Joyce and mum

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    ❌ Do not copy or post to any platform ❌ It is a bright Saturday’s morning. Mrs. Evelyn is sitting outside preparing the food while Joyce is inside doing the house tidying and cleaning.     The whirlwinds starts moving around, dust is everyone. The weather has suddenly changed. Soon the rain started. Mrs. Evelyn leaves the food she is cooking and runs inside. “Mum, I hope your clothes are not wet?” Joyce said. “No Joyce. I hate rainy season,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Mum, why would you say such? As for me, I like rainy season. At least no mosquito bites, so one sleep soundly,” Joyce said and looked at Mrs. Evelyn's face. “Actually, rainy season is good. During the rainy season, crops grow very well, but rain can be disturbing you know,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “I wish human beings are thankful enough. During dry season when mosquitoes are over the place, everyone complains. During wet season they also complain. What do they want God to do again?” Joyce said. “My Dr, you are right. God knows the reasons for the seasons. I pray my food don’t get burnt on the fire,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “It won’t mum,” Joyce said as she cleans the television. The rain should stop on time so that I can go and wash plates outdoors,” Joyce said. “I don’t think I can wash clothes again, because I am late to shop already,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “You can do that tomorrow after church service,” Joyce said. “Alright Dr, have you tidied the bedroom?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Yes mum, I did that before coming to the sitting room. After I have finished tidying the sitting room I will go and clean the toilet and bathroom,” Joyce said. “That is good. Well done,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Thanks mum. I think the rain is subsiding now,” Joyce said. “Yes Dr. It didn’t rain heavily though,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Mum I want to go and clean the bathroom and toilet now,” Joyce said. “Alright Joyce,” Mrs. Evelyn said. (Joyce walked away)     However, the rain has subsided. Mrs. Evelyn goes outwards to check what she was cooking. “Oh my goodness. The rain has extinguished the fire, I need to rekindle it,” Mrs. Evelyn said and walked inwards to take matches.      Soon, she comes out holding a box of matches. She rearranged the fire woods and replaced wet fire woods with dry ones. Mrs. Evelyn rekindles the fire. The fire woods are not burning fast, so Mrs. Evelyn looks for a cover of bucket to improvise hand fan. The fires starts burning very fast as Mrs. Evelyn blows. “Mum, I have finished the cleaning,” Joyce said and puts the tray of unwashed plates and cups on the ground. “So soon? Well done Joyce,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Thank you mum. I have checked the whole place for detergent, but I could not find it,” Joyce said. “We don’t have detergent soap again. Go inside and bring my purse,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Okay mum” Joyce said and walked away. “(Collects her purse) take this one hundred naira. Go and buy klin soap,” Mrs. Evelyn said and handed the money to Joyce. “Okay mum,” Joyce said and left.     Mrs. Evelyn carries the pot of food inside and places a pot of warm water on fire. “I am back mum,” Joyce said immediately she entered. “Where you able to purchase the soap?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Yes mum,” Joyce said. “Please, be meticulous in the use of the soap. I will use it to wash clothes tomorrow,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Alright mum,” Joyce said and walked away.     Joyce washes the used plates and cups simultaneously. She carries the tray of cleaned plates and cups inside afterwards. “Mum, your water is hot now,” Joyce said as she entered the sitting room. “Okay Dr. I will go and have my bath after I finish eating this food,” Mrs. Evelyn said. “Alright mum,” Joyce said and walked away with the cups and plates. “Go and serve your food” Mrs. Evelyn said immediately Joyce came out. “Let me do that mum,” Joyce said and walked away. (Joyce comes out with a bowl of porridge) “I hope the food is not cold?” Mrs. Evelyn said. “(Sits) No mum,” Joyce said and started eating the food. “I want to go and have my bath now,” Mrs. Evelyn said and stood up. “Mum, it’s been long you told me moonlight tales,” Joyce said. “I will tell you one when I come back from shop,” Mrs. Evelyn said and left.
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