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It had been a month since Cindy rejected Oliver and she felt sad at the fact that he didn't even try to reach out to her but she ignored that sad feeling and focused on the good thing that was on it's way. She had her flight the next day and she was packing her bags at night, she made sure to pack all the important things. Although she was excited, she still get something missing inside her heart but she kept ignoring that feeling.  After she was done she lay down on her bed to sleep which she had not been able to do people for over a month now bit she still tried. As soon as she closed her eyes and was about to drift off to sleep, she heard some loud noises downstairs. She was shocked at who was the person who was screaming in the middle of the night. She was just wearing her night gown which was completely see-through but at this moment she didn't care and didn't even realize that as she rushed out.  Her eyes widened "Oliver!" He moved closer to her but she stepped back "Why are you doing here?" He smiled and spoke "I wanted to see you." His body was swaying badly, he had no control over himself, his hair were totally messed up and his shirt was torn, Cindy looked at her shocked "What the hell is this, you are drunk and a complete mess. " He ignored her statement and spoke as he moved closer "You know, I love you." He took one more step forward but stumbled but Cindy caught him in time and gritted her teeth "Oh my God." She knew it was useless taking to him here and it would wake all the people up if they stayed there so she helped him into the house and made him lie on the bed while she turned around to go and sleep on the couch but he held her wrist. She turned around to see that he was crying "I missed you, I don't wanna leave you, please let me stay." Her heart clenched but she let out a sigh and placed a hand over this cheek "Alright, I am right here ,just go to sleep." With that he pulled her down and made her lie next to him hugging her close to his chest. She had no choice but to give in and lie next to him. She set her alarm and went off to sleep and this was the best sleep she had in a month.  The next morning, she got up early because she knew she would have to deal with this man before leaving so she quickly got dressed and did her last minute packing when Oliver sneaked behind her and asked in a broken tone "Are you going somewhere." She took in a deep breath and turned around "Yes" He stepped closer to her and looked deeply into her eyes, his voice soft and broken"When will you return?" She didn't give in to her feelings and said with a straight face "Never" Oliver walked upto her but she stepped back "You need to leave because I have to lock the house and go to the airport." Oliver didn't stop he moved forward "Cindy, you know I love, I have been a total mess. I thought I was strong enough to get over you but I can't get you out of my mind. Whatever I do, I keep thinking about you." Cindy swallowed at his words "I don't care what you feel, don't ruin my life, I am already over you." Oliver came closer to her so that she was locked between the wall and his chest, he placed his hand on her waist and the other hand cupped her face, his thumb creased her lower lip. She could not keep it up for long if he kept doing that, she was at the edge of giving in and then his hands rested at the back of her neck and his thumb was replaced by his lips. Cindy closed her eyes and tears rolled down them as he kissed her passionately and hungrily as if she was some kind of food he had been missing and now he wanted to eat it to his heart's content, he parted her lips with his tongue and moved it deep into her mouth. His tongue moved to every part of her mouth.  Cindy was not ready to give in bit his kisses made her weak,  her hands went into his hair and she began kissing him back. They stood there kissing passionately and after they parted, the silent room was filled with the sound of their heavy breathing.  Oliver picked her up by her waist and threw her on the bed and then landed on top of her, Cindy knew she had to take the situation under control and not give in to her desire. She slapped his face and pushed him away and without tears in her eyes she shouted "LEAVE" Oliver didn't move, he stood there frozen, his chest was heaving up and down with desire, anger and passion. He pushed her to the bed again and this time he held both her wrists over her head with one hand then he got rid of her clothes with the other and began to kiss her neck, he bit her leaving marks all over her body, she bit her lower lip trying her best not to let out any moan from her mouth.  She closed her eyes realizing how badly she wanted him, she wanted to get rid of his clothes and make love to him but she could not do that "Let go of me, you filthy person." Oliver looked into her eyes and then he finally spoke "Where are you going?" "It's none of your business." "I am going with you." "Are you gonna go again your parents wish." she let out a small laugh but he looked at her seriously "They have always been there for me so I can't leave them but yes I will go against them because I love you so much." His grip on her wrist had loosened so she freed herself and got up "Oliver to be honest, I don't want to give up on you but my dreams are really important to me but they mean nothing to you because you could not even stand up for me so please leave before I come back." saying that she went to the washroom to wear a new set of clothes and then she headed to the airport because Oliver had already left. 
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