Betty's visit

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❌ Do not copy or share to any platform ❌     It is a bright Saturday’s morning. The bird's voices are heard over the entire town. Mrs. Evelyn and Joyce are at home, being engaged. “Good morning mum,” Joyce said. “Good morning, my treasure. How was your night?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “It was nice, mum. And yours?” Joyce said. “It was also nice. No nightmares,” Mrs. Evelyn said with smiles. “That is good, mum,” Joyce said. “I want to go outdoors to start washing clothes. I want you to finish tidying up the whole place in a jiffy,” Mrs. Evelyn said and left the room. “Okay mum,” Joyce said.     Mrs. Evelyn is washing clothes outside, while Joyce is tidying up the whole house. Joyce starts by washing the used plates, sweeping the floor and later cleans the rooms. “You are done?” Mrs. Evelyn said as she saw Joyce coming out of the room. “Yes mum. What other thing do you want me to do?” Joyce said. “Will you mind joining me in the washing?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “I need to make fire and start preparing breakfast,” Joyce said. “Oh! See me. I have forgotten. You can do as you wished,” Mrs. Joyce said. “Alright mum, Joyce said and went to gather fire woods for food preparations.     As mother and child are engaged, Betty comes to their house. “Good morning, ma,” Betty said. “Good morning my daughter,” Mrs. Evelyn said and Joyce chipped in. “My own Betty, you didn’t forget my residence,” Joyce said. “How will I forget so soon?” Betty said with smiles. “Do you know each other?” Mrs. Evelyn said perturbed. “Yes mum. Have you forgotten Betty?” Joyce said. “Which Betty?” Mrs. Evelyn said in confusion. “The Betty that we attended the same Primary school together,” Joyce said. “(Places a finger on her lips as if she was mesmerizing)  Oh? The same Betty I know?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Yes mum,” Joyce said with smiles. “I can now remember. I have forgotten her face. How are you my daughter?” Mrs. Betty said. “I am fine ma,” Betty said. “You are really fine. See the way you are looking elegant, fresh and robust,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “(Laughs) Mum, why the exaggerations? Me that everyone calls skinny,” Betty said. “Then those people are being jealous. How things fall apart! How is mum and Dad?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “They are fine ma,” Betty said. “That is good to hear. It's been very long we crossed paths. Do you still live in this town?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “No mum. I now live in United States of America (USA)” Betty said. “Wow! How lucky you are. Have you finished from secondary school?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “ Yes mum. I now attend Oxford University as an undergraduate,” Betty said. “That is very good. (Faces Joyce) Some burnt smell her emanating from the pot you kept on the fire,” Mrs. Joyce said. “Jesus!!!” Joyce said and rushed to where she was cooking. “Funny girl,” Betty said and laughed. “My daughter. What brought you to this town?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Actually, mum, we are on holiday. So, I came to stay with granny. It’s been seldom of me though,” Betty said. “That is good. You obviously came to say hello to your friend, I guess?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Yes mum,” Betty said. “That is nice Dr,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Can I join you in the washing?” Betty said. “Thank you my Betty, but don’t stress yourself. You are now an American and you know Americans don’t work anyhow,” Mrs. Evelyn chuckled. “(Laughs) Don’t be stereotyped about the Americans mum. They are also hard-working. I insist you allow me join you in the washing. I am a good laundress,” Betty said. “Never mind Dr. Go and meet your friend,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Okay mum,” Betty said and walked to where Joyce was cooking. “Well done cook,” Betty teased. “The certified one though,” Joyce said with smiles. “Can I join you in the cooking?” Betty said. “No Dr. Go indoors and rest,” Joyce said. “It’s been long I cook African dish. Please, let me assist you in this?” Betty said. “Why are you lying. You've been with granny for days and I am sure it’s you that now prepare the meal,” Joyce said. “Which meal? Granny don’t allow me to cook oo. The octogenarian always do her cooking by herself. Granny is a good cook you know,” Betty said. “You are right. But she ought to allow you do the cooking for the time you will use with her at home,” Joyce said. “Well, she said she doesn’t want to stress me or give me harsh treatment,” Betty said. “If that is what she wants, then nobody can change it,” Joyce said. “Can I join you in the cooking now?” Betty said. “Sure,” Joyce said. “Thank you darling,” Betty said. “Welcome Dr,” Joyce said.     Joyce and Betty were engrossed in the cooking. Soon the meal was ready and everyone gathered to eat. “My daughter, you will have to manage with us. I don’t know we will have a visitor,” Mrs. Evelyn said “No problem. This meal is part of my favorites besides,” Betty said. “Wow! In that case. Let’s bless the food. Father in Jesus' name,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Amen, Betty and Joyce chorused. “We thank you for the food you provide for us, we say be thou exalted. Many have foods, but they can’t eat, many can eat but have no food. We thank you because we have food and we can eat. Be thou exalted in Jesus’ name. We cover our food in the name of the father, son and the Holy Spirit. Thank you Jesus for an answered prayer. In Jesus’ name we have prayed,” Mrs. Evelyn said.     Everyone ate their food gently after the prayers. Soon, they emptied the plates. “Thank you mummy for the food,” Betty said. “Welcome Dr. Thank God instead,” Mrs. Evelyn said as she pricked her teeth. “Alright mum,” Betty said. “Mum, let me take the plates away,” Joyce said and took the plates away. “My daughter, hope you have been enjoying your stay in this town?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Yes mum. Granny has made me felt at home. She has been my joy giver,” Betty said. “What a good testimony about granny. Greet her for me when you get home,” Mrs. Betty said and Joyce came to sit down beside Betty. “Okay mum. I am sorry for Dad’s demise,” Betty said. “Mmm…, thanks Dr. We have learnt to move on. It has not been easy though,” Mrs. Betty said sadly. “Sorry for the loss. Joyce will make you proud someday,” Betty said and looked at Joyce. Joyce nodded in affirmation. “Amen. My husband was a good man,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “I don’t know him very well, but I know he was a good man,” Betty said. “Mr. Davies, my husband was an elementary school teacher. He has taught in many school in this town before he got work as a primary five teacher in Cross Nursery and Primary school. The wit was the best teacher ever so he became the envy of every other staff. Mr. Davies was also known to be persistent in doing good. The head teacher summoned him one day. “Good afternoon, Mr. Davies,” the head teacher said. “Good afternoon sir,” Mr. Davies said. “How has been your day sir?” the head teacher said. “It has been fine sir. And yours,” Mr. Davies said. “Fine. The proprietress asked me to give you a letter,” the head teacher said and handed an enveloped letter to Mr. Davies.     Mr. Davies collected the letter and it reads: Dear Mr. Davies,                           Letter of promotion.       I write to you today to notify you that you have been promoted.     Over the years, you have displayed your right attitudes toward work by being regular to work, being punctual, being devoted and rendering a selfless service. We see that you will be able to head a bigger post, so we have made you the assistant head teacher.     We look forward to hearing your perceptive on this.                                                 Yours faithfully,                                                 Mrs. Juliet, the proprietress. “Wow!!! I am speechless,” Mrs. Davies said euphorically. “Congratulations sir,” the head teacher said with smiles. “Thank you sir,” Mr. Davies said. “I can’t wait to see you work with me. I pray the Lord will help us to function well,” the head teacher said. “Amen, sir. What next?” Mr. Davies said. “Nothing. You can go to your classroom now,” the head teacher said. “Alright sir,” Mr. Davies said and left the head teacher’s office.     A celebration was done to commemorate Mr. Davies' promotion. However, Mr. Davies was not aware that there were wolves in sheep's clothing.     Some jealous staffs sat in the staff room to gossip Mr. Davies one day. “That man, Mr. Davies, thinks he is hyperactive in this school,” Mrs. Joan said. “Just leave the man. He will be put to shame one day,” Mr. Alfred said jealously. “Amen. And the unrewarding proprietress thinks she has reached her resting place. I am deeply sorry for her,” Mr. Charles said. “Just leave her alone. We have been teachers in this school for long and are not given any promotion. Shockingly, someone who has only used few years in this school was given promotion. Corruption everywhere,” Mrs. Christiana said. “God must judge the indifferent proprietress and the management at large,” Mr. Alfred said. “Amen!!!” the teachers said.     However, Mr. Davies became sick. It was a minor one for that. Surprisingly, he passed on days after. “What a world!” Betty shouted. “You are right Dr,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Where you able to find out the cause of his death,” Betty said. “Yes Dr. We went to a prophet who told us that some personalities are envious of my husband. So, they went to the extent of terminating his life,” Mrs. Evelyn said sadly. “Oh my God. Mr. Davies' place of work colleagues must have hand in his death,” Betty said. “No one knows Dr. But God will expose those devil’s cohorts someday,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Amen,” Betty said. “There is always a reason for our plights and trying times are transformation time,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Mmmm…, wise words,” Betty said. “I pray we shall not be face with challenges beyond our abilities,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Amen,” Betty said. “I hope you have not stayed beyond what you planned for?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “No ma. It’s been long I saw you last. I shall be on my way in a jiffy though,” Betty said. “Okay Dr. I want to be on my way to the shop now,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Alright ma. May the Lord grant you great sale,” Betty said. “Amen,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Mum, do you need my service at the shop?” Joyce asked. “No Dr. You can stay at home with your friend. Besides, I have gotten someone who assists me in the shop,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Okay mum,” Joyce said. “Joyce, make sure you remove the pegs and pack those clothes in when they are dried,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “I will do that mum,” Joyce said. “Good. Also, prepare something for me to eat in the afternoon when I come back from work,” Mrs. Evelyn said and stood up to leave. “Alright mum,” Joyce said. “Good. I'm gone. Take care of your friend,” Mrs. Evelyn said and left the sitting room. “I hope you are enjoying your stay here,” Joyce said. “Yes, darling,” Betty said. “I think I have to go now,” Betty said. “Okay Dr,” Joyce said. “Yeah. See you some other time. Lest I forget, I am going back to United States of America in two days' time,” Betty said. “Alright Dr. I am missing you already,” Joyce said and the two friends hugged each other. “Do you have a mobile phone now?” Betty said. “No. Mum said she would get an Android phone for me soon,” Joyce said. “I wanted to keep you posted. Do you have access to mummy's phone mobile phone, so that you can have my contact?” Betty said. “Yes,” Joyce said. “Okay. 08067…,” Betty said. “I will call you soon,” Joyce said. “Okay Dr. I want to go now,” Betty said. “Let me see you off,” Joyce said and the two Friends moved out.
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