampire was creeping into her dreams. Mystic might go down there and kill him. A part of her, she didn’t understand didn’t want that. She should want him dead. But…Mae shook her head. She didn’t understand her own emotions. It was like she was two people living in one body. “I guess I could go and see her. It wouldn’t hurt,” she said. Mystic smiled. “We’ll leave after breakfast,” she said walking through the door. Mae sighed, and walked back to the bathroom. She took a quick shower and then got dressed. She made her way to the dining hall where everyone gathered to have their breakfast. Mystic called her to her table. She sat with Kalan and Oren. Kalan looked up as she came and sat at their table. He warmly smiled at her. He was like the big brother she never had. “Mystic told me that you want to find…” he said trailing off looking slightly uncomfortable. Mae understood. She was somehow mated to two males of different species. She didn’t know how it happened either. She blinked her eyes as a sudden rush of memories filled her mind. She shook her head, and focused on Kalan. “I mean your mate.” Mae nodded. “His name is Larson. He was the alpha of the Silvermoon pack.” “Do you remember anything distinctive about him that maybe we could use to find him?” he asked. Mae blinked as a vision of Larson standing before her appeared right before her eyes. One minute she was staring at Kalan and then the next she was standing with Larson at the edge of the forest. His beautiful log house was behind them on the hill that overlooked the open land at the bottom. The land was dotted with tree stumps where someone went through with a saw and cut them down. “It used to be beautiful here. The old trees that grew here were very big, and old they looked alive - I mean they were alive yes, but they looked like they were the guardians of the forest with their thick branches spread wide and green leaves covering the land below. But the vampires came. They attacked us out of nowhere, killing and taking the strong werewolves that fought and stupidly showed their strength to them.” “Where did they take them?” she asked as she stared at the scared land below. The stumps that were left looked desolate. Mae could feel their pain. “I don’t know. That’s what I need you to go and find out. They attacked us with the intention to stay here. They cut down the trees in order to make their nest. But at the last minute they left, taking my werewolves away,” he said taking ahold of her chin and turned her to face him. Mae shivered. She waited for the feeling, for her wolf to acknowledge him as her mate. She could feel it deep inside her but she was waiting to hear it. “Why me?” she asked him, even though that was not what she wanted to talk to him about. She didn’t want to talk about revenge or any other thing. She wanted to know if he felt the pull, she felt deep inside her. She felt like she’d met her mate. Larson stepped close to her. “There was a prophesy that my mate will be the one to bring us out of the darkness. She will save me and my people, becoming our Luna and lead us into a new and joyful life. I’ve been waiting for you, mate.” The last word he said so softly Mae felt her heart stop at the sound. “Mae?” Kalan asked. He waved a hand in front of her face. She blinked her eyes. “Are you alright?” “Yes,” Mae cleared her throat as she stared at the eyes at the table focused on her. Mystic looked worried and a little scared. “I’m fine, I promise,” she said even though she wasn’t so sure anymore. The memories only came when she was asleep, not when she was sitting in a room full of people and talking to someone. “Eat something then,” Mystic said as if she was daring her to say that she couldn’t eat because she wasn’t fine. Mae picked up her fork and started to eat. She forced herself to eat all the food on her plate. Once she was done, Mystic stood up not giving her a chance to get up and walk away from the table. It was like she thought she would run away or something. But she won’t. She agreed to go see the doctor. “We should get going,” Mystic said as she came to stand beside her. “Yes,” she said as she got to feet. They walked out of the room and made their way to the front door. There was a black SUV waiting for them in the driveway. Mystic got into the driver’s seat, and Mae rounded the car to get into the passenger seat. Mystic started the car, and they drove down the road. They past the invisible barrier and drove in silence for a while. “Do you space out often?” she asked. Mae clenched her jaw. She should have known that she would ask her as soon as she had her alone. “No. That was the first time,” Mae said. “That was scary,” she said visibly trembling. “For a minute there your eyes looked vacant. As if you were not sitting right there with us.” She shook her head as if she didn’t know how to explain what she saw. “What were you thinking about?” “I was not thinking,” Mae said. It was more like she was relieving a memory of her and Larson. It was strange. She could understand her, dreaming about her memories, but not being pulled back into her memories. She could feel the emotions, and feel the breeze that had touched their skin that day. She could feel his touch, and the shiver that ran through her. What the hell was happening to her? “If you were not think, what were you doing?” Mystic asked. Mae stared at her. She didn’t want to stress her out and so she lied. “I was talking to my wolf,” she said. “We haven’t gone on a run lately. She’s feeling unsettled so I was consoling her. I guess I must have gone too deep when I was talking to her. She’s a needy wolf.” Mae felt a little guilty for saying that. Nayla wasn’t needy. She was a strong wolf who saw her through everything. Mystic relaxed as she glanced at her. “You scared me,” she said. “I’m sorry,” Mae said reaching out to touch her arm. “I won’t do it again. I promise.” “No. You should talk to your wolf. Your relationship with her is important. I was scared because you were frozen in your chair and didn’t respond when Kalan was trying to get your attention. He thought something bad happened to you. But I’m glad it’s nothing,” she said. She fell silent as she focused on the road. Mae bit her bottom lip. Fuck, she hated lying. But since she woke up, she’s done nothing but lie. She wished she could go back to being normal again. They drove for a few minutes, and then Mystic turned onto a road that led to a house in the woods. “The doctor is here?” she asked as she got out. “Yes, Dr. Madison is a werewolf like us. She’s takes care of the werewolf in the area. She’s very good.” Mystic said and walked up the steps. Mae sighed and followed her.
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