Love in the Air

491 Words
When Lisa retuned, Cindy was waiting for her at the door. As soon as Oliver left Cindy came running towards her with a cunning smile “Who was it?” “Stop it, he was just my boss. I was late so he just helped me out. Now get in I am tiered, let’s sleep.” Next morning she was there on time, fulfilled all her paperwork and then started with her work. Her first day was excellent; all of them were impressed by her work and appreciated her. She was happy with this job and gave 100% to her work. Oliver was impressed by her and wished on spending a lot of time with her to know more about her. He had never wished to know about anyone this bad so he tried all the means to come closer to her. For the next whole month he would find a way to spend some time with her, giving her ride home or inspecting the kitchen. In a month they both were quite close to each other. He used all his methods to make her happy so Lisa eventually fell for her. She used to cook for him and they mostly had their dinner together. The head chef had returned and he agreed to work in cooperation with Lisa so her work went smoothly. After a month Oliver went to see her sister with a problem and he thought the best person who could give her the solution was his elder sister. They sat on the couch; Oliver stared at her sister hesitant to speak so she started the conversation “Stop staring me and tell what you have to tell. You have been staring at me for last 5 minutes. Either stay it or leave.” “Ok, actually I want to ask you something.” “Was that not the reason of visit, now say it.” “I have fallen in love but how should I tell her.” “I knew it, take her out and make it special. I will help you to make it special for her. Even better bring her to my place.”   Lisa was with her Cindy to tell her the reason of her happiness. “Cindy, I have paid the bank loans and now I have enough money to open my own restaurant. I am so excited.” “That is great I will help you out and work at your place, I am tiered of this job.” “Off course, you are my best friend. You have to stay by my side for your whole life.” “Alright that is a different story, tell me what is going on between you and your boss. It seems to be a completely different story, what is it?” she asked in a suspicious tone. Lisa blushed before answering “I think I have fallen for him.” “I knew it and when were you planning to tell me. After getting married.” “Don’t be mad, I don’t know anything yet. I have to focus on my dream.” “Make wise choices, it is getting late I will leave first then.” “Okay bye. Take care.” “You too, bye”            
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